School Incident

Waking up to complete his usual morning routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast, and leaving early in the morning for his hour-long trek to school before anyone in his home was generally awake Maddox was now walking down the street in the early morning just as the sun was coming over the horizon in the east and providing warmth to the inhabitants of the Earth as the day would progress. He was still at a loss on how to proceed down the path with the mysterious men that would come to his home to partake in desires of the flesh with his sisters and maybe even his own mother. That led to many questions stemming from everything that he had about the world he once knew, of his family that he lived with. He wanted to find answers but none of them seemed easy to figure out... at least for now.

Arriving at school Maddox walks through the opening in the chain-link fence surrounding his school leading him onward with his peers who would one day go on to be the workforce of the country for the jobs that it deemed necessary. Still, though that would be in the future as of now though the children would enter their brick school buildings where they would meet with friends to tackle the day of classes and homework assignments to be done at home. Maddox would finish his work early and to seem normal, would miss a few questions to make it seem that he was smart but not ahead of the curve since that would lead to more problems now more than ever.

Taking his seat in his first-period English class Maddox silently sat at his desk as he took out his homework from the day prior and reviewed it to make sure the necessities of filling out such an assignment were taken care of before turning it in. Confirming that everything was in order he just places the assignment on his desk and just sits there waiting for his first period to arrive so that this waste of time would begin. Maddox liked to keep to himself and would only interact with people for group projects but even then it would mainly be him doing all the work while everyone else slacked off. Beyond that, he had no friends within his school as a result so all he could do was just become the lone wolf on campus sticking to places where no one else would really bother him and getting used to the feeling of relying on himself for his problems.

The bell rings and like clockwork Maddoxs first period teacher shows up as the end of the bell occurs. His first-period teacher is a man in his late forties who has a decent height of 5'8 not leaning towards the skinny or overweight side of things though it looks as if he could go in either direction he so chooses. He had a short set of dark brown hair that was combed to one side or the other which Maddox correlated to his mood somehow figuring out if it went to the left he was having a good day and to the right if he had a bad day thus far. Somehow Maddox noticed it but that was just a random detail of his teacher. He did this for all his teachers over the past few months as he found different oddities in either their behavior or the trends that they do.

Still though as his English teacher enters and takes his respective place at his desk in the corner he notices that today seems to be different as his teacher does not go on to start making morning announcements or do anything as he just takes a seat at his desk before proceeding to go on his computer. No one else really cares since seeing their teacher on his computer and the majority of the students then take out their phones to do whatever they want to since they don't really respect him that much when not learning.

Maddox does not and instead turns his head to the classroom door where he expects someone to soon enter. Sure enough, a tall voluptuous lady enters the classroom drawing all the gazes of the students as well as the teacher for a variety of reasons.

She was a mature-looking brunette lady that had a really fine figure that most women could only dream of which drew all attention to her for quite obvious reasons. She wore high heels with stockings on her legs which drew the most attention since for some reason she wore a short skirt that hid the treasure underneath in between her legs. The upper half of her clothing was that of a regular suit to[ except for some reason she had her chest open allowing a clear view of the cleavage of her two mountains pressed together. That is what anyone paid attention to, except for Maddox since his gaze was drawn to the details he saw with two knives strapped on her upper thighs that are hidden under the skirt and he thought he saw more within her suit top.

No one else seemed to notice as it almost looked as if she had cast a spell on the room and people only seemed to focus on the lady in front of them instead of the armaments underneath. Maddox was of course alarmed and wanted to act on the most obvious intuition of calling the police or someone else to get help, but when the principal of the school enters the classroom Maddox calms down a bit at his presence.

The principal entering the classroom leads to a lot of people no longer paying attention to this beauty and instead begin correcting themselves as best as possible since the principal likes to keep things under wraps sometimes depending on his mood. This seems to be the case as he immediately stands at the front of the entire class making sure that everyone's attention is on him before clearing his throat and speaking.

"Now that I have captured everyone's attention I will try to make this as short and quick as possible. This lady over here was sent by a separate agency of the parents of the missing child who was in your class"

Silence settles within the room as the reality of things sinks in a bit before the principal continues.

