
Maddox in desperation jumps off his porch and into the nearby shrubbery that stabs into him with its brambles and twigs jutting into his skin and drawing forth blood. Trying to hide within the bush as best he can he stops when he hears the door open up and two gruff voices chatting exit his home. The sound of footsteps follows with Maddox holding his breath as his heartbeat quickens with the footsteps of the two now moving towards his location tangled up within the bushes.

'If only I were invisible...' Were Maddox's last thoughts as he closes his eyes and succumbs to the fear of being found out and silenced for seeing them

"I thought I heard something in the bushes... but there ain't nothing there?" One of the voices says quite confused as to what the rustling in the bushes was when he opened the door, but looking there was nothing inside them

"Probably a damned squirrel or something," The other guy says as he closes the door behind the two of them

"Ugh... alright then, but still I hate that we have to come back out here just to get some stupid suitcase that the boss forgot," The first guy complains as the sound of footsteps leave Maddox but they remain within earshot

"Well, I personally don't mind cause think about it if the others tire her out and fall before we go then we have a higher chance of making her give up and if we do, we might get some of her treasures," The second says trying to find the bright side of this

"Yeah, yer right about that, he now that's the reason they gave you the nickname pussy destroyer," the first guy says completely surprised at this revelation as he takes out a pair of keys from his pocket and the car beeps with an audible click ringing out

"Boss said that it was in the trunk right?" The second guy asks too which the other guy nods at him

Maddox at this point before thanking whatever or whoever it was that was helping him not be caught asked for some strength in dealing with two if the need came or if he saw an opportunity to do so.

"Alright you go ahead and take the suitcase back in and I will lock up the car," The first guy says but gets cut off before he could lock the car

"Oh no you don't I am gonna stay out here for a minute to smoke a whole juiced cigar" The second guy nicknamed pussy destroyer says as the jingle of keys is heard

"Holy! You got yourself one of those juiced cigars?!" The first guy asks incredulously at his claim

"Yep I did, I figured if that she-devil were to take me out in bed then I want to go out with some of my wishes coming true"

"Alright then well I will leave you to it then," The other guy says before leaving with the suitcase in hand

With the confirming close of the front door, Maddox leaves the bush he had dived into as quietly as possible. His body was starting to writhe in pain as the adrenaline rush from almost being caught before he could enter back home started to recede and the pain of the branches drawing forth blood began to sink in. Being freed however and the fact that there was a god-given opportunity to take out one of these guys who he had sworn to protect his sisters from led to Maddox quietly leaving the bush and approaching the car. The guy had not left the rear of the car and was just sitting on the edge of the popped open car trunk while smoking what he said was a juiced cigar and as for that was Maddox had no idea and particularly did not care to find out.

Poking his head up from the side he was surprised to find that what he had originally had been a video edit to mask the color of the men from before was true to some extent as the man in front of him had no regular skin tone of a regular person. This man was just straight-up green in skin tone. His visible skin underneath the suit which he wore, that his muscled physique threatened to tear through, was a pale green color which of course was unnatural. Maddox gulped in fear as he saw the man, but steeling him took only a few seconds as he thought of why he was doing this and how he wanted to take care of this guy.

Now Maddox was a realist and as such, he knew that he could not mess up or else he would just get himself killed by this man who looked like he could crush Maddox's skull with his bare hands. Still, though surprise and a good plan have toppled over stronger foes before throughout history and so Maddox comes up with a simple plan in which he can incapacitate the green man in front of him.

As the man was about to take another puff out of his cigar, which he had spent up to two and a half million US dollars on to buy one of these things which he had planned to smoke one night when he had one of those essence user lackies begging for him to rape her silly over and over again. He had saved it for that time as most of the time essence users fought against them they tended to lose quite badly as they were too cocky about their powers and abilities since most are taught to take on small fry and a few stronger ones. Plus their rage tended to control their actions to the point most would face down a horde of thousands of his kind and the only fate that they would meet was the same as the one they were trying to avenge for something years ago.

As the guy brought the cigar to his lips and inhaled the contents of one of the world's most expensive cigars (Yes some cigars do sell for a crazy high price) and exhaled a small smoke ring as he sighed in wonder at what the next few minutes held. What would happen in the next few minutes is that as the poor fellow stood up he felt two strong feet land on his legs popletial cavity (Part of the leg between the back thigh and calf where the joint bends backward). Now anyone regardless of how physically fit they are would stumble backward if caught off guard and this guy was. He falls backward catching himself on the trunk's bed but before he can do anything the trunk slams down onto the guy's head. Now one smack to the head with the trunk is not enough to knock him out but about ten of those do the trick as Maddox continuously smashes it into the guy's head.

Only after no longer hearing any grunts of pain and confusion coming from the man does Maddox stop smashing. Carefully Maddox lifts the trunk to see a bloody pulp of the man's face which looked like had been beaten up so much that his mother would not recognize this freak of nature if she saw it. Still though what stood out to Maddox was the fact that the man's face had two distinct features which survived the beating that he just received that caught his attention as he looked at the man.

He had two medium-sized horns pointed up from his face, that was hidden behind his face when some were to look at the man from behind if they reached his abnormal height, and a pair of two small sharp teeth jutting out of his jaw that made it look like he had boar tusks. This held Maddox's attention for a good second before coming to his senses and trying to figure out what to do now that he had incapacitated one of these guys. So Maddox only just shoved the body into the trunk which proved slightly easier than it would have been having not been that the guy was already halfway into the trunk anyway so it helped him a bit.

