5th avenue of the Area (A thrilling story)

Mr Josh is a doctor in the government hospital. He getting transfer from city to village. He shifted to village with his family five members are there in his family. His parents wife and tow kids. Before they reached to the village hospital quarter hospital staff arranged and cleaned everything. Dr and his family reached village and they very happy with village environment they enjoyed them selves. Next day morning Dr get ready and come and take breakfast and went to the hospital. His wife take the children and went to the school to join them to their new school. After the few months as usual doctor coming home from hospital in the late night. After he reached the 5th avenue of the area his car was suddenly break down in the middle of the road. He getting down from the car and looked around the area to get help from anyone. Then he saw in the far coming an old man with a torch light. He came to near Dr and asked what are you doing here young man in this time?My car was break down in the middle of the road can get a tractor to pull the car?Asked Dr.After few minutes of thinking he said next to my home has a tractor with a guy. I will go and bring it. Till I come you wait here say and he went to meet him. After few minutes he came back with a tractor. They took car to home by rope's help. When they go home that old man said here after don't be late to home this area and this road too not suitable to late night travel. Why are you saying like that uncle ?Asked Dr nothing reason I just saying he said. Dr didn't not take his word seriously. After reached home Dr paid for tractor and asked him to go carefully. After some months as usual doctor coming home from hospital in the late night. Then he saw little far a beautiful lady standing side of the road.In her one hand an infant and the other hand a lighting candle.Dr stopped the car and looked in this late night what is she doing here with an infant? He thought some thing wrong then he suddenly remember that day that uncle said about this maybe. So I should cross her speedily not good to make slow the car when Dr closer to her she waved the hand to stop the car. But he didn't stop the car and went ahead speedily to cross her. After passed from her little far stopped the car and looked through the side mirror that is a straight road so he could look .Then he confused by her disappeared

she was not there. Just smoke every where Dr was full upset with in a minute how can she disappeare? one more thing in her one hand an infant and the other hand a lighting candle then how did she wave the hand to stop the car? It's impossible abnormally how can she get three hands? Oh....my God... I Will be mental upset if didn't find out the reality. Okay now forget everything and concentrate in driving work ordered his intuition. He obeyed the order and drived without think about anything. After come home again his mind started to disturb him. Many questions in his mind without answers he couldn't eat couldn't sleep totally mental disturbance. Next day night after finishing the operation and he coming home from hospital in the same time. That time did not be anything there. Dr got little relaxation by that when I come home should be this calmness daily he prayed by heart. According to his pray untill few days calmly had the road. Next day morning as usual Dr going to hospital. In that time he saw the people running to that same place. Dr also soon went there and make the crowd side and he go front and he looked. And he got fainted after saw the dead body without head. An old lady sit and crying side of the body. Then Dr asked with a man who is he and who killed him? Then that man said this dead body is that crying lady's grant son but no body knows who killed him.Did any body inform to the police ?Asked Dr village leader was informed that man replied. After few times police came to the spot checked around the place and asked some questions with the village people and took the body to hospital. Dr thought on the way to hospital today I want to come early from hospital and go and want to meet that uncle some time anything news can get from him. Earlier than other days Dr came home is shocking to home people. Dr's dad Mr Thomson asked always you coming home in the mid night. But today so early I can't believe is it there any problem?No dad nothing I thought to come early that is why I came. But Mr Thomson didn't be satisfied with his answer. Dr came to veranda behind him his dad also came. Josh you cannot hide anything with me some thing wrong tell me what happened? Mr Thomson is little old but brave and smart. Dr also need to share his problem with anyone so he thought dad is a brave person if I said all I can get any solution and relaxation.After that he said all the things. After listening everything his dad said you are correct first we should meet that man to get further details. we will go together to meet him yes dad now come we will go they went to meet him. He was there in the home Dr introduced each other and started to discuss about that murder. Mr Martin now how long this murders happening in this village? Asked Mr Thomson After few minutes of the silence he said about 10 to 15 years will be in my guess. Okay Mr Martin in the police side why didn't take any serious action? In the village every decision