Auction: Part 2

"Now then you there listen up I only gave you a warning before but this time you can take this as a threat if you are personally wasting the time of this establishment I can assure you that your fate will be worse than anything you can imagine," Gremi interjects causing a sort of pressure to emanate from his body

Maddox had to say it was similar to that pressure that one feels when you get a talking to by your parents because you did something egregious, but many times worse. Still though keeping a level head was easy since Maddox used reasoning to not feel affected since he knew he had the funds and that assured him enough to not feel affected as he should have been.

"Continue with the auction..." Gremi announces out loud

No one bids though causing Maddox to successfully secure five girls from the Coalition that he could experiment and learn from with his miasma. This was why he had spent such a large amount on getting them since they would be more useful to him than any of the other infected here since they would be his stepping stones for growth.

The girls are dragged off stage with all of their faces being as white as sheets seeing that they had been sold to an infected and their fate would be worse than death.

Another reason he wanted to buy them was cause they had been caught in Las Vegas and now Maddox understood why some of them looked familiar to him and that was because they were in the group that Katherine was in for the warehouse raid, so buying them might be useful.

The next three items that are brought out are a few guns with a set of ammunition included, a Warhammer essence weapon, and a burlap sack.

The guns were just regular firearms that Maddox got a hold of them for a few thousand, the Warhammer Maddox let someone else get since he had the sword and there was no way he could wield such a weapon with one hand. The sack however was another item Maddox found useful which he bought after a small bit of intense bidding amongst one of the high-tiered infected who wanted to test Maddox.

Still, up to this point, he had spent almost three million in USD for all the items he got for himself for now.

Of course, he could do this with the help of his parent's banking accounts which had had about 1.5 billion dollars in the savings account since it had been managed by financial managers up till now it had been growing from their hard work.

Plus he could always make back the money with the help of his mother's company and maybe selling off a few of the things that his 'father' had with his movie production.

Maybe there might be a few people in movie production that may want to buy some ideas or props from his movies and they might be worth a few tens of thousands of dollars if he found the right buyer.

He had spent $55,000 on Balphores corpse, $1 million on the group of girls, $50,000 on the gun package, and finally, another million spent on the burlap sack.

To spend that much money on a stupid burlap sack would make anyone think that you were stupid and crazy which is what Maddox first thought when he saw it being sold at an auction house. That was until he heard its effects which made him immediately decide to buy it for a few reasons.

The sack had a pocket dimension inside it that was about the size of a full bathroom with the space being around 450 cubic feet with it being 10 feet in length, 5 feet in width, and 9 feet in height.

This pocket space looked small and gave the feeling of being small on the outside but in reality, was larger on the inside which allowed for a larger amount of items to be stored inside.

It was very useful, and Maddox was glad to have an easy time getting these items since everyone here seemed to think that he was only digging his grave more and more, which meant that these items would be sold once again, so no one was bothering to flaunt their funds since that may make them a target amongst their peers.

It was nice that Maddox was having an easy time with this since he would be making out like a bandit from this place and if he wanted to come again, all he would have to do was change how he looked, and bam, he could continue to come here to get items for a lower cost than most others would expect.

These things were something that Maddox could only get if he either raided an infected nesting ground which may or may not provide something useful and then there was coming to the auction house to buy these items.

Sure his wallet will take a hit but it was worth it in the name of getting stronger and he already had plenty of funds that he did not know what to use them on. Now he was not going to go crazy and spend it all on useless junk that he would never use or just have for decoration.

Still, though Maddox had been expecting to see at least a few holes to be sold here, it seemed that they were higher valued items apparently since they were not brought out yet.

"Now then everyone, our next item is one of today's items that you all have been waiting for," The girl says as another item is wheeled out but this time it is a wheel cart tray that has the item covered

Then with a flourish, the item being auctioned off is revealed as the cover over it is removed and shows three holes as they are called placed upon the tray.

"These items are each being sold separately and are all currently unclaimed and untouched female holes," The announcing girl says

'Now I know why that orc form before said they fuck them' Maddox thinks as he sees how these things look

Like with Jack's body they were miniaturized bodies of the victims that succumbed to miasma and turned into what they were now, however, if Maddox could compare what they looked like now to anything he would have to say that they were probably close to a fleshlight or pocket pussy.

