Finding Regina (5)

"Timothy, why are you invading my personal time with Aurora?" Regina questioned him since he was walking behind her and Aurora. "Don't you have something to do?"

"There's a werewolf, witch, and whatever Aurora is on my land. Of course, I am going to follow you. If the King was still alive, he would have me hung for-"

"Aurora, do you know I could have been queen?" Regina loudly spoke over Timothy. 

"Really? How?" Aurora asked.

"Timothy was chosen to be the next king and he would accept it if I didn't mind being his queen. If I was normal, I would have taken the chance to become a royal. I always felt like I was meant to be a queen on the inside," Regina placed her hand on her chest.

"You can still become queen. No one has to know what you are and having someone like you as queen will help people like us be safer. You can stop hunters from going after people like us. It is something you should really reconsider Regina," Aurora suggested.