taking only by village leader. So he didn't involve deeply in this matter against to him nobody going that is the problem. As a villager people have responsible to search to know everything but they very carelessly behaving what is the reason for that? Village people daily struggling for live find money. In that situation they don't have time even think about it. Yes you are right they innocent people sin we can't blame them said Dr. Okay uncle we have to leave good night. One minute Josh Mr Martin are you living alone in this home asked Mr Thomson. No Mr Thomson my grant daughter also staying with me she is working our village leader Mr Berman's home morning to night okay okay good night Mr Martin.They went from there on the way going home Mr Thomson said to Josh take any action for this innocent people .Yes dad me too thought about that. I will think about it you don't be stress. However passed few months as usualy Dr morning get ready and taking breakfast and went to hospital. On the way more crowd more than other days Dr stopped the car and asked with a man. He said today also a dead body without head in the same place. Dr shocked and went to look same way same place same style what is this curse only to this village? He thought. Parents were sit side of the body and crying .Is this their son?Asked Dr with a man yes doctor that boy was came to here two weeks ago from city. he is photo graphics doing in the cities. Morning went from home for take some photo shots.Night he didn't return to home. His parents found every where morning looking time his dead body is here. Then no end to this harmful effects said Dr. Yes sir all our fate more than that nothing to say said that man with sadness. Don't worry brother if there is a beginning there is a ending for everything.Still police didn't come first we should inform them l will inform Dr said. Police come and checked the place and asked some questions with the village people and take dead body and went. Dr when go the car he saw something hanging in the branch of the tree.When he look deeply he understood that is a camera. Then he remember that man said that dead boy is doing photo graphics.So this camera that boy brought one maybe. He was waited until go all the people and tried with a long stick and took it .He thought to check it some time that boy would have shot the photo the ghost lady. But in that had only nature photos. After that Dr went to the hospital. As usual came back in the late night when turned into the particular area of the way he just got little nervous and he reached the 5th avenue of the area from far he looked nothing there full of calmness around that place. Nice work today she got a day off I think. He smiled himself and in the normal speed drive the car and came. Suddenly he unexpected moment that lady was appearing with a baby and a candle. a minute Dr shocked and car went to wrong side to be accident but doctor soon managed the situation and turned up the car and came reverse speedily more from that place and stopped the car and looked. She coming front to straightly to Dr.He start the car and went ahead speedily when he going to pass her then she waved hand to stop the car. After passed from her more Dr stopped the car and looked through the side mirror then she was not there he saw only the smoke. Next day morning after go to hospital Dr feeling very head ache and he went to the canteen to drink a cup of coffee. Then Zane saw Dr in the canteen and asked how are you Dr? Today I seeing you after long days. Then Dr said yes Zane after I transfer to this village I feel very uncomfortable. Yes Dr we too feeling the same I don't how when we will come out from this dangerous situation? Then Dr said my friend Vicky is higher officer in the Army. Only he can solve this problem please Dr call him and explain our problem and ask to come here.Okay today evening you come to the home we will call and discuss with him. Now I have work see you later bye Dr went in to the hospital. Today Dr went early to home after passed little time Zane also came Dr' home.Then Dr called to his friend Vicky and said everything about the secret of this village. After listen everything he said he will come tomorrow night with instruments. Again next day also Zane came to hospital and said to Dr please Dr join me too for this process. Dr said yes you're very important to this process because you're this village person. More than you I didn't know anything about this village. Night Vicky called to Dr and asked where should I come? Then Dr said you wait there I Will come to pick up you.Dr called to Zane and asked him to come. He also came.Both went to pick up Vicky. Dr introduced each other. Zane put Vicky's baggage in to the boot and said you are welcome sir to our small village. Vicky thanks to him and asked with him how suddenly started to happen like this harmful activities?About it I didn't know sir now I am twenty years old. When I was small I heard the first murder. I think about 10 to 15 years before this things started Zane said.Okay why didn't take any action for this from the police side?Vicky asked then Dr replied I also noticed about that. They didn't show more interesting in this case okay who is your area inspector Vicky asked to Zane. Mr Williamson he mostly not staying in the station. Why he is this much carelessly behaving? I