Brother, Who Are You?

"Does it suit your taste?"

Qiao Ning Xi looked at her brother then nodded.

The other men left the two of them alone after giving her something to eat, it was to give the siblings some space and privacy to talk.

"Do you want to ask me anything? I promise that I will answer your questions honestly." He paused and after a minute he hesitantly continued.

"However, there are somethings that I can not tell you and I don't want to lie to you so.." He didn't continued but Qiao Ning Xi understood him so she nodded and asked right away.

"Brother, who are you?"

The man was stunned by her questions but the next second he laughed. Qiao Ning Xi was confused so she explained.

"This is my second time meeting you and you are my sworn sibling but I still don't know your name. Meanwhile, I bet you already know everything about me."

Well, except for my rebirth.

She pouted.

"Jiang Yichen. That's my name." Jiang Yichen said as he looked at her tenderly. Qiao Ning Xi found his name perfectly suitable to him.

"Yichen. I like it, Brother Yichen."

Jiang Yichen felt warm in his chest when she called him 'Brother Yichen'. No one has ever called him like that, they usually called him 'Third Brother'.

Is this how it feels to have a younger sister?

"Then how old are you and where did you come from?" She asked while looking at him intensely. Actually, ever since she met him she wanted to know his age and where he came from because he look stunning.. really stunning.

She might have been interested at him at first but she knew she could never like or start to like someone romantically after what she experienced. She is scared so she doesn't dare to.

She is more than happy to be his younger sister.

Jiang Yichen stared at her for a second before hesitantly answer her question, "This year I'm twenty-four years old. I came from Country C and I'm here in Country P to broaden my business." He also told her why he is here but he didn't tell her the other reason why he is here.

Qiao Ning Xi nodded to show that she understand.

"Is that all?" He asked when he realized that she stopped asking.

He thought that there were many things she is curious about him but he guessed he overrated himself.

"Well, that's all questions that I can think of right now. Ah, there's another one.... When will you leave the country and go back to yours?" She asked while lowering her head and biting her lips. She was anxious that she only has a short time to spend time with him since he is not from here.

When Jiang Yichen first heard her question he wanted to asked immediately if she wanted him to leave right away because asking the question made him feel like she wanted him to leave but he realized she didn't mean it that way after he saw her and how anxiously she is waiting for the answer.

How could she not feel anxious when he didn't answer her after a minute or more than a minute had past.

He slightly smiled and replied to her, "Maybe after four or five years staying here. After the company have it's foothold in the country."

Based on the original plan, he predicted that the company can have a secure position in this country after two years. Before he did not want to stay longer than two years in this country so it was not originally in his plan to make the company a top business in Country P personally and he was going to let someone to take over it.

However, he now has a reason to stay longer here and he wanted to stay for his sister. He want to raise her so that she could depend at him and at the same time be independent that she does not have to rely on others except for him, of course.



Qiao Ning Xi smiled at him. She is happy that she would be able to have someone she can actually feel comfortable with by her side for four years.

She can not say that she fully trusted him but she does trust him a little because she knew that there's nothing that he can get from fooling her or betraying her.

However, that does not mean she will trust him completely because you never know what might happen in the future and she never want to feel the pain of being betrayed by someone she treated as her family.



It is the day of the entrance exam and Jiang Yichen, Rafael, Wen Si Han, Victor and Seo Jun wished her good luck.

"Ning Xi, I hope you pass the exam so we can have fun and spend more time with each other. Also, I think only you can convince Third Brother to stop working, and to take rest and have fun. You do not know how much workaholic your brother is. I am not like him who does not need to rest so I can not take this anymore." Seo Jun said while holding both of Qiao Ning Xi's shoulders.

"You better pass." Seo Jun reminded her, well, more like threatened her. After spending a short time with Qiao Ning Xi, he realized that his Third Brother treated her completely different compared to them. He listened to her, he spoiled her and he smiled more often whenever she is around.

It might not be that obvious but as someone who understood Jiang Yichen, his Third Brother, he knew that this little girl will be useful against his Third Brother.

