Chapter 27

Aurora ran as fast as her feet could take her, away from her employer's shop. She knew working for him came with risks, but for her family, she would risk anything except her virtue. Her employer's touch felt like insects crawling on her skin it felt disgusting. She couldn't get it out of her mind. Even though she was saved once again by someone her mother wanted her to marry, she couldn't stop thinking about how far her employer was going to take things with her.

This time she knew for sure there was no going back to that place. It was stupid of her to work for him after he assaulted her multiple times. She looked down on her bruised wrists and tears began to flow like a river as she fell to her knees in the middle of the woods.

She felt as if the world was on her shoulders and everyone was expecting only one thing from her. Something she wasn't ready for. What did she do to be in such a situation?