think police purposely ignoring this case maybe said Dr Josh. Okay first we will solve this problem and next we will take care of the police said Vicky. Yes we will do like that said Dr then Zane asked to Vicky sir what has in that big bag ? In that have some instruments to catch the enemies we using in the forest. Oh...Okay sir. They on the way droped Zane in his home and they went home . After dinner Dr said to Vicky now take full rest we will begin our work from tomorrow good night. Okay Josh good night morning I want to meet uncle Thomson and others in the family okay okay said Josh.Next day morning Mr Thomson and Vicky were went for a walk then they discussed about this village and Mr Thomson said something want to do for this innocent people. Then Vicky said yes uncle that is why l came to here. We have a plan today night we Will activate it. Is it ,Tell me what is that plan? Not now after finish it I will tell you now I am sorry uncle say and launched Vicky. Okay okay big secret keep with you said Mr Thomson. Okay uncle don't be tension I Will tell you now said Vicky. After listen everything he said good plan but be careful yes uncle said Vicky. In the night according to the plan they went to that particular spot and started to activate. Vicky gave a hidden wireless camera to Zane and asked him to fix it that beautiful lady standing front side of the tree he did it. After that Vicky gave the connection to an instrument. Then Zane said to Vicky sir we want to hide the jeep some where. If so anyone then they will understand that someone is following them. Yes you are correct I really proud of you correct time correct way thinking.Okay Vicky what is the next move? asked Dr after connect camera to this and we should wait till mid night. Sir,can we see everything in this TV asked Zane.Yes, said Vicky getting mid night little by little area full deep calmness. bats only flying here and there. Now they heard a sound of some people talking. Dr said don't make noise l think they coming yes yes said Vicky. They sit in the jeep and watched everything. The lady said check this doll some time it's not crying. Okay give it to me and wear the skates ghost not walking did you forget it a man asked. No no l didn't not forget l will wear it .Okay where is your plastic hand to stop the car?Asked again that man. Nice work today l forget to bring it. I will bring it now okay bring and tie it in your hip to move. Okay I am doing where is your smoke machine? I will bring it now there happening things all look and Zane said sir,I have see this lady some where but I can't remember suddenly .No Zane nicely think and see then our work will be easy said Dr.After few minutes l remember now she is Mr Martin's grant daughter. Are you sure?Asked Vicky and DrJosh together. Yes I am 10%0%sure Zane said. Okay who is that Martin?asked Vicky he an old man in the village said Dr.Now I am going she will come closer to me then you both come and catch her said Vicky no sir, it's so riskier. Why are you saying like that Zane ?Asked Vicky sir, we don't know correctly how many people have involved in this matter? Some time if a gang involved in this we only three what can we do? Yes Vicky Zane is right said Dr. You're so talented boy keep it up Vicky tap Zane's back and said. Thank you sir said Zane .Okay now we go back home and again we Will come tomorrow said Dr Josh.

Tomorrow when I come shall I bring some friends to help us? Asked Zane said Vicky okay but they should be very trusted.Yes they my best friends. Okay when you come tomorrow bring some toy guns with you said Vicky. Why sir toy guns? If he said will be anything plan you bring the guns said Dr. Yes he right said Vicky. Okay good night Zane went home. Next day night Zane came with some friends and toy guns. He introduced them to Dr and Vicky .Okay friends now we are going activate our plan. Before be late night we should be wait there you all around that spot stay with this toy gun. But front of them want to act like a real in the hand. Me and Dr Josh will come in the jeep then she will come closer to us.One thing Vicky, said Dr what asked Vicky already they knew me so I should wear something to cover the face. You change your getup then they couldn't realise you said Vicky. Sir I have some things to change the getup shall I bring them? Asked one of the friend of Zane .Okay soon bring said Dr he go and brought them .Dr changed his getup with beard, moustache, long coat and a hat. Zane said Dr you are superb in this getup then everybody laughed then Vicky said Josh you same like a hero in the film. Vicky you too teasing me say and laughed with others. Okay let's go said Vicky When they go Vicky explained every movement to all.After they reached the particular spot Vicky said all be ready with guns and each person hide behind each big tree.When I shoot up with my original gun you all together want to come and around them with guns. Remember want to act like a real gun is in the hand.They should have be afraid in your action. Okay sir, said they In the mid night they came to play their drama. Lady said to a man there a vehicle's light lighting now it will come this way get ready. Then one of the man said in the group check the sharpness of dagger.I already checked it out said that man. In that avenue no light posts except the vehicle's light. So totally