



there was only A lone figure stood watch on a planet far from where any mortal could reach. His long flowing antienas rustled slightly in the wind.

If any man had seen him, especially with his purple skin, the figure would have been thought of as a mere alien.

But this figure is far from such a simple alien. He is the a god and protector of the entire universe, the guardian of the entire northern quandrant.

Atlast, with a frown, he blinks his eyes and turns to the side. "The time has come. The threat of Frieza, if left unchecked, will grow to encompass more than just a single section of the galaxy." he said in a quiet tone.

"The resistance against Frieza's forces are simply too outmatched them in every regard they have superior number and power and the resources .even the most Power members of Galactic patrol cannot seek frieza forces for an dual that will end badly for them or should say deadly but even then galactic police is trying and using there forces to uphold the justice and peace throught the galaxy !

Then his companion monkey makes a noise

he lives with a monkey named Bubbles and a motor-mouth grasshopper named Gregory who couldn't stop talking haa ahaaa.

But one good thing has came out of these all thing is Lord Beerus going to a big nap may he sleep atleast more than an century Lord Beerus has been rather active of as of late i feared what would have happened if he did not go for his godly sleep . he remembered the day it was like yesterday it was in the age 451 the God of Destruction Beerus stopped by and they played hide-and-seek and car racing video game, Beerus' dislike for King Kai's food. Beerus lost it and then the planet was destroyed by the peeved God of Destruction.