Unlike Jack's form which had nothing on it, the female versions seemed to imitate them as they had breasts and a vagina in their form but no legs or arms which seemed odd to Maddox.

Still, though he did not care about how they looked, he only cared for the amount of miasma that was being emitted from them which was a significant amount that only one of those would be able to refill all his miasma if used it meaning one of these had more miasma than Belphegor's corpse.

'I will only get one' Maddox makes a plan since he knows that buying all this stuff would lead to the high-tiered infected here acting out and maybe killing him if he pisses them off since everything till now had been small items that they didn't really want or need anyway

"For this first one, the starting bid will be $10,000"

The one that Maddox was going to bid for was going to be the last hole since it seemed to have a bit more miasma than the other two.

The bidding begins with a few of the middle-tiered infected trying to bid for the first hole only for one of the high-tiered to swoop in and claim it for themselves. The next hole is auctioned and this time it seems that the high-tiered infected are going at it since they saw Maddox had not made a move they decided to try and secure the rest for themselves.

They probably thought that he had realized his situation and decided to stop digging his hole any deeper.

When the final hole was being auctioned off, Maddox, however, steps in and, indignantly, even after raising the price to questionable prices for just one of these holes, it ends up being sold at two million dollars to Maddox.

"Now then everyone we are finally coming up to our final two items of the night," Gremi pitches in as he flies back onto the stage

"Now before we continue onward I will tell all those who have purchased something can receive their items at and make their payment"

After disclosing the location publicly, Gremi flies up with a slight smirk on his stupid face. Normally the place would be kept private but this time he decided he would make use of this opportunity to show what it means to not follow the rules that had been established here by making sure that when Maddox could not cover the costs that he would pay dearly.

Doing this would cause the exchange location to be changed but that was a small and easy matter to do since increasing the reputation of this place was difficult since he wanted to attract more high tier infected to come instead of the newer ones he wanted to bring the old ones that had amassed wealth and powerful items to sell or buy them here.

Maddox was a bit suspicious about this since he was unsure of how things would normally go this way he could not voice his concerns since all he would have to do is just hide after getting his stuff and GTFO back to Las Vegas.

"Now then the next item is a special item that has been brought here to us that we have the pleasure of selling," The girl says before the other girls roll out a massive platform that has a large rectangle on it that is covered

This item almost didn't fit through the opening in the curtains and almost reached the roof but fell short. Many people here were in awe and wondered what it was that was up for auction since this place never put out what was up for auction which was why this place had a reputation for quality mystery items.

"Now then for those who have only come here to watch we ask that you kindly leave as once the final item for the night is auctioned off we will be closing our doors soon after to clean the place," The announcing girl states as kindly as she can to the crowd

Some grunts of dissatisfaction of being kicked out emanate from the crowd but those infected who came only to watch and a few of those who came to bid leave the building thus giving more room for everyone else.

Once the last person who was leaving is out the cover over the item being sold is pulled back to reveal that in reality, it was a cage holding in the item.

The item in question though is a creature that Maddox had never heard of or seen before, it looked like a wolf of some sort but he had never seen any wolf the size of a cement mixer.

The wolf looked to be sedated as it was lying on the floor of the cage passed out it seemed but its massive form was still apparent as it was sleeping showing that this creature was indeed alive.

"Now everyone here has the pleasure of being introduced to a new era for our kind as my master has found it befitting to bestow this creature to whoever buys it," Gremi speaks as he flies towards the cage

"Never before has there been another creature besides man who has been influenced by our power and caused them to turn, that is until a few weeks ago when this magnificent creature was born in the northern part of Alaska near a small village along the Yukon River. Once we discovered this creature we immediately brought it here to be sold as per my master's instructions since this creature will need a lot of resources we need for ourselves we hope that we hope one of you here can provide instead," Gremi explains

This was important information that Maddox had just learned since if this creature was indeed a naturally made miasma-infected creature then that meant more species of infected would pop up and wreak havoc on the world if left unchecked.

The infected would get a surge in the amount of infected which meant that the Coalition would also need to attempt to battle the growing numbers as well by implementing some new rules in the organization.

"Now then the bidding for the first-ever animal infected will now begin!"