full darkness in that area. Okay Josh come let's go good luck sirs said the boys together. Good luck you all said Josh and Vicky together. go go start the process say and Vicky went to start the jeep.Now they both going closer to her she waved the hand to stop the jeep and they without stop passed her and go and little far stopped the jeep and offed all the lights and got down from the jeep .Then she coming straight to they then the baby is crying she said little take this infant for a while.Vicky went near her like taking baby and kept the gun on her head. Then they unexpected way a man run and came from opposite side of the road and tried to keep the dagger to Josh's nack.Then suddenly Vicky shot up with a gun to that man's leg under knee. He was fallen down. Already they talked way after listening the shooting sound Zane and his friends were arounded others with the guns. Then a boy soon take a rope and ried every bodies hands together. Then Vicky said to the lady to hands up she soon put the doll down and started to cry.After that Vicky called to police. Within few minutes they came to the spot and arrested all the victims. Vicky showed his identity and said I will come tomorrow to police station.All these five victims should be there. Take them now to station and give treatment to this fellow. After that boys thanks to Dr and Vicky happily. Then Zane said sir tomorrow for you, Dr and Dr's family we will arrange big feast you all must have to come yes must have to come all said together and they went to their homes. Dr said to Vicky look their faces how happy. Yes here after they will live a smooth life said Vicky yes you are correct said Dr. Next day morning Dr and Vicky went to the police station and asked with inspector what are they saying?Then inspector said these fellows only muppets real actor is behind the screen. Now our group will bring him. Okay okay we also want to see that real face. After few times Dr said I am getting late to hospital I am going you stay and look and go home. Okay no problem you go said Vicky. After half an hour police brought him. Who is he? Asked Vicky he is a leader of the village Mr Berman. Then Vicky said I should investigate this person.With pleasure said the inspector. Okay Mr Berman now tell what is the reason to do this murders? What are you saying sir? I didn't do any murder I am a innocent. I mean you straightly didn't do any murder. You did this through this guys.This village people what did for you? sir I don't know what are you saying and I don't have any links with this country boots. I am a respect full person I no need to do like this cheap activities.Cool cool Mr Berman don't be tension already you have blood pressure. These guys already gave their oral deposition. So now this is your turn said Vicky. Okay who are you to questioning me?Asked village leader oh....I am very sorry. First of all I should introduce myself. Why inspector even you didn't remember me ?Asked Vicky I am sorry sir me too forget say and smiled both.Okay now I am introducing myself. My name Vicky Robinson and I am a higher Army officer.Okay now tell me what is the back ground of these countless murders? Few minutes village leader stayed in the silent mood. Again Vicky said to inspector I cannot wait until he open his mouth. Now I am talking to call judge. Tomorrow you bring all these to court. one more thing not giving him to any special services okay sir said inspector. Dr came home earlier to go for feast every body went together. All the village people together gave a great welcome to them and gave superb feast too.After finishing feast Vicky said good bye everybody and asked with Zane and his friends do you like to join in the Army? Yes we mostly love to work for our mother land all said at once. Then come with me okay sir,wait few minutes we Will be back soon. After say good bye to everyone and Vicky said good bye to Dr and his family and went from village with the boys. Next day police brought the five victims to court. Judge read the police reports and asked with them about this. Accept village leader others accepted their criminal work. Village leader still in silent so he asked with police about his oral deposition. Then police said many times we were asked he saying the same.Judge asked with him again but he didn't reply.After few minutes judge warned him and he asked again forcely. Then he started to talk I thought only my generation want to live in this village .Others have to go from the village.I thought many ways and at last I selected fear is the best weapon to send the people from the village. And I thought 1,2 deaths if looked all the people wil go from village. Few people have gone to settle in the cities. Some went to other village but some didn't ready to go they said living or dieing it want to happen in this village. I thought continuously if saw the death they will change their minds.But upto now to our village police unable to catch us but Dr Josh's friend Vicky within two days arrested us by red handed. Judge said in the world no one like you selfishness. Altogether how many murders did you do can tell? He said countless... If had many times hanging method I will order to that. Judge gave to them powerful punishment . Judge appreciate DrJosh,Army officer Vicky and the boys. Vicky and boys looked everything in the newspaper and enjoyed.