She Changed

"Will you please let us stay here for tonight? We will leave immediately tomorrow morning." Qiao Ning Xi plead.

The old couple looked at the two strangers, who suddenly appeared in front of their door.

A cute and young girl and a guy wearing a mask, with his white shirt turned into red due to his injury bleeding.

A few hours ago~

Qiao Ning Xi dived into the lake to save the person who fell of the bridge but due to the strong current, they were swept away. Fortunately, she managed to grab the man so they weren't separated.

The current brought them to the foot of the mountain. Qiao Ning Xi performed CPR to the unconscious man and luckily, the man regain conscious but the man didn't say anything, even a thank you, he just stared at her.

She thought he was mentally disabled due to drowning since he didn't do or say anything. She asked him a set of questions but he didn't answer. He literally just stared at her.

It was like, he didn't care about his injuries. He sustained 3 gunshot injuries, one in his thigh, another one in his lower abdomen and lastly, in his left shoulder.

He also didn't react when she tried to take off his mask but it might be because he knew she wouldn't be able to take it off.

The man is wearing a tight white shirt that's now wet. Due to the wet shirt, his body is very visible. He is basically exhibiting his strong and broad chest, his buffy biceps and of course, his eight-pack abs.

Qiao Ning Xi was astonished seeing his body. She couldn't help taking another glance to it before hardening her will and tried to take off his shirt.

The man, who was motionless before, was startled and immediately stopped her hand by grabbing it.

Qiao Ning Xi was also surprised because she thought that this man is mentally disabled or you could say someone who is alive outside but already dead inside since he was showing no emotion or any motion.

"I need to stop it's bleeding." She explained but the hand that's holding her hand didn't loosen.

And thus, she used her other hand to reach his shirt but once again, he grabbed it. However, due to his movement the gunshot wound in his left shoulder started hurting and he winced.

She saw it and mumbled, "So now you feel the pain."

Even though, she said it quietly, he heard her loud and clear since his senses are much sharper than other people.

He stared at her without saying anything but Qiao Ning Xi felt his stare and started to feel guilty.

She didn't know why but she somehow understand him even without him saying anything, just by looking at his eyes.

"You don't want me to take off you shirt?" She asked and he responded by nodding his head.

She sighed before giving in but in one condition.

"If you can stand up so we can look for somewhere to stay, I will stop trying to take off your shirt for now. However, if you can't, then who do you think is stronger a normal girl or a strong man with three gunshots injuries and who already lose about 2-3 liters of blood?"

Qiao Ning Xi smiled and she intentionally poked his wound in his lower abdomen which made him flinched.

The man looked at the girl in front of him, terrified. She changed a lot since the last time he saw her. She is more mature and..... terrifyingly brave or should he call it bold?

No. It should be fearless.

Which little girl will save a strange and could be a dangerous man, who is full of gunshot injuries?

Well, she is that little girl.

"Yes or no? Hurry up! It's already dark!"

He stared at the girl and smiled before giving a respond by nodding. Qiao Ning Xi didn't saw his smile since he is wearing a full face mask.

Then the man tried to stand up but he was having a hard time so she helped him by letting him lean on her.

There's one thing Qiao Ning Xi realized while helping the man to walk, it is about how weak she is and thus, she decided to start going to the gym when she go back.

At the same time, she couldn't complain at how heavy he is because this is a lot better than her dragging him, which is a lot heavier too.

They walked and walked not knowing where to go or what direction to take just depending solely on their intuitions.

And that's how they got where they are.

"Little girl, let this grandpa help your companion rest in the room." The old woman said as she hinted her husband to take the man to a room so that she could talk to the girl.

The old man, her husband, understood her so he stood up and helped the man in a mask.

The man became vigilant when he noticed that the old woman wanted to separate him from the girl. He wanted to refuse and even if he is critically injured he can still beat this old couple if they resist.

However, the girl beside him looked at him, reassuring him that she will be fine. He also looked at the old woman before leaving them, along with the old man, after he confirmed that he isn't feeling any ulterior intent coming from her and she isn't showing any ulterior motive.