Another thing he did was zip tie the guy's hands behinds his back and his feet together since he was unsure how long this guy would be out since he was already outside the societal norms of people so Maddox took that precaution. With that, and after taking whatever was in his pockets, Maddox's gaze fell on the cigar that the guy had been smoking before which was now lying on the ground with a little over a quarter of it left. Curiosity took Maddox as he reached down and looked at it before sniffing the cigar. It was not like any cigar he had smelled before since his dad tended to smoke one every so often after a big movie shoot had finished well, it smelled sweet with the scent of his mother's expensive perfume coming to mind but Maddox had no idea as to why. With nothing else about this thing that was so expensive as to cost a small fortune catching his attention lead to Maddox just tossing the thing into the street as to not prevent a fire.

He checks the cameras in his house this time before entering to avoid what happened last time with those two guys exiting his house and him getting a good look at their gardener's handy work. Inside now and closing the door behind him Maddox walks into the living room where he found that no one had been in for the time being. His mother was busy having fun with seven of the guys who came into the house, his father was talking with who Maddox presumed to be the same guy as last time about something meaningless, and his sisters... well the moaning and animalistic grunts coming from their room answered that question.

The only thing left to do was figure out what to do now and Maddox had a pretty good idea of what it was that he should do. He planned to take down his father and the other guy since there were only two of them and he had a general plan on how to take on someone easier than the invisible guy and his mother. The answer on how to deal with these two was simply a hammer and a black brick with two sticks of metal poking out ever so slightly from the top.

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

Three knocks resound within the office of Robert who was talking to the man sitting in front of him who just like the same guy that Maddox stuffed into the back of the car out front was sitting in a chair drinking some Jack Daniels whiskey.

"Yes?" Robert asks to which he receives no reply but only the turning of the door handle and jingling as if to show that the door is locked

"Did those bastards go limp dick or something" The guy sitting in the chair mumbles mostly to himself as he takes another sip from his glass

"..." Robert mainly stays quiet at that as he knew what this individual was referring to as he knew that his wife right now was gaining some 'sustenance' from their guests

So not really saying Robert stands up and reaches to unlock the door only to find that it is not.

'What the?' Was the thought that went through his head before Maddox kicks open the door and wielding the hammer and black box in his hands rushed his father.

With a meaty 'THWAK' accompanied by the sound of bone breaking Maddox swung his hammer into his father's knee shattering his kneecap to which he tries to scream out in pain but does not get to do so before Maddox presses the box against his neck and a painful jolt of electricity goes throughout his body preventing him from screaming as Maddox tazes his father with the highest voltage tazer he could find online. With a thud, Maddox's father passed out as the pain he felt overloaded his mind leading him to fall unconscious on the floor which the guy in the chair looks back at. He stares at Maddox in momentary surprise before reaching to his waist where there was a fully loaded Barreta M9. Still, his surprise was his downfall as Maddox had already appeared in front of the guy before he could get his gun out of his holster and so he tried to smack Maddox away with inhumane speed which connected.

However Maddox also seeing that he would never get a chance to hurt the guy again if he was smacked to death, decided to jab the tazer into the man's arm as he backhanded Maddox in the face with what felt like herculean strength. The tazer made contact and caused the guy's body to spasm for a few seconds as Maddox was flung across the room with a broken nose and the majority of his teeth on the right side of his face now missing as they were scattered about the floor as his face swelled up still Maddox somehow landed on his feet and came at the guy once more to deal more damage this time than a simple spasm.

Now knowing how fast this guy moved Maddox was a bit more prepared and when the guy broke out of the spasm to punch Maddox again and this time with the intent of making sure that was left og him would be splattered all around the room. Maddox dodged to the side as the punch reached him before jabbing the tazer under the arm this time and into his armpit which unlike last time led to uncontrollable spasms that Maddox used to his advantage to take the hammer and with full force with the flat head smack him in the side of the head.


An audible sound is heard of bone breaking as the hammer connected with the man's skull. The body of the man falls to the side there is a small divot in the man's skull and his eyes rolled up to the back of his head.

All that is left in the room is Maddox standing there with his father lying by the door unconscious and the guy that he just took down with his hammer lying on the floor with his fate unknown right now. The realization of what just happened to hit Maddox as the unbearable pain of his face assaulted him right then and there while his consciousness was assaulted by doubts and thoughts about what had just transpired. With nothing left to do Maddox brought his back inside from out in hall since he needed to be fast to deal with the two inside the office and just closed the door before he sat down in the chair that the guy had been in previously as Maddox just stared at the floor as his vision blurred and tears began to fall from his face.

After a bit of time, Maddox pulled himself together and address his wounds by taking out some gauze which he stuck into his mouth, and begrudgingly drank some whisky that was left out to help with the pain and slightly dull the emotions he was feeling now. Then gagging and zip tying the two people in the room on the floor same as the one left in the trunk to make sure that they would not try anything if and when they woke up. As for why he was not scared that the other occupants did not hear them was simply because they were probably too busy indulging in their respective partners to register the sounds of struggle as something not coming from the rooms they were in.

Now Maddox though has something better to help him in his mission which was the M9 that the guy was trying to draw on Maddox, which would come in handy later if he needed to use it as a last resort that is since no one in their right mind would ignore a gunshot going off in the room next to them. Still actually using the thing was going to be difficult since... this was California and there was no way Maddox knew how to operate one of these things since he had never even seen one before in real life. Sure like most his age, he was drawn to some first-person shooter-type games but he preferred learning something new as opposed to teabagging people in a video game. So this thing needed to be researched and there was nothing better than the internet on his phone to figure out how to use the thing.