Chapter 3

The clauses household was completely silent. Aurora stared at the sealing that night unable to sleep. She thought pensively about what her grandmother had said earlier. None of it didn't make much sense. But the thought of her grandmother slaughtering an innocent animal made her sick to her stomach.

She took what the woman said into deep consideration. But even the thought of seeing a deadly half beast and half human sounded hilarious. But her grandmother was dead serious about training the two girls. However Violet was fragile and sensitive. She wasn't the perfect match for the task. Aurora on the other hand was rough and lacked the necessities of a female.

Over the years she was bent and groomed into the cold-hearted monster her grandmother wanted. They planned to turn her into a killing machine. But unlike them, she was smart and intelligent. She knew they were up to no good.

She had the techniques and proper training but her heart was the most difficult to harden. It was the only thing she had to remind her the world wasn't a dangerous place but instead the people who live in it. She knew the real monsters were her grandparents. Aurora was just a child and it was her parent's responsibility to care for her.

Her mother was against her training but she was only insulted on many occasions. It was at that moment Aurora realized my grandparents weren't fond of Ella. Her parents didn't have a healthy relationship either. It all started back when her grandparents showed up. Her father had to oblige to whatever he was told to do. That scared Aurora because her father was once a loving husband and father.

Aurora and her older sister grew apart because of their differences. Violet was interested in pink dresses and make-up. While Aurora was interested in outdoor chores and hunting. But in their village, it was forbidden that a female engages in masculine duties. They were expected to carry out household duties as housewives. Women were not trained neither were they properly educated. The leader of their humble village believed if females were properly educated they would try to compete with the males. He believed females were weak thus they wouldn't be able to carry out their duties effectively.

Aurora despised the man despite not knowing him. But she knew he wasn't fully responsible for making the laws but instead their unknown king. No one in their village knew what the man looked like. They could only paint a picture in their minds of his he would look. It was rumored throughout the village that he was cursed by a witch. Others gossiped that he was ugly and others said he was the beast of the forest. None of those stories made sense to Aurora. She believed the king was a selfish bastard that enjoyed bleeding everyone's pocket dry. They had to pay taxes that got higher and higher every year and all the money went back to their evil king. The people of the village became poorer and their evil king became richer. For survival, most had to be thieves to provide for their large families. These poor individuals were imprisoned if they couldn't afford to pay their taxes. The villagers lived in fear of their king. No one was brave enough to utter profanity against him.

Aurora's family faced a difficult time. Her dad walked out on both her mom and sister never to be seen again. Their grandparents were murdered by a wild animal but the villagers said it was the beast. Aurora knew better than to believe in this conspiracy. Even though they endured a rough year they were forced to pay taxes and put food on the table. Ella engaged in criminal activities to provide for both her children. Over the years she became ill thus she was unable to provide the basic amenities. Aurora decided to get a job but she was rejected multiple times due to her gender until she stumbled upon a flowers shop owned by a man from the middle class. It was quite a distance from her home and the wages were small. It was better than to marry a man she didn't know and she couldn't stand to see her mother rot in prison in her sick state.

She was looked at with jealousy by most females while others looked at her with pity. A lot of females desired to be in her shoes but their lives weren't their own but instead their parents. Aurora believed everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions. But her village was a disastrous place. They deprived people of their rights. Aurora knew the only monsters that exist were people like their king who makes all their laws. She never once thought about killing anyone, but she felt the urge to rip the king apart and feed his remains to the dogs. But wouldn't she be considered a monster as well? She didn't care she would rather be called a monster that relieved the villagers of their problems than to have a cruel and vicious man using the villagers to carry out his evil deeds. The thought of the monster enjoying a luxurious life in which he hasn't worked a day in his life for made the girl's blood boil. She thought of him eating expensive fruits and vegetables while the villagers went days without a proper meal. But nothing lasts forever. It was only a matter of time before he got cut down from his high horse.