Who are they?

At the Qiao Manor,

Inside a study room, Grandpa Qiao was holding a whip while Mr. Qiao was on the floor with wounds on his back. "Qiao Jin, do you now understand what you did was wrong?"

Grandpa Qiao asked again but Mr. Qiao was really just stubborn. "No, I don't. Maybe It was wrong for me to fall in love."

Grandpa Qiao gave him another slash after hearing his response. "It was never wrong to fall in love. It is wrong to fall in love to another woman except your wife, don't forget, you are married!"

He was really mad after finding out that his son was having an affair during marriage. They didn't know that Qiao Hua was his son's daughter, they just thought that Qiao Hua was Wei Ya's daughter that they coincidentally adopted.

Now he thinks about it, was it really a coincidence?

"But dad, you know the person I have always love is Wei Ya and no one else. I only married Su Min because she was pregnant with Qiao Jun, my son. Now, I found out that Wei Ya also gave birth to my daughter so how could I leave her this time?" Mr. Qiao said trying to persuade his father.

Actually, as a man Grandpa Qiao could understand where his son gets his reasoning but he knew that even if it is reasonable but his son was full of greed. His son wanted to have it all.

"Either choose, Su Min and Qiao Jun or Wei Ya and Qiao Hua." Grandpa Qiao said then sighed. "I'm letting you choose but if you pick them, remember I won't acknowledge them and Qiao Jun will be the one inherit the Qiao and I will give Qiao Ning Xi some of the Qiao Family's property but not your illegitimate daughter." He reminded his son.

"Dad, how about Qiao Hua? She's also your granddaughter! Why would you let that orphan to inherit something but not your granddaughter."

"I can accept Hua Hua as my granddaughter aslong as that woman leave and never appear in front of us, in front of you, Su Min and Hua Hua." Grandpa Qiao stood up and putted back the whip to its rightful place.

"But dad, I want---" Mr. Qiao wanted to say something but was stopped by Grandpa Qiao. "Those are the only options. I'll give you time to decide... 4 days. During those time I'm forbiding you to see both mother-daughter. If I ever found out that you went to them, I will pass the head title to Qiao Jun immediately. That will only mean one thing, I'm disowning you." Grandpa Qiao said as he walked towards the door.

"Dad, how could you be so ruthless towards your own son plus didn't you promise me that as long as I married Su Min, you'll give me the head title!" He looked at his father full of grievance.

"The deal was if you choose Su Min and leave Wei Ya, I will give you the title but you broke that deal. You married Su Min but never left Wei Ya and had an affair with her then had a child with her after two years of your marriage!" Grandpa Qiao swung his cane to the vase beside the door, the vase was broken then left. Leaving Mr. Qiao devastated.


Date: December 9 2019 (Saturday)

Event: Banquet Party

Qiao Ning Xi looked at her notes and smiled.

In her previous life, they hold an encouragement party for her since the entrance exam was coming. Last year, they also hold a party for Qiao Hua.

There were only few families who plan this kind of party but Mrs. Qiao had a different reason, she originally wanted to organize a party or social gathering for Qiao Hua but she doesn't have an appropriate reason, so she hold an encouragement party for Qiao Hua before the entrance exam.

It wouldn't be good for their reputation if one of the Qiao's adopted daughter had a party before the entrance exam while the other one didn't have.

In Qiao Ning Xi's previous life, during the party Wei Ya suddenly appeared and people saw her and Mrs. Qiao having a fight.

They witnessed Wei Ya crying while Mrs. Qiao was saying rude and uneducated things to her such as 'Shameless b*tch' 'A mistress' and so on.

The problem wasn't that, the problem was when Mrs. Qiao poured a wine all over Wei Ya's head.

Since then everyone's attitude to Mrs. Qiao changed and people thought that Wei Ya was completely innocent but they didn't know that it was all part of her scheme.

Before they came, Wei Ya insulted Mrs. Qiao about being too weak for not being able to tie her husband properly.

Mrs. Qiao wouldn't break down if it was just that. Wei Ya also insulted Qiao Jun, her son and brought out a voice record, there she heard an ambigious and erotic sounds.