The moment the old woman saw them leaving, she asked the girl.

"Little girl, what is your relationship with that man?"

"He is my brother, non-biological brother."

Qiao Ning Xi answered her without any hesitation to make her believe her.

If she had said that they were biological sibling then the old woman will undoubtedly wouldn't believe her because even if they both looked good, they don't look the same.

She haven't seen the man's face but she can identify that man has a foreign blood.

She held Qiao Ning Xi hands and said out of concern, "Little girl, I know it's a good thing to help someone but sometimes helping someone will bring danger to yourself and to the people around you so you don't need to cover up for him, especially if it's out of pity or you just want to help him. Did you see his injuries? That came from a gun. He is dangerous."

"I can't say that he isn't dangerous but I can assure you, he won't hurt you because he is my brother."

Qiao Ning Xi understood what the old woman was trying to say but she still stick with the sibling relationship.

Seeing the girl resolved on helping the man, the old woman began to waver. She still wasn't sure if they are really siblings or the little girl was just a stranger who saw an injured man and decided to help him.

"Alright then I'll let you stay her for tonight but you need to leave tomorrow morning since my grandchildren are coming back tomorrow."

Qiao Ning Xi thanked the old woman before going to the room where the man is staying.

She also gave her a medical kit, her granddaughter's medical kit, and finally left.

The old woman wanted to help the little girl in treating her brother's injuries but decided not to because she is still afraid of him.

There are three reasons why she hesitated on letting them stay and it is all related to her grandchildren.

First, she doesn't want to make them worry when they found out a dangerous man is staying in her house.

Second, Her grandchildren are a doctor and a police. She don't know what might happen if her grandchildren and the man meet.

Lastly, because even if her grandson is a police, who always risked his life to save someone, she is worried about him so she is afraid that the man might harm her grandson.


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Qiao Ning Xi asked as the man stared at her asking through his eyes.

"I know, I know. But I promised you earlier that I will stop trying taking off you shirt 'for now' and not now. Also do you think you will survive without stopping it's bleeding?"

She explained. She tried to take off the man's shirt once again to treat his injuries but the man is hell-bent on not letting her.

The man loosen his grasp but didn't let her go before tilting his head and looking at her, as if he is asking her 'why is she helping him?'.

Qiao Ning Xi really didn't know how but she understands him, even if he didn't open his mouth.

"Do you really want to know why I am helping you?"

He nodded.

Qiao Ning Xi smiled hiding her intention before answering, "It's because you are handsome. I haven't seen your face yet but I know you are good-looking just by looking at you body."

She teased him as she squeezed his biceps.

The man immediately pushed her hands off his arm and glared at her. He feel his face burning, luckily, he is wearing a mask or else he will definitely feel embarrassed.

"That's why when you recover, you must pay me back with your body."

She stared at his body like it was a feast.

She teased him again but this time she noticed him blushing. His ears are as red as a tomato.

The man tried to cover his body with his hands but still couldn't cover everything. He rather endure the pain coming from his injuries than endure this embarrassment.

He then let her to take off his shirt and treat his injuries. He was afraid that she might say something embarrassing again if he stop her.

She didn't know what to do at first since gunshot injuries are a lot different than normal injuries or even a knife injuries. There are three bullets in his body and they need to pull it out.

Luckily, there are appropriate medical equipment in the medical kit that was given to her so the man showed her how to take off the bullet.

He took off the bullet in his leg by himself.

Qiao Ning Xi admired him because he didn't cry or winced when he took off the bullet even without anesthesia.

He then let her take off the remaining bullets. The reason why he didn't want to let her treat him was because he is afraid that she might passed out if he asked her take off the bullets or during it.

Normal girls would have been afraid and she is also a normal girl so she was afraid but she hardened her resolution and did it because she knew she have to do it.

She was clumsy at handling his injuries that sometimes it made him flinch due to sudden pain. Afterall, it is the first time for her to treat someone's injury so she can be rough.

After that she cleansed it and dressed it with a gauze.

He was watching her treat him and couldn't help but to murmured.

"You have really changed."

Before, you cried because you wanted to go home but now you became fearless.