
'Hot! It's so Hot!'

The girl, Qiao Ning Xi, opened her eyes but she was surprised as she was surrounded by darkness. Her hands and feet were tied in the bed. 'Where am I? and why does my body feel so weird?' she tried to calm herself down and think about what she should do because this is the first time she had experienced something like this. Suddenly the dark room lit up as the door opened and a couple could be seen entering.

"You're finally awake. You should know that a lot of people are waiting for you. They're bored and they really want you now. You're so lucky." The woman said while hugging the man.

When the girl heard the woman's voice the nervousness she felt before disappeared. But when she heard what the woman said she could not explain how she felt. She was confused but gradually everything became clear to her.

Before she passed out she remembered that she was eating with her sister, Qiao Hua and her fiance, Gui Han. Qiao Ning Xi and Qiao Hua were orphans adopted by the same wealthy family, Qiao Family.

Before they were adopted, the two were close to each other as if they were real sisters and inseparable. Mrs. Qiao, the woman who adopted them tried to separate the two but it didn't work so she just adopted them both.

Originally, she planned to adopt a daughter to connect the Qiao Family and the Gui Family through marriage. She chose Qiao Ning Xi because of her beauty and everyone knew that the Gui Family prefers beauty than anything else. Then she intends to marry Qiao Hua off to a family that was richer and more powerful than them.

Madam Qiao prefers Qiao Hua because of her intelligence, beauty, social skills and confidence. If you compare Qiao Ning Xi to Qiao Hua, everyone will prefer Qiao Hua.

She looked at Qiao Hua and asked "What are you saying? Hua Hua what's happening?"

Qiao Hua didn't answer him and just smiled at her mockingly. Gui Han came out and when he came back there were 2 men in 50s in front of him.

One of the men, Director An was fat, bald and obviously didn't know how to take care of his face. Even if he takes care of it it won't overshadow the fact that this director is a pervert.

While the other is director Han. He has a daddy bod body, his height is considered short around 5'3 and he has an average appearance. Others may be attracted to his looks and fashion sense but he is known in the industry as a sadist director. People working in the entertainment industry avoid him because whether it is an errand boy, agent, assistant, actress or even an actor once he became interested in them, He will have them one day.

"Director Han, Director An, Qiao Ning Xi is waiting inside and we made sure she is still clean and pure." Said Qiao Hua. She bowed to them when she saw them entering and happily looked at Qiao Ning Xi.

The two directors looked at the girl tied at the bed full of lust. Anyone will notice that the eyes of the two old men are full of lust that is disgusting. Qiao Ning Xi's face darkened as he looked at the look given by the two.

Qiao Ning Xi's beauty is considered once in a million years. But because of the scar in her face and she never knew how to take care of herself her beauty was hidden.

Qiao Hua is interested at the new film project by Director Han and Director An. She wanted to be the female lead but since both directors are perverts once they saw her they wanted to have her. As an actress handling those directors was considered the end of their career so she made a deal. They liked her because of her figure and beauty but no one knows that Qiao Ning Xi is more beautiful than her that's why she sold her.

Before Qiao Ning Xi looked dull but while she was unconsious Qiao Hua changed her dull clothes into something sexy and glamorous. The scars on her body and face were covered with foundation. While Qiao Ning Xi's long bangs and hair were cut and with a little bit of make up. The normal Qiao Ning Xi finally shows her beauty.

Director Han walked over to the bed and touched the girl's face. "I didn't know there was a woman who is so beautiful. As long as she satisfies us, your position as the female lead is secured." You can see in Qiao Ning Xi's eyes and face the disgust.

"Thank you, Director Han. I assure you, you won't regret it." said Gui Han. Qiao Hua was so happy that she kissed him.

Hearing and seeing all this, Qiao Ning Xi can't help but to cry. She wanted to asked them ' Why?'. If it wasn't because of her body was drugged she would have slapped and yelled at her. Unfortunately, she doesn't even has the strength to talk. Every ounce of her strength was disappering all because of the drug they feed her. One was her sister for 15 years while the other one was her fiance. Nobody knows how hurt she felt right now. She understood why Gui Han can betray her since he was force to engage with her just like her but Qiao Hua is her sister. They have known each other since they were a baby. They grew up together. They were together in every trial and they faced it together. SO WHY?