Mrs. Qiao frozed after recognizing the owners of those sounds, then she heard.

"Do you like me doing it with you or your wife doing it with you?"

"Of course you."

"Then who do you love?"

"You and only you since before and after I married."

These conversations between Wei Ya and Mr. Qiao completely shattered her heart, her reasoning and her calmness.

Who would have not?

After hearing and imagining your husband with another woman, who would be able to keep their cool?

That's the reason why Qiao Ning Xi decided to not have the party this year. She already informed Grandpa Qiao and Mrs. Qiao and she also told them that she would be having a party with her friends and will be staying over night then come back on monday.

"Sister, are there girls?" Qiao Hua asked. Today everyone were in the living room except Mr. Qiao who is working and the Gui's Family are also here, they greeted her wished her goodluck for the upcoming entrance exam and gave gifts too.

After hearing Qiao Hua's question Grandma Qiao showed a displeased and disgusted expression. Until now she believed that Qiao Ning Xi is hooking up with some unknown boys.

Seeing Grandma Qiao's reaction, Qiao Hua smiled since her intention was complete.

Grandma Qiao's treatment to her changed a little since her mother came because her mother was considered as a mistress but the fact that she is Grandma Qiao's biological granddaughter never changed and that was the only thing that Grandma Qiao is pleased with.

"If I remember it right, sister doesn't have girl friends and the only friends that she have were those two guys, right?" Qiao Hua was refering to Leng Shaoming and Cai Zhenghao, who she met at the party.

Qiao Hua doesn't know who and how powerful Leng Shaoming and Cai Zhenghao's families. Even though she saw Mr. Gui showing respect to them, she didn't think hard about it.

She wanted to ruin Qiao Ning Xi's reputation in the family and outside the family just like how they ruined her reputation at the party.

Before Qiao Ning Xi could answer, Qiao Hua asked another question. "By the way, sister where did you go in those past 3 days? You were missing. I thought something might have happened to you?"

Qiao Ning Xi smirked. After the incident in the dining room, she went to Grandpa Qiao and already explained where she was during those 3 days.

"It's true that I only have two friends and during those 3 days, I had a flu and was fainred, when I woke up, I was in the hospital. A nurse saw me unconscioused on the bus stop and brought me there. I forgot my ID at school and my phone was out of battery so they couldn't contact you." Qiao Ning Xi said.

Qiao Hua's expression changed.

'Liar! Based on the guys I hired, you were taken away by a man, who knows what happened during those three days.'

Yes, it's correct. The person behind that incident was Qiao Hua.

In Qiao Ning Xi's previous life, this incident never happened since she forgave Qiao Hua and there were no articles about Qiao Hua's humiliation but this time there were, so Qiao Hua also wanted to ruin and humiliate her by hiring people to rape and take pictures of her.

The article was also the reason why Qiao Hua is still staying here in H City than going back to No. 1 High School since she was suspended for 1 month.

While Gui Han was suspended for 3 weeks because, this incident damaged the No. 1 High School reputation. If it was an ordinary High School they would have expelled students who cause damaged to their school reputation.

But No. 1 High School is an elite school and students who study there are considered elites that are the best among the best so they don't dare to expell students recklessly.

Qiao Hua wanted to say something but the doorbell rang then a voice was heard.

"Good morning. I'm Ning Xi's classmate, Leng Shaoming, and we're here to fetch Ning Xi. Is she ready?"

Leng Shaoming is with Cai Zhenghao. They are waiting outside the gate of Qiao Manor and they left a message through the ring.

Mr. Gui stood up, flustered and immediately told the servants to let them in.

Mr. Gui looked at Qiao Ning Xi with interest and admiration. He didn't know that Leng Shaoming and Cai Zhenghao were this close to Qiao Ning Xi that they even came here to fetch her.

Everybody saw the change of stare Mr. Gui was giving her. They also noticed Mr. Gui changed of attitude after hearing Qiao Ning Xi's classmate's name and couldn't help but to ask.

"Who are they?"