Chapter 31

She heard talking but it sounded so muffled. She couldn't make out what the voice was saying. A grown left her lips when she tried to move her hands. Pain coursed through her body and her head felt like it was being hammered. She tried to open her eyes but her vision was blurry. Was I dead? She thought to herself. 

There was no other way to explain the agonizing pain she was feeling. She was expecting to feel the coldness of the ground and complete darkness but what she felt was warmth and comfort. She could also see fractions of light from under her heavy eyelids. 

Another groan left her lips and she grabbed her pounding head and forced herself to sit up. 

"She awake!" She heard the surprised voice of her sister before she was embraced with a hug. 

"Thank goodness." Ella sighed and rushed to aid her sick daughter. " Relax honey, you bumped your head pretty badly."