Chapter 14 - Old friend

Without hesitation, Gordon immediately chose the first option in the [Information Technology] branch. He still didn't want other organizations to easily copy his creations.

Of course, his PDA wasn't something super important, but his future developments should definitely have an impact on this world, his personal pride just doesn't allow him to think of another way to develop his abilities.

Thinking about the bonus from the biology section, Gordon spent a lot of time. On the one hand, it would be nice to improve his combat capabilities with a third bonus, on the other hand, the first bonus also looks good.

But to eliminate most of the defects, Gordon can even without spending bonuses. To do this, it is enough for him to visit some gene clinic. On top of that, his current reflexes are already enough to fight, even if he can see the whole world in even more slow motion, it will not strengthen him much.

But the second option sounds interesting. If he understands the explanation of the system correctly, then he will be able to build the same models as when creating any other equipment. For him, it's just great. He is sure that Sianna would sell herself into slavery for such an ability.

Therefore, Gordon, with a slight movement of thought, chose the second option, after which he moved to the Physics section.

All three bonuses for Gordon are absolutely incomprehensible, even with explanations. The first bonus sounds like something that will allow him to regenerate his stamina faster.

What to do with the other two bonuses? Gordon doesn't know. Therefore, with a quick movement of thought, he chose the first bonus.

Having dealt with this enterprise, Gordon was about to take off, when suddenly the ship's scanner detected a large energy flash.

Looking out the window of the ship, Gordon saw in the distance a huge spherical plasma explosion, which, like a bright sun, illuminates this dark night.

"Looks like the military has started to act seriously….or they have encountered something very dangerous."

In any case, this did not change Gordon's plans much. Over the next month, he was busy getting the science points he needed, on top of that, Gordon is still a mercenary, so the people he met happily paid him to save their lives.

Thus, Gordon was able to make good money. Unfortunately, this could not last long. He noticed that by the end of the month, it became increasingly difficult for him to find living people, and opponents became less and less.

It seems that the actions of the military to exterminate this catastrophe are effective.

Having delivered the last passengers to the military base, Gordon immediately repaid the loan. He still has two million hard-earned credits left in his account.

Yet war has always been a lucrative business. While in his ship, Gordon looked through various information on the galactic network.

And although a month has already passed, the wave of fame of the disaster on the planet is still at its peak "The Military Commissariat confirmed the information that an alien artifact became the cause of the outbreak of the virus"

"President of the Association of Archaeologists who accepted political asylum in the Empire…"

"The CEO of LuxPuls said that the company has already developed a vaccine for this virus, and is now undergoing clinical trials"

After flipping through several media articles, Gordon set about looking for a suitable place to invest his own funds and start his company.

Now he has the technology, the skills, the tools, and a working prototype of his invention. All it lacks is production capacity.

Of course, there are still nuances with the supply of material and the search for distribution channels, but this is not the most important thing now.

While Gordon was searching, he suddenly received a signal on the comlink. Gordon thought for a while, and pressed the button for accepting the signal "Hi Gordon, this is Adam"

Stanfield was surprised at first, then delighted. "Adam, I'm glad to hear you. I tried to contact you, but they told me that you are now a very important and busy big shot."

Adam laughed "If you have enough time to joke, it means that you are doing well"

Stanfield smiled." Of course. I have my own spaceship, I travel through space and save beautiful alien girls."

Adam snorted, "Is that what Michael taught you? Can you get out of your ship already and we can talk normally?"

"I have a better idea. Come to my ship," Gordon replied.

After a while, the old friends chatted cheerfully with each other. Finally Adam sighed. "Being a soldier is not as easy as I thought. Killing living people infected with a virus is not as easy as killing bugs."

"But it is necessary. Or you them, or they you, no other is given, "Gordon answered

"I was mentally prepared to see how my colleagues die, but to see how people eat each other, it's too much" Adam said with longing in his voice.

Gordon cheered up his friend "But apparently, everything is going for the best? There are fewer and fewer infected people. Soon this planet will come back to life again."

Adam replied "Indeed. For the past month, we've been going on missions every day without rest. But it brought progress in this situation."

Gordon asked "What's next? Are you still forced to stay here?"

Adam shook his head "No. I have already been rewarded and promoted, and also assigned to the colonial scientific group. In a week, I will leave this system and go to the borders of the Republic."