Then she realized she was so stupid. How stupid she was to the point that she didn't even suspect Qiao Hua. It is true that she treats Qiao Hua as a sister but that does not mean that Qiao Hua treats her the same. If Qiao Hua treats her like a sister why would she do it? Now she realizes and remembers that Qiao Hua treats her as a servant and not a sister. She always gives Qiao Hua everything she wants. She always become Qiao Hua's scapegoat when she caused a mess. She's the one sticking to her. It's all her fault for being a fool. As she thinks about everything that happened before and her stupidity, her crying grows louder. Betrayal. infidelity. Destruction. Stupidity.

The couple said goodbye and left. One by one the two old men undressed and began to ruin her.

'It hurts. So disgusting. I hate it. I hate it!'

For Qiao Ning Xi those few hours were like living in hell. She couldn't do anything but to close her eyes and pray that these people who ruined her would go to hell. Every time they touch her, she wants to kill them. Every touch were disgusting. She wants to kill herself but when the two realizes that, they stuff a cloth in her mouth to prevent her biting her tongue and killing herself. She couldn't believe she wanted to commit suicide. It's because of them, they wants to ruin her.

After they were satisfied they put on their clothes and left as if nothing had happened.

Qiao Ning Xi couldn't stop herself from crying and shaking. She was a mess, a total mess. She wanted to take a shower, to rinse all of it away forever. She wanted to vomit. She had never felt so disgusting in her entire life. They made her hate her own body.

A minute later Qiao Hua entered the room with a maid behind him holding a glass of water. When Qiao Hua entered she saw Qiao Ning Xi's appearance and state she couldn't help but to smile. 'Finally, You're ruined.'

She walked over to the side of the bed and took the water from the maid. "How was it? Did you enjoy it? I bet you did." She sneered. When Qiao Ning Xi heard Qiao Hua's voice, she opened her eyes and glared at Qiao Hua. What a hypocrite. She wanted to kill her. No! She wanted her to experience what she had experience and much worse.

Qiao Hua saw her glare and laughed out loud. "I know you hate me but what can you do? Ah! right! Here drink this. You still need to serve others." She forcefully opened Qiao Ning Xi's mouth and let her drink the glass of water with a drug.

'What? I still need to serve others? I need to go through that hell again?' Qiao Ning Xi was surprised. She thought that's the end of it. 'Why? Why couldn't you guys let me off? I hate myself! I hate myself for being so stupid to actually treat you as my sister!' She yelled at Qiao Hua. Obviously, Qiao Hua didn't understand her but still looked and smiled at her full of mockery.

"Oh! They're here." Qiao Hua said after hearing someone knocking at the door. The maid opened the door then a group of men walked into the room and Gui Han was with them. There were about 6-8 men in the group who all looked like a gangster. They are all scary at the same time disgusting. Some of them were holding a beer and cigarette.

Again. These men are trying to ruin her. Some were undressing while some were touching her. They completely untied her from the bed and she tried to resist but her strength wasn't enough against these guys. "This is my gift to you Ning. Happy Birthday, Ning Ning!" Qiao Hua walked toward her and both of her hands touched Qiao Ning Xi's cheeks. Qiao Ning Xi was disgusted hearing her nickname coming at Qiao Hua's mouth.

Qiao Ning Xi saw the bottle of the bear on the floor near her. She force herself to get the bottle then smash it on the ground and tried to kill Qiao Hua. Qiao Hua stood up before Qiao Ning Xi could stab her.

Unfortunately for her, even though Qiao Ning Xi wasn't able to kill her. She still manage to ruin Qiao Hua's face. You can clearly see 3 long and huge wound on Qiao Hua's face and it will clearly leave a huge scar. The wounds were from cheek to nose. Qiao Hua an actress and a 16 years old girl it is like the end of the world.


The shout made everyone stopped in the room and looked at Qiao Hua.

When Gui Han saw the wound on Qiao Hua's face he was furious. He ran toward to Qiao Hua and Qiao Ning Xi and once pulled out a gun behind him. He pointed the gun at Qiao Ning Xi and he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the room.

Qiao Ning Xi could not react. She was surprised and at the same time relieved that it was all over. When the bullet penetrated her body, she looked at the couple. Qiao Hua was crying while holding her face and Gui Han was panicking and comforting Qiao Hua.

Qiao Ning Xi was glad that even though she wasn't able to kill Qiao Hua. She was still able to make Qiao Hua's life miserable.

Her body collapsed and she felt like she was gradually losing her consciousness. Then finally she closed her eyes.

'If ever God give me one more chance to relive my life, I will make sure to make their life a living hell. I want my REVENGE.'