
"What drink was it?" Seth interrupted Natasha while she seemed to be deep in thought.

"You should know you're the ones who put something in my drink." Natasha said as the

anger inside her grew.

"Natasha please just tell me what you drank and give me a couple of minutes of your time

and if you still think we are nuts then we leave you alone, ok?" Seth said with an

honest smile that made anyone smile with.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Natasha said waiting to hear him say that she

had though out loud.

"It's my unfair advantage." Seth said with a crooked grin that looked more like a child

trying to charm someone into buying him a new toy or that he hadn't broken that


"OK so instead of a number between one and a trillion, why don't you just read my

mind and find out what I drank?" Natasha said trying to annoy them into letting her go

although she wasn't chained to anything; she didn't see herself hand standing to


Natasha's legs began to shake and they became warmer. She jumped up meaning to bolt

for the nearest exit but somehow she ended up clinging to the ceiling fan. Seth jumped

up gracefully and landed softly next to her. Well if this wasn't real she didn't know

what was anymore. She could feel the fan with her hands and knew it would hurt if

she let go. This might be like when you think you're drowning only to discover you're

on the shallow side and just needed to stand. Nobody can hang like fruit or bats from

a ceiling so they must be tricking her. Sam took her one hand off the fan. The sudden

lose in grip made her fall from the very high ceiling. Natasha landed firmly on her feet.

That alone was rather a novel idea but she couldn't catch a rolling ball, never mind

land so gracefully. She had her hands over her ears as though that would have made

the crash less. There was a method you developed as years passed and you embraced

your clumsiness. Firstly you had to admit you had a problem and then let disaster do

its thing while you covered your ears and eyes.

The next step involved slowly opening your eyes to face the chaos. Natasha was on this

step and opened one eye slowly and then opened both wide as she looked around her.

They all stared at her and then burst out laughing and went towards her.

"Leave her!" A women's voice said from somewhere in the room. The whole room

went quiet and everyone bowed their heads slightly. The good humour and fun

everyone was having seemed to be sucked out of the room and heaviness replaced it.

Natasha had no idea who this woman was but she felt like someone's mom had just

caught her and her friends out doing something wrong.

"You think this is just one big joke. Just because you are used to this doesn't mean

you treat it as something normal. Every time there are more of us we risk our lives.

Do any of you know what it is like to be killed as a vampire? You were young whenthey found your father and tortured him to death. Finally Natasha saw who was speaking.

She was a very elegant woman who looked to be in her early forties but after today

Natasha was sure she was probably born in the forties. She had such anger in her voice it

started to affect Natasha physically. The women turned to her and she just knew she was

going to be sick. The women smiled then and Natasha felt better almost instantly.

"I'm sorry child I forgot my manners. My children shame me with their actions and I

sometimes let myself indulge in a tantrum. The women reached her hand out to Natasha

and she took it out of both relief and fear. "Tell you what, shall you and I go out on

the town, I haven't had fresh opinions around me in years and you could use a mature

role-model. Natasha only realised a moment later she had got down from the ceiling, but

how. The women seemed to make a person do what she wanted and make them forget

it. Seth and Andrew walked Natasha to a very lovely room upstairs that she shared with a

very quiet girl named Rain. She had the nicest umbrella and used it often to walk

around in the Rain. She had picked her name herself. Her parents had been killed after

they had been accused of having an evil child. Oh but they forget how the same child

had saved their crops by finding water at the age of two. Those with the water element

were intuitive and enjoyed being alone. She had to admit since she had been here she

liked company again.

She had hated humans ever since. She had been raised by them and it had been good

but they had robbed her. She wasn't a Trigger she was born like this. Her parents were

meant to teach her how to use her gift. Instead she had thought she had lost her mind

when she had made water move. Being in her teens at the time had made her feel

more then a little powerful. She had freaked the humans out and had said she would

kill them all. She hadn't of course but it felt good to see them all as insecure and

helpless as they had made her. She had joined the Triggers to try to turn a new leaf.

The world she had lived in had been constantly violent and cruel. She still carried it

with her but didn't feel so much guilt anymore. It had changed her though. She had

made the long journey to find the water village. She had fallen in love with the place

at first sight. She felt at home with the others even though she had hate where they

had calm and anger where they had focus.

A few hours later Natasha was having the time of her life with the women who hadn't

introduced herself. She didn't want to ask either and spoil the fun. For a women who

came across as the motherly type,she had the nature of a collage student out to have a

good time. Natasha was just about to say something when the sounds hit her ears.

The bells and machine sounds, the coins spilling out of the machines as people won.

Natasha got up and walked towards the casino not too far away from the bar they were

sitting in. Suddenly Natasha felt like she just had to give it a try. The women followed her

as Natasha walked mesmerised to a machine and sat. She noticed money next to the

machine and took it in her hand. She looked around to see if anyone was looking and

then realised she actually didn't care if she got seen or even caught. After a lifetime of

caring deeply what others though of her to the point of it causing her that extra bit of

stress, the bit that could just push you over the edge. Sam didn't think why there was

money waiting for her, or had it been placed there? Natasha got bored with thinking of it

and placed the money in the machine.

