Young Master

"Young Master, the head called me. He told me to let you pick the location between Country P and Country K." The secretary said while opening the car door for his boss.

Inside the car, a man in a suit was reading a document while frowning yet it couldn't hide his stunning looks. He has the kind of face that stop people from their tracks. He wasn't a male model but he should have been, with his dark black hair like the night slicked back on his head revealing a white and flawless forehead.

His aquiline nose complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his perfect jawline and Spartan shoulders reflect strength. He possessed a latent, mighty power and every action carries his authority and his wild and ferocious personality. Like they say, A human face reveals a lot about a person.

Just by looking at his stern and terrifying gaze, people could say that the he is the best example of 'Handsome but dangerous'.

As he got off of his car, he spotted a crime, men trying to rape a little girl. However he only glanced at the alley for a few second and ignored it. He's the kind of person who's ruthless and never care about other people's business.

The secretary also noticed it and disregarded it. They are the people on the top so how could they have the time to care about the ordinary people's business. Like Gods, they can't stop mortals from fighting but they will take action once it threatens them.

They were planning to leave when they felt a strong murderous intent, they became alert. Since they were young they were trained in a military base and they accepted missions that may kill them but they only met few people who gave a strong murderous intent, usually those people are the ones who knew how to kill.

The secretary was stunned after realizing that the strong murderous intent was coming from the little girl. He saw her smashed the brick on the man's head without hesitation. He wanted to help her when he saw the guy kicking her but he couldn't act without his boss' permission.

"Help that girl."

With those three words, he immediately beat the 4 men. He saw the little girl, who looked like 9 or 10 years old unconscious laying on the ground and looked at his boss. "Young Master, should I leave her here or call someone to take care of her?"

The man didn't answer him but walked towards the car and sat on the backseat. "Bring her."

The secretary instantly carried the girl and hesitantly laid her down in the backseat. He thought that his boss will give him a glare but instead he was surprised when his boss hold the little girl preventing her from falling off.


Inside of a room hotel, three men were talking while a little girl was laying unconscious on the bed. The two men were the boss and secretary while the other man is a doctor with a blond hair.

"Damn! Is she really your child? how old is she? 9 or 10? so you had her when you were at the age of 15?!" The doctor said in a foreign language as he stared at the girl.

Hearing him the other two just looked at him and ignore his nonsense. "Young Master, what are you going to do with her?" The secretary asked as he gave his boss the information of the little girl.

"12 years old?!"

The doctor exclaimed as he took a peek on the document then looked at the other man. "So she's not your child?! Wen Si Han, then is she young master's illegitimate sister?!"

Wen Si Han, the secretary, shrugged before denying it. "Nope, we just saw her in trouble so Rafael stop asking questions." He knew what Rafael, the doctor, was actually curious about instead he stared at his boss wanting to ask something.

Rafael didn't bother listening to him and was planning to ask another question when they heard a groan coming from the little girl.


Qiao Ning Xi tried to move her body but it hurts so much that she finally gave up. Her body was full of bruise and she can feel soreness all over her body. Remembering everything she became furious. She thought that those men accomplished their goal, as she thought about it, her eyes darkened. She can't see anything nor feel her body's pain but all she could feel was anger, resentment and hatred.

Rafael was surprised after seeing the little girl emmiting a strong murderous aura. "Sh*t." He couldn't help but to curse. They were people who experienced things that normal people couldn't and how could he not be familiar with this feeling. This kind of murderous aura was something not anybody can have, only does who are experienced or filled with hatred but those people end up being a killer.

He was stunned for a minute but was able to regain his senses when he noticed that the girl was staring at him. He opened his mouth planning to ask her something but his heart beat paused when the girl suddenly grabbed the fruit knife beside the bed then ran toward him.

He couldn't move, the murderous intent that she was emitting was pressuring him.

'Damn! F*ck! F*ck!'

He closed his eyes when the girl's knife was about to stab him but seconds passed he didn't feel any pain. He opened his eyes and saw that Wen Si Han was holding her down.

When Qiao Ning Xi felt someone's touch she trembled. Wen Si Han noticed that the girl stopped retaliating instead she was trembling, he unconsciously loosen his grip. That moment when she felt the hand loosening, she instantly ran away wanting to avoid his touch.

They saw the little girl sitting on a corner hugging her knees while trembling. She looked like she was trying to protect herself, no, her body. The boss noticed her mental state then looked at Wen Si Han.

"This girl is completely unexperienced."

Wen Si Han understood his gaze so he answered while staring at Qiao Ning Xi bewildered. Rafael was also perplexed while the other man raised one of his eyebrow.

"Are you planning to train her?" Rafael who couldn't contain his curiousity asked. He wasn't the only one curious even Wen Si Han, he wasn't sure from the start why did they brought the little girl with them.

The man paused then met their gazes and said, "If she wants to."

"Lucky!" Rafael murmured. He envy the little girl, someone might need a lifetime luck to be train by that man. Being train by him doesn't only mean that, it also means that she will be one of his men.

If it wasn't because he accidentally save him, he wouldn't have the qualification to be his doctor, not even his errand boy. She would be an idiot if she refuses him.

"I'm gonna call an acquaintance. She's a psychologist. Based on my observation this little girl's mental state isn't good. Excuse me." He left the room to call his acquaintance.

Wen Si Han also left after his boss gave him an order so, the man and Qiao Ning Xi were the only one left behind.

The man was staring at the Qiao Ning Xi. She started to calm down. She stopped trembling but her body was fully alert like a mother tiger protecting her cub.

The man found it interesting. He chuckled and stood up. He walked toward her and bend beside her. Qiao Ning Xi felt someone getting nearer and she heard the footsteps coming from the man.

"Look at my eyes."