Seo Jun, is one of the men who picked them up the other day and he was also the first person he saw when he woke up or regained consciousness.

"Do not worry, Fifth Brother. I'm confident that I will pass." Qiao Ning Xi smiled at him.

"Excuse me. Fifth Brother?" Shocked, Victor could not help but to ask. He thought he just heard it wrong so he asked. He understand why the little girl calls her boss 'big brother' but why is the little boy (Seo Jun) lucky to also be called 'big brother' by the little girl.

Qiao Ning Xi could not stop herself from staring at Victor. She does not want to admit it but she really likes the man's voice, it is deep and dark. She was shy and delighted hearing his voice just like the first time she heard it. It was when he answered her call.

Yes, it was Victor who answered the call when she called them to ask for help using the hospital phone.

Seo Jun laughed teasingly at Victor "Of course I am her Fifth Brother, why is it wrong for her to call me that? There is nothing wrong with it. After all, she is the younger sister of my Third Brother so of course she is my sister too."

"Argh. Damn it." Victor said, it was obvious in his voice that he was holding back his annoyance.

Qiao Ning Xi was flustered hearing him. The way he said it was like how a possessive and bossy president would say it based on the books she used to read and liked before she was reborn.

"Why are you blushing, little girl? Are you hot or are you sick?" He suddenly asked her when she noticed Qiao Ning Xi's red cheeks then he touched her forehead.

Qiao Ning Xi felt the shame. She knew her reaction was very embarrassing. She could not believe that she just blushed because of someone's voice and the person who made her blush was also the first one to notice and ask her.

The other men including her brother also looked at her suspiciously when they heard what Victor said. They looked at her worriedly which made her more embarrassed and blushed more.

"Do not worry, I am fine. I think we have to leave because I still have to go see my friends. By the way, thank you very much for taking care of me the past few days and I will be waiting to see you guys again." She bowed slightly to them to show that she was grateful and at the same time pulled Jiang Yichen, her new so called brother, who had been giving her a strange look since earlier.

Jiang Yichen decided to drive Qiao Ning Xi himself because he was worried that she might encounter an accident or danger on her way to school.

When they got inside the car, he first looked at Qiao Ning Xi and thought carefully before saying, "You know you are still young, right?"

Qiao Ning Xi was surprised by his sudden question and she had no idea why her elder brother suddenly mentioned it but she answered it anyway. "Yes, I know I am still young."

She admits that she is still young even if you include her age in her current life and her age before she was reborn. We can say that she is only seventeen years old.

Jiang Yichen nodded after hearing her answer. "So this is not the right time for you to have a crush on someone, is it?"

"Yes." Qiao Ning Xi agreed again.

He unconsciously smiled after seeing Qiao Ning Xi listening to him and agreeing with what he had said.

"That is why you should distance yourself towards people you do not know and people you just met especially when they are men. Afterall, men are not that trustworthy especially older men like Victor." He told her. He is afraid that his new little sister will be fooled by someone, more specifically a man, who has good-looks. Well, he could not deny that his sister is easily swayed by people with charisma like how she just suddenly wanted him to be her brother and the way she got embarrassed around Victor.

Hearing what Jiang Yichen just said, Qiao Ning Xi knew why he suddenly mentioned it. She could guess that it was because of the way she just reacted earlier and she somehow understood his worry to her.

With a sigh she replied, "Do not worry about it brother, It was not like that. I just felt shy and kinda uncomfortable around him compared to others. Maybe it is because the others were more welcoming and open to me."

She just made something up to answer him because she would never admit that she was flustered around Victor due to her liking his voice. Of course, Jiang Yichen does not completely believe her but he let her off the hook only this time.

Since he already said everything he wanted and received the replies that he wanted. He started the car and drove carefully like an owner of a fragile glass statue.

However he was so startled by Qiao Ning Xi's question that he abruptly stepped on the brake.

"By the way brother, aren't you and Victor around the same age? Does that mean you are also an old man? I also do not want to distance myself to you but just because I just met you and you are a man, do I have to?"

Jiang Yichen asked himself, 'Did she purposely asked that?'

Yes, she did.