You really got me this time

Inside the mana-gathering array chamber, Liam first started with the two new potion recipes that he had purchased. 

Though these were completely new recipes that he had never attempted before, the instructions for creating the potion were rather elaborate, especially when compared to the recipes available inside the tutorial. So he was easily able to make a good batch on the first try itself. 

The efficacy of the potion increased with the second batch, and by the time he was done with the third batch, the potion was concocted to perfection.

The first hour quickly passed by as Liam managed to finish about 5 batches of each potion which amounted to a total of 30 sets of each potion.

In all honesty, he expected the fairy to bust open the chamber door right about now, but for some reason, that did not look like it was going to happen.