"Now she will be conducting personal interviews with each of you in private to see if any sort of details that may have been overlooked may be brought to light to assure the safe return of your classmate. Unfortunately, your classes have been interrupted for today as you will be able to go home early if necessary since the parents are very... adamant about getting their daughter back"

The principal closes off with that before leaving the classroom and the lady from before steps forward to take his place. Maddox observes the principal acting strangely as he leaves though as if he was in a hurry to leave which may not seem uncommon but Maddox knew better since he had observed his principal on a few occasions so he knew a few of his habits and quirks. Work however never made him act like that prompting Maddox to feel that something was off about him but could only shelve that away for later as the lady begins speaking.

"Good morning class you may call me Miss Katherine and I will be calling you all into another room to conduct the interview in a moment but before that are there any questions?" She asks politely

A few hands go up but the questions are pretty irrelevant as they are asking about what they will be asked and how long it will take before Maddox raises his own hand.

"Yes?" Katherine asks

"Who was it exactly in our class that went missing?"

The classroom goes a bit silent at that as the topic is a bit uncomfortable right now

"Well... it was a miss Susana Rose" Katherine answers back before closing the questions and taking a random student in the front to answer some questions

Time flies by with students being picked by Katherine to go to another room nearby to answer some questions. Lunch eventually comes by and afterward Maddox is called upon by Katherine to answer some questions.

They go into a now-empty teachers' lounge which Katherine had been using before with everyone else. They both take a seat and Katherine starts talking.

"So what is your name?" She starts off

"... Maddox"

"Mhm, and did you know Susan?"

"No, I didn't even know that we had her in our class"

"Really then... well have you seen her recently at all?" Katherine asks as she pulls out a photo of a young girl in a pretty dress next to a happy couple in a sort of marriage photo

"No" Was Maddox's response as he had never really paid attention to his peers since they were irrelevant most of the time

"Well... that is disappointing to hear then"

"Can I go now?" Maddox asks getting impatient since he was uncomfortable sitting across from someone who had some weapons on them

Plus he needed to keep an eye on his phone and right now it was in his pocket so keeping an eye on things was difficult to do so on things back home.

"No, not yet I have a few more things to ask you" Was her response

"... Then can I ask some questions as well?"

"You can but... nothing don't ask if I am married or anything since the last two guys that came in here asked me the same thing"

"No I don't care about that, but I do care about why Susan's parents went to an agency to deal with rather than letting the police do their job as they should?" Maddox asks wanting to know

Katherine just looks at Maddox with a slight frown on her face as she looks at him for a moment.

"Listen, Maddox was it, that is something that grown-ups should deal with not something that the likes of children should worry themselves about okay" Katherine answers prompting Maddox to frown in response as she is avoiding his question

"What agency do you work for?"

"Something on a sort of... federal level, okay"

Maddox is not happy that the inquiries about this lady or the agency that she is working for are not being answered but only lead to more questions since there is no way a federal agency would get involved in this so soon after a few days and the fact the supposed government agency does not seem to be working with the police department is suspicious.

"Well then since I ain't got anything to give you I am just gonna take my leave then," Maddox says as he gets up to leave

"Hey! I am not done asking you questions yet!" Katherine says while getting up and placing a hand on Maddox's shoulder effectively stopping him from moving forward

She was a surprisingly strong woman as opposed to her overall look and vibe gave off that she was not strong but that seemed to not be the case apparently as she held Maddox down with one hand effectively stopping from moving.

"Ah!" Maddox yelps in surprise as he gets shocked by the touch as if he had built a static charge and was shocked due to touching metal

"Sit down," Katherine says as she essentially drags him back to his chair and plops him down before essentially interrogating him with questions asking if he had seen anything suspicious while on campus the day Susan had disappeared

Maddox was forced to spend a good thirty minutes answering her questions before she stood up at one point and gave the both of them something to drink with Maddox getting some water and her a coffee that was in the break room. Maddox accepts it seeing how that compliance will yield better results than anything else which would lead to him being able to leave earlier from the questioning. Maddox drinks a bit before Katherine starts up again but this time asks the same questions as before during the past half hour.

Maddox answers them the same before Katherine takes out a notepad and pen, jots down a few things, and then tells Maddox he can go back to the classroom.

After Maddox leaves however Katherine looks to the corner of the room behind her and to the left.

"I am guessing you sensed it too?" She says to thin air

There is no audible response within the room but still, Katherine nods and looks at the notepad within her hands where Maddox's name is written with the words [Dangerous] right next to it. Closing the notepad Katherine gets up and goes to the classroom to see if she can find any other useful information or notable characters within.