Planting Dao seeds like its nothing

Meanwhile… inside the trial space…

Liam silently meditated pondering the insights he received. His mental clarity at the moment was at its highest. The entire world had faded away leaving behind only the hammering sounds.

It was as if everything in his mind was connecting. Since he never had formal training in smithing, he had learned everything on his own and now he was correcting all the errors here and there in his path.

The monolith before him, which had previously trembled and vanished to the eyes of the elves, was still very much present in Liam's perception. 

It stood tall and radiant, not as a physical structure, but as a series of intertwined concepts and principles of the Dao that he was slowly grasping one after the other.

With the elf steadily making progress in his forging talent, Liam was obtaining all the benefits one after the other. It was as if the answer sheet was opened up in front of him.