Chapter 11

Violet sprang from the bed as if it burned her skin a scowl embedded on her face. Her cold gaze landed on Aurora.

"What do you mean by it's not my time?"

"I mean your significant other will find you when the time is right." Aurora shrugged trying to find the right words. She did not want to upset her older sibling any further, knowing she could easily turn into something vicious in a matter of seconds.

Violet frowned deeply. "I'm almost twenty-one years old and no man has ever glanced in my direction twice." Her voice was weary as she spoke. she slumped onto the edge of her squeaky bed and released a breath.

"That's not true, Violet," Aurora said as memories of how Felix placed his undivided attention on Violet. The boy would trail behind her like a lost puppy hoping she would notice him. But Violet was too preoccupied with her beauty to take notice of the boy.

"Tell me the name of one man that ever noticed me." She folded her arms and puckered out her cheeks.

Aurora placed her hands under her chin and thought. She didn't start on a good foot with her sister and she didn't want to upset her more than she already has. She was beginning to regret even starting the conversation with her in the first place but she couldn't turn back now could she?

"Rajasthan?" She found herself saying.

"He was stingy, selfish, and ugly. Not to mention the fact that he was broke."


"He went running for the hills after a couple of days. I think he was disgusted by mother."

Aurora glared down at her sister when her mother was mentioned. She hated the fact that Violet always blamed their mother for everything that happened in their lives. Aurora knew it was just bad luck that left them in their current living situation. She couldn't go around blaming people for their misfortune.

"Do you ever think that maybe you did something wrong?" She asked knowing Violet could be an insensitive and hallow majority of the time. She was self-centered and only talked about what was best for herself. Of course, men would run for the hills after meeting her.

Violet sat in front of the wooden dresser and brushed her shoulder-length blonde hair. She admired her reflection for a few seconds before her green eyes went round and her mouth fell open.

"It's me isn't it?" She looked over at Aurora who was seated at the edge of her bed through the mirror. "I am the reason no man will ever look in my direction."

That's what I'm trying to get through your thick skull. Aurora wanted to say but she couldn't summon the courage to even open her mouth, knowing violet would be down her throat quicker than she could even cry for help.

"Violet turned away from the mirror, her face clouded with disappointment. " My appearance is very hard to look at. I still wonder why this mirror is still intact and shards of glasses aren't scattered across the floor."

Aurora shook her head and a laugh threatened to leave her lips but she couldn't. Not in front of Violet knowing she would make a big deal out of it. She wasn't fazed by her sister's reaction since she had to put up with it every day of her life. Over the years she was able to improve her acting skills by faking reactions around Violet.

"Tell me the truth Aurora."

"No, you are not ugly Violet," Aurora said knowing exactly where the conversation was heading. Most of her life was like a CD left on repeat. Thus she knew what her sister was expecting her to say but what she said next left her blank.

"Then why are men running away from me if I'm not ugly?"

She rocked her brain to the max but she could not come up with anything that would make Violet feel any better about herself. Her eyes widened as realization struck her like a jolt of lightning, she now understood the meaning behind her sister's behavior. She had poor self-esteem which is the reason she never really leaves the house anymore. Thus, the blame was pinned on their mother. She felt guilty for even thinking Violet was selfish and hallow when truly she was probably trying to protect herself.

What was she trying to protect herself from though? Nothing that left Violet's mouth made any sense to her.

What puzzled Aurora was the fact that men were running away from Violet instead of approaching her. Violet was beautiful and innocent. Why would men run away from her?

She thought of a logical reason why men would run from Violet. Maybe her beauty was too much for them to take in?

Maybe they realized they went good enough for her? None of them made sense to Aurora.

"What do you mean men are running away from you?" Maybe she didn't hear Violet vividly or maybe she forgot to mention something logical to her.

"They approach me with a smile and the next thing you know is that they stare at me as if I have two heads after I introduce myself to them. Then they run off as if I grew horns on my forehead.

Aurora wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. All the hurtful things she said to Violet came back into her mind. An emotion she knew all too well began to consume her. She couldn't find any words that could be used to better the situation. She felt fully responsible.

Her mouth opened for a few seconds but no words came. Her mind was like a blank canvas page waiting for new ideas to be painted on it. But all her ideas and thoughts seemed to be locked and the keys were thrown away. She couldn't meet her sister's eyes. Because she knew they were filled with pain. Tension invaded the room so thick the small room appeared too small to house two individuals. Aurora felt cluster phobic and felt as if her breathing would stop any moment. She fought hard to control her breathing in which she was unsuccessful.

" Are you alright?" Concern dripped from Violet's voice as she spoke.

No, I'm not alright. "Yes."

Silence fell between the two.

Violet decided to break the silence that was becoming unbearable for her.

" I think they heard about what happened to our family."