
The first thing I felt upon waking up is that I'm small. A lot smaller than I last remember being. It was disorienting.

The last I remember, I was a 23 year old student who was biggest fan of dbz i certainly remember

the first time i saw dbz was i was of 12 years of age I was a boy 11pm at night it was so much fun to watch the episode of the Dragon Ball z my first time was an episode of saiyaman saga . i also watched Mcu and some dc movies and other stuff also !

and I was going to college by bus. There was an explosion. And then I'm waking up here. Did I lose my legs or something? Was that a terrorist?

No. I can feel my legs just fine. Slowly, I get up out of the bed I'm laying in and take a look around. I observe my surrounding its well a luxurious room but suddenly my eyes land on windows I see an Reflection of a midget alien body with demon type horns on his staring my way at this point sudden memories started coming to my head of the most of the years of planetary destruction supernovas death beams used for murder done by Lord Frieza genocide done by PTO its soldier's introductions to monkey savages by father who calls themselves warriors and the other of my early days of the birth.

The first thing I did was to have a good breakfast of course I was starving.

Shall the Universe be ready for its New Lord Emperor Frieza the cosmos most powerful person!