Previous phone

Qiao Ning Xi knew that Grandpa Qiao installed a hidden camera in a painting around there because of the incident in her previous life. She remembered in her past life when she was 12 years old and Qiao Hua was 13. Qiao family threw a banquet to finally introduce Qiao Ning Xi and Qiao Hua to the upper class society.

It was the night before the party when Qiao Hua went to Gui Han's room and after she went out, she was having a hard time walking and fell down the stairs. At the same time Qiao Ning Xi wanted to go to the kitchen when she saw Qiao Hua left Gui Han's room then fell off the stair.

The next day, Gui Han then complained to Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao publicly during the party. They asked Qiao Hua and Qiao Ning Xi what happened, Qiao Ning Xi told the truth but Qiao Hua accused and blamed her. Mr. Qiao thought that Qiao Ning Xi was lying and Qiao Hua was telling the truth that's why it angered Mr. Qiao so he called the police planning to take her away and put her in jail but Grandpa Qiao believed her and protected her then revealed that he installed a hidden camera.

The video clearly showed that Qiao Hua knocked at Gui Han's door and when the door opened Qiao Hua hugged Gui Han then the door closed. After 3 hours, Qiao Hua left Gui Han's room but she was having a hard time walking and was limping then she fell down the stair. Then Qiao Ning Xi came helping her.

Because Gui Han complained publicly during the party, everyone saw the video. People could guess what they did inside the room in the past 3 hours unless people are blind or as innocent as a kid they would know it. But they couldn't believe that something like that happened during the party and they could not believe that the girl and the boy involved were teenagers who were turning only 14 this year. People ridicule them and also both Qiao and Gui Family for raising children like them. Gui Han and Qiao Hua was humiliated and their reputation sunk but as the time past because of their future achievements, people forgot about it. That's also the reason why they didn't break Qiao Ning Xi and Gui Han's engagement in the past life because they're afraid that people will talk about them saying that Qiao Hua stole her sister's fiance.

Remebering those memories, she couldn't believe that she was so stupid to actually forgive them. Before she thought that everything were supposed to belong to Qiao Hua so she let Qiao Hua take everything she wants from her and that includes Gui Han.

She laughed at how stupid she was.

"I was really stupid, aren't I?"

She got up on the bed then sat on the desk chair beside her bed. She took a paper and a pencil from the drawer and started writting. She decided that she will write every events that she remembered in her past life then use it for her future plan. This is the best way for her to organize her future plan but then she thought of something.

She became worried that someone might or have hid a hidden camera inside her room and find these letters if she write on them. She put down her pencil and burned the 2 paragraph paper.

"Where's my phone?"

Yes, this time she planned to write or type those events in her notes in her phone. In her past life, her diary is her notepad in her phone. Since she was a young she always hide her phone because of her diary inside it. She felt that she needed to hide it. She remembered putting her phone in a box among her shoe boxes.

Qiao Ning Xi opened the closet under her bedroom's window and she saw plenty of shoe boxes, around 15 to 20. She scan every boxes then saw a familiar red box and she instantly took it then closed the closet.

She sat down on her bed then opened the red box but was perplexed. She was confused seeing 2 phones inside. Both phones are exactly the same, like a copy of one another. She took both out of the box and put the other one on the desk while she turned on the other one.

When she turned it on, the screen wallpaper was herself taking a selfie with Qiao Hua and this photo was taken the first day they came to the Qiao Manor. It was also the day they receive their new stuffs and this includes her phone. She unlocked the passcode then she tap the notepad right away. She saw the latest diary update was February 13, the day before her car accident. The next day she remembered Qiao Hua telling her to buy a chocolate for Gui Han since it was Valentine's day but when they were crossing the streets, Qiao Hua ran faster and Qiao Ning Xi saw a car coming towards Qiao Hua so she pulled her but unfortunately she replaced Qiao Hua and was run over.

She put down the phone and took the other phone. The screen wallpaper was the same as the previous phone and also the passcode. This made her frown. She opened the notepad and saw that the latest diary update was September 4 2021. Her finger stopped scrolling and she covered her mouth. She immediately left the notepad app and tap the Gallery app. She saw a 1000+ photos then she pressed the latest picture, the picture was her taking a selfie in a hotel. This picture was her waiting for Qiao Hua and Gui Han to celebrate her birthday in her past life.

"This phone!"

This phone was her phone in her past life. In her past life, she have two phones, the new one is for her daily life and the other one was used to collect her memories and it was the phone she was holding. She was happy thinking that she has more information about the future through this phone. She was scanning to the notepad when a notification pop-up and she saw the title. 'The disgrace of the adopted daughter of the Qiao Family, Qiao Ning Xi.'

She was stunned for a moment when suddenly another notification pop-up. 'Qiao Family's daughter, Qiao Hua and Gui Family's son, Gui Han engagement party today, September 7 2021.'

Qiao Ning Xi tap the second notification then it automatically opened a website. She read the news about her sister and ex-fiance's engagement then laughed like a pshyco. She wasn't interest to the news even a little but her mind was focused towards the phone she was holding.

An idea pop it her mind and immediately tried it. She tried to search her name in the internet and articles and information about her appeared. Her eyes tremble full of excitement. She tried it again but this time she search Revengeful Wife's latest episode. This is a drama series she looked forward to, the last time they watched it, it has 17 episodes and they released 1 new episode every week. Information appeared, the latest episode is Episode 18.

Qiao Ning Xi confirmed that she can search through the internet using this phone and the phone is connected to her past life. Qiao Ning Xin was happy and started to organize her future plan through her phone in her previous life, her memory phone.

'God really blessed me in this life. I guess God wanted to help me. Thank you.'