
Berryblue is not afraid to speak her mind to Frieza, no matter what her opinions are. It also appears to be former Frieza was much more lenient with her behavior than he is with anyone-else, As she was emperor's childhood nany .

BerryBlue floated next to Frieza, "May I ask you something, my lord?" Frieza remained quiet for a few seconds before saying anything, "What is it?"

BerryBlue proceeded to ask her question with a smirk, My Lord "When did you started training , why didn't you informed your father of destruction of of planer vegeta? ?"

Frieza was about to speak, getting interrupted by the sudden appearance of one of his men, "Sir! You have to see this!"

Frieza raised a finger, shooting a beam directly through his chest.

The man fell, revealing another warrior standing behind him, shaken by the dead body before him, "I hate when I'm interrupted. You'd better have a good reason for entering the way you did."

The man tried to calm himself, slowly walking towards Frieza, "While we were looking out at what remains of this planet, we noticed something."

I hate killing but after killing so many people I am apathetic to it so i must confess i dont nesssesory enjoy it but i am not abot throw up every time.

what is is You already know what to do with stowaways from dead worlds. Deal with it," frieza grumbled, his eyes turning back .

"Forgive me, My Lord , but there is an report of an invasion by slug sire and your father The king cold is coming tomorrow here to see you my lord .

Frieza made a face at the news : Yes so have you been listening to scouter transmission of the saiyans have been you doing it .


Upon his throne, Slug's hand delved into a bowl of pills, all of them designed by his doctors to reduce his aging. As he placed them in his mouth and began to swallow, his physiology always made him almost gag at their intake. The meaning of life itself, began to pester at his mind. What did it even mean to be alive? What was the point of this journey he'd been placed on, upon the hatching from his egg?

Perhaps it was to pass on who you were to another generation? His successors were his students, in a way, as well as his slaves in another. But all of them were hollow copies of a greatness they could never hope to achieve. Even now, in his advanced age, he was leaps and bounds stronger than his underlings. So, did he fail? Or had they been born into such failure. The Super Namekians had been the greatest force in the universe. Now… now it was just this…

When I die, my legacy dies with me.

. Frieza, an upstart if he'd ever seen one, had destroyed most of the galaxy has been trying take invasion to his empire so he has to unwillingly retaliate even in his pitful condition he had to find a way to get his youth about one way or another hmmm.