White lotus sister

2 male students from 6th grade and Qiao Hua with 2 girls entered the cafeteria. Some guys are staring at her full of admiration. Qiao Hua looks cute and pretty, even when they were in the orphanage Qiao Hua looks cute already but she became cuter and pretty when she was adopted and used some beauty soap to whiten her skin.

"Sister Mui!" Qiao Hua ran toward to the table where a beautiful girl full of elegant air is sitted. The girl is Fei Mui, one of the popular girls in 6th grade and she always rank 1 in the 6th grade. She is also the daughter of the Ceo of a real estate company, Qinghan Company.

"Hua Hua you're here?" Fei Mui smiled at her. "Sister Mui! We're also here! You like Hua Hua the most don't you?" Wen Liang and Huan Yan, the girls who came with Qiao Hua said. Fei Mui giggled which made the boys stare at her instead of Qiao Hua. "Of course, I know. Wherever Qiao Hua is, you girls are always there. You girls are so nice."

The Wen Liang and Huan Yan smiled hearing that Fei Mui complimented them but actually they didn't know what she actually means. Qiao Ning Xi heard what Fei Mui said and saw how the two reacted, she couldn't help but to smile. Leng Shaoming laughed and Cai Zhenghao just smiled.

"They really thought that was a compliment? She's basically saying they are Qiao Hua's dog who follow their master." Leng Shaoming smiled mocking them. Cai Zhenghao nodded and looked at Qiao Ning Xi. "Avoid those two girls, they are Qiao Hua and Fei Mui. Both of them are scheming?"

Qiao Ning Xi was surprised by his sudden warning. "What?"

"Just avoid them." Leng Shaoming said, agreeing to Cai Zhenghao. Their impression about Qiao Ning Xi was that she is too kind or naive. At first they are suspicious of her for helping them earlier but when they saw her crying their suspicion suddenly disappear.

Qiao Ning Xi nodded and continue eating while watching Qiao Hua's every move. A flash of hatred showed in her eyes but it quickly disappear.

Cai Zhenghao, Leng Shaoming and Qiao Ning Xi went back to the classroom. The whole afternoon past by so quickly and finally the bell ring this time indicating that it's the end of the school today. Qiao Ning Xi bid goodbye to Leng Shaoming and Cai Zhenghao. Today she has gotten along with Leng Shaoming and Cai Zhenghao quite well.

She went back to the Qiao Manor and she saw her grandpa and grandma with an old man and an old woman having a conversation which are Gui Han's grandfather and grandmother sitting in a sofa. While on the other sofa, Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Gui talking while a young boy is beside her playing his phone. The boy is Gui Han, his skin is whiter and smoother than Qiao Hua, His black straight hair covered his forehead and the thing that attracted other the most is his dimple.

"Mom, We're back!"

Qiao Hua rushed toward Mrs. Qiao and hug her. Mrs. Qiao looked at her full of affection and wanted to spoil her more.

"Mom, Grandpa and Grandma we're back." Qiao Ning Xi said hugged Grandma Qiao. "Grandpa and grandma how is your check-up?" She said and looked at Grandpa Qiao with worry. Seeing her worrying about them both Grandpa Qiao and Grandma Qiao laughed loud.

"Hohoho! Our little Ning Xi is actually worried about us that she even forgot about Gui Han. " Grandpa Qiao giggled.

The first month Qiao Ning Xi was adopted, before the accident, she was attracted to Gui Han because of his looks. Everytime the Gui family visited them, Qiao Ning Xi will immediately stand beside Gui Han's side.

"Of course because grandma and grandpa is very very important." Qiao Ning Xi said smilling and acting childish.

"Sister, if you keep doing that then Brother Han will be jealous. Gui Han is also important, he's still your fiance." Qiao Hua said while sitting beside Gui Han.

When Gui Han heard Qiao Hua, he looks at her and smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad Hua Hua cares about my feelings, not like someone." He said indicating that Qiao Ning Xi doesn't care about him.

Hearing what Qiao Hua and Gui Han said, Qiao Ning Xi sneered. Remembering her past and her hatred, she wanted to kill them but she calmed herself down and told herself. Death will be too easy for them, I wanted to see them climb the top then fall to disgrace and lose everything they have. The higher they are, the more agonizing they will feel.

She stood up and ran towards Gui Han. "Brother Han, It's not like that. I wanted Grandpa and Grandma to see me walk in the aisle in our wedding. I also want them to see their great-grandchildren." She pouted and sat down on the other side of Gui Han and held his arm.

Hearing that Gui Han immediately looked at Qiao Hua worried that she might misunderstand and get hurt. Qiao Hua saw him looking at her so she bit her lips and act pitiful. Her eyes are wet like anytime soon she will cry. Gui Han was sorry seeing her in distress.

During the 7 months Qiao Ning Xi was in coma, Qiao Hua always accompany him and play with him. At first, Qiao Hua had a hard time getting close with him since Gui Han hated her lowly birth but Gui Han started to get used with her. Seeing that, Qiao Hua suddenly stop chasing him and that made Gui Han feel empty and lacking something because he got used on her chasing him that when she stop, he missed her.

One day, he couldn't take it anymore and asked her in the school since they are in the same class it was quite easy for him to talk with her. Seeing Gui Han questioning her, she started to tear up and confessed that she started to like him and she's afraid to fall in love with him since he is her sister's fiance.

Gui Han looked at Qiao Hua's cute face becoming pitiful and full of tears, he then confirmed that he wants her. He will love her, He will protect her and He will marry her.

"What are you talking about?! I won't marry you!" He said then pushed Qiao Ning Xi's hand which hold his arm away without hesitation. Then looked at Qiao Hua full of worry. He wanted to ask her if he was okay but Qiao Ning Xi asked first.

"Wha.. What? You won't marry me? I'm your fiance, If you're not going to marry me then who will you marry?" Qiao Ning Xi said. Her eyes started to get red and tears starting to fall down. The 2 old people looked at her worriedly and feeling sorry for her but they knew since Gui Han was little, he hated this arrange marriage so they're used to it.

Gui Han looked to Qiao Ning Xi's face. Qiao Ning Xi is actually beautiful and Gui Han knows it but now because she lose a lot of weight during the 7 months and her dark skin, Her face isn't that attractive compare to Qiao Hua.

"If I remember it right, I'm engage with the Qiao Family not with you. The Qiao Family have two daughters and do you really think I will pick you?" Qiao Hua subsconciously smiled then it disappear within a second but Qiao Ning Xi saw it.

'Qiao Hua, you're a white lotus'