
She kept her hands on her head for a moment before lifting her head to look at Sherin who was staring at her. 

"What do you think of this, Sherin?" Ashley asked, shaking her head slightly and pushed away her plate of food, suddenly losing her appetite. 

She knows Sherin wanted to say something even after all they both talked about this. 

She was with her from yesterday and she kept mum from the time that happened but busted out suddenly and yet, she tried to be as polite as she can until now but didn't leave Ashley's side.

She was thankful for that and she knows how Sherin analyses small details in the situations which sometimes Ashley doesn't think of and she knows Sherin will never lead her in a wrong way. 

"I don't know, Ash. But I don't think your boyfriend is being honest. No offense but I just said what I think." Sherin said honestly as she sipped her coke.