"Wow, joining the colonial corps is very prestigious. They say that all participants will be given a lot of free land" Gordon was surprised

Adam smiled bitterly. "This only applies to big shots. Soldiers simply receive cash rewards. But it's also not a bad career opportunity, so I'm excited."

Gordon smiled, "That's right. You always have to stay realistic, but without a positive attitude, nothing will ever work out."

Suddenly Gordon got up from his chair "Oh! Do you remember, in my messages, I wrote to you that I am developing a new device"

Adam nodded. "Yeah, you mentioned something like that."

Stanfield ran to his workshop and then quickly returned with the PDA "This is my last and final version of the PDA."

Turning on the PDA, Gordon showed Adam a dark screen that gradually lights up with a soft purple light. The [Nigma] emblem appeared - a circle with a pair of diagonal stripes, a person inside, who has spinning gears built into his head.

Proud of his creation, Gordon said, "This is a personal digital assistant or PDA from [Nigma]. Equipped with the latest quantum communication chip, which was also developed by the company."

"This PDA allows you to establish high-quality communication with any galactic network located no further than 50 systems. Also, in an emergency, the PDA can send an SOS signal up to 100 star systems away."

"In addition, it has a built-in comlink, browser, camera, voice recorder, flashlight. Has built-in memory up to 24 terabytes, with the possibility of expanding memory"

"I can go on praising my PDA, but it will take too long. Inside there is an instruction with all the functionality, I think you will figure it out"

Adam nodded thoughtfully, then fixed the PDA on his arm. Gordon said "For security and confidentiality purposes, my PDAs are equipped with 4 step security system, namely: Password, fingerprint, eye scan and DNA scan"

Gordon pressed several times on the screen of the PDA, after which Adam felt a slight prick "I immediately set the maximum security level, the PDA took a sample of your DNA, then scan your eye, fingerprint and set a password"

After some time, having figured out the security system, Gordon continued to teach Adam how to use the PDA "I tried to create an intuitive interface, so it's very easy to figure it out"

"And now the most important thing" Gordon held out a metal rectangle that looked like a floppy disk

He said "What you have in your hand is a standard Civilian model, and what I am holding is a detachable module called [Research module]"

Adam looked inquiringly at his friend "And what is he doing?"

Gordon smiled, inserted the module into the PDA connector, after which the boot menu appeared on the screen. After a few seconds, the download was completed and a new application was installed on the screen. "This module includes a scanner on your PDA that allows you to examine objects unknown to you and compare them with the [Nigma] database. Also, if this object is not in the database, you can add this information"

"As you know, information costs money, so in the future, superficial information will be free, and you will have to pay for more detailed data"

Adam, under the guidance of Gordon, turned on the scanner and aimed it at his friend, after which the screen displayed

[Biological species Homo sapiens belongs to the genus Homo from the family of hominids in the order of primates of the class of mammals]


[Life habits…]


Adam then moved the scanner to part of Gordon's ship.

[Metal structure, composed of carbon steel, low temperature ceramics…]

[For a more detailed analysis, use the Chemistry Module]

Continuing to scan Gordon's ship, Adam said, "That's amazing, Gordon! If the colonization group finds out about this, they will throw money at you to get this thing. And not only them, I am sure that many will appreciate this thing"

Stanfield smiled. "I'm glad you liked it. Unfortunately, the database is not completely ready yet. I transfer the main information from the galactic network, the rest will have to be filled in by users"

"By the way, in addition to the Research module, I also have a Chemical, Police, Medical. I still have a few other modules in my plans, but that's later."

*Ring* Suddenly, a beep sounded from the PDA, Adam looked at the screen in surprise, and then frowned "Hmm, I have to go, we are being quarantined, after which I will leave the system"

The friends shook hands warmly, after which Stanfield's friend said, "Thank you for the gift, I'm even somehow embarrassed that you give me such good things, and I'm empty-handed"

"We're friends, but for me it's just one PDA. And besides, I hope that you advertise my product" Gordon smirked.

Saying goodbye to a friend, Gordon was again alone on his ship. But he did not lose heart, because if his friend liked his PDA, then he did everything well.

Therefore, he again returned to the search for a suitable place to invest his few investments.

He mainly looked for planets that have recently begun colonization, as the government provides various subsidies for entrepreneurs on newly discovered planets.