Every time she pressed the button and the wheels spun a little excitement coursed itsway through her. The money was almost finished and it saddened Natasha that her chance

had gone. There was a last spin left and She was almost at the point of bursting into

prayer. Pressing the button Natasha held her breath as one wheel stopped, the second one

the same, the third one…the odd one out.

Natasha stared at the traitor of a third wheel.

"No wonder they call something unwanted a third wheel." Natasha said to whoever was


Natasha got up and went to walk away when she spotted a coin lying on the


She picked the coin up and decided to try one last time. Then she put the coin in the

machine and pressed yet again. Once again the first wheel set out what she needed to

win, then the second wheel again giving her hope. Natasha closed her eyes and imagined

just for that split second what it would be like to win.

She could hear how the bells

went off, the people gasping as they realised and started excited chatter.

Natasha opened

her eyes and watched how people gathered around her.

"Why are these people staring at me?" Natasha asked the women who was still with her.

"You just won quite a bit of money." The women replied calmly.

Natasha looked up to see what 'a bit of money' was. That bit turned out to be quite a few

millions in fact.

"Natasha there's one more thing, your training starts tomorrow after the match." And

with that the women turned around and walked away. Natasha didn't know if she should

follow her or stay put; it wasn't like she didn't have the money for a bus ticket.


tried to figure out what the women might have meant. Her brain felt hot inside her

head as though she had just overheated it. Natasha almost ran in the direction the women

had gone and found her in the gift shop admiring a very lime-green T-shirt.

"Hey what did you mean by training exactly?" Natasha said as she put her hands on her

knees to catch her breath. The women raised an eyebrow and leaned her head to one

side like a dog trying to figure out where a sound had come from. She had never seen

someone so unfit. All the trainees they had had so far were all in top form.

"Well it's a combination of fitness and skills development but its best we don't go

into all that with people around. Now go enjoy the money you've won and I'll see you

in the morning."

This time Natasha just watched her go. What was she going to do now? She had always

wanted the freedom to do as she pleased but now that she had it she was clueless as to

where to start.


Jake went inside the fast food place for the tenth time to fetch yet another milkshake.

The Prince loved martial arts and had been practising for his presentation in order toreceive his Trigger Sword. To make sure he could practise for days on end he made

sure to use the last thing that had fed his body before his death.

The last few hundred years he had been keeping him strong, healthy and immortal on

chocolate milkshake. The last one he ordered was a peppermint milkshake; it was her

favourite. When he had met her she had walked over to him with her peppermint

'shake and had taken one look at his chocolate one and said. "Chocolate and mint

were made for each other." She had been the most beautiful women he had seen and

had searched for only to come up with nothing. He had given up years ago and now

and then owed himself to get sentimental. It was probably normal to think of your life

when you were going into a situation where you could lose it.

Henry looked over to The Prince and smiled. They had been friends since a very

young age and had become the prince's guardian at the age of five. Henry had

strength but unlike most that did he possessed amazing speed. The King had been

more than happy to take the child in but Henry would only accept if he wasn't given

special treatment and as long as he had the freedom to go wherever he wanted, he was


Years back Henry had been wondering through the woods trying to find a bite to eat

when he had smelled fire and fish frying. He had expected to steal something to eat

and to return to the shelter he had made for himself. He wasn't a poor kid stuck in the

bush left to fend for him. He had left his family when they started to get scared at his

abilities. He had convinced them that he had been accepted into a high-class boarding

school and went home when the school holidays came around.

The sun was almost setting and Henry had tracked down the cause of the delicious

smells. He swooped in and grabbed the fish and was about to make his way back

when Henry felt that something was not right here. The sound of a sword being

unsheathed echoed around him. Turning back he walked over to the man and young

boy who seemed to have fallen asleep under a huge oak tree near the waters edge.

Why would they have started a fire and then slept? Common knowledge tells you that

you never leave a fire unattended. Henry went over to them to see if they weren't

injured, when he heard that sound. Someone was now standing right behind him and

that someone had just drawn his sword. That sound was the last thing Henry had

heard before he died. It caused that one DNA strand to jump into life, to go against

natural laws by dying in an unnatural way. Most of those born with the strand would

never know they had it but for those who were robbed of life too young, there was

The Trigger.

He wasn't meant to be there then. The woods only went so far and Henry had stepped

into a different world without even knowing. He had been dealt with like other

intruders were dealt with no hesitation and it didn't help that he had approached The

Prince either.

Natasha stiffened as she prepared for the impact of the floor but it didn't come. She lay

on the floor and looked up at the ceiling. The dust and pieces of ceiling falling to the

ground along with the ceiling fan she held against herself like a teddy bear, meant she

had been up there and she had fallen. Natasha got to her feet slowly and waited for pain

to tell her how badly she had been hurt. There was nothing, not even an ache. What

did cause a little pain was that she had torn her t-shirt. It had been her favourite for the last five years.