Evolution of the Beasts, Domination of the World

Jiang Tie was in an important stage of comprehending the Beast Emperor Scripture. He had already found a way and was continuing to explore along this path.

As he continued to comprehend it, the strange phenomenon outside became more and more terrifying. The hurricane soared up into the sky and gradually expanded. The iron bars in all directions were swept into the hurricane, crushed, and scattered all over the place.

The peacock's gaze was dull as it watched the hurricane gradually approaching. The iron bars in front of it were unable to stop the hurricane's sweep. Instead, it made the hurricane even more violent.

The peacock let out a long cry. Its entire body was emitting flames, burning a huge karst cave into the iron bars at the side. It passed through it in a panic and ran away.

Above the hurricane was a fierce beast that looked down on all living things. That fierce beast was wrapped in dense spiritual energy. The fog around it was dense and hazy.

Even though their true bodies could not be seen, all the living beings who saw the ferocious beast felt their hearts tremble. A suffocating feeling surged up, and they were pressured until they could not breathe.

All the animals around the panda hurriedly left their parks and fled in panic. The only thought in their hearts was to stay far away, afraid of disturbing the terrifying ferocious beast in the hurricane.

Those animals had some intelligence and knew how terrifying the ferocious beasts in the hurricane were. They were a bunch of ants in front of the ferocious beasts. With a slight movement of their fingers, they could easily crush them.

After the abnormal evolution, an even greater panic broke out in the zoo. The animals on all sides covered their heads and fled in panic, forming a huge ocean of beasts.


Outside the zoo.

Lin Feng stood at the entrance that led to the depths of the zoo. His body was stiff and his eyes were filled with fear.

He stared at the phenomenon in the sky. It was coming from deep in the zoo. A rare white hurricane was raging in the sky, shrouding the entire zoo in its shadow.

"It's not a natural hurricane. It seems to be caused by the evolved animals in the zoo."

Lin Feng only recovered from his shock after a long time. He had a bad premonition. From the hurricane in the sky, he could tell that the animals in the zoo had evolved and become extremely powerful!


The Panda Park was in the depths of the hurricane. As the panda's keeper, Lin Yi had always worked in the depths of the zoo.

Lin Feng recalled the scene in the monitoring room. The peacock, whose entire body was on fire, easily burned a huge karst cave in the strong iron fence. Its eyes were fierce as it stared at Lin Yi and the panda behind her.

"Yiyi, you can't get into trouble. Don't get into trouble. Wait for Daddy to go in and save you."

He tried his best to put those thoughts behind him. He could not think about it anymore. He believed that Lin Yi would definitely be fine.

Lin Feng moved the rocks blocking the entrance away as if he had gone mad. Those rocks that had appeared out of nowhere were extremely sharp, like sharp daggers. They left countless bloody marks of different depths on his hands until they were stained with blood.

It was as if he could not feel the pain. He dug through the entrance with all his might as if he had gone mad. Countless rocks were tossed aside by him, revealing a hole in the corner of the entrance.

Seeing the corner of the entrance, Lin Feng was in complete despair. It was not gravel that blocked the entrance, but a towering mountain!

The little pieces of gravel he dug out were only pieces of the foot of the mountain, not even the tip of the iceberg.

"This must be the work of that animal, making it impossible for anyone to enter the depths of the zoo and interfere with them."

Lin Feng was mad. His eyes were red as he stared at the corner of the entrance. He recalled the strange phenomenon that had just appeared in the sky, and the appearance of a huge mountain at the entrance. This must be the work of the same animal.

The entrance was completely sealed, and other than this path, no other place could lead to the depths of the zoo.

There was a mountain blocking him, so Lin Feng could not enter at all.

He sat at the entrance in a daze. His eyes were lifeless as he mumbled his daughter's nickname. His blood-covered right hand was trembling as he held on to his cell phone.

He tried to call the familiar cell phone number but failed to get through. Due to the spiritual energy, all wireless communication devices could not function.

He could not get in touch with Lin Yi inside, and the only entrance was blocked. He was unable to reach the depths of the zoo.

Lin Feng did not know how long he had been sitting there, but he was like a puppet that had lost its strings. He stood up weakly and was ready to walk out of the zoo.

The strange phenomenon that originated from the depths of the zoo was still ongoing. Even from a great distance, he could still feel the strong hurricane.

"What's that? A storm?"

"It's not formed naturally, but it appeared in the depths of the zoo. What kind of terrifying creatures have appeared!?"

The people who had fled from the zoo were all terrified and panic-stricken. Their faces were pale and it was obvious that they had not recovered from the previous incident. They raised their eyes to look at the strange phenomenon in the sky and their faces turned even paler.

While they were afraid, they quickened their steps to escape from this chaotic place.

Lin Feng's eyes were empty as he walked away from them, allowing others to push him as they ran for their life.

He looked at the plants around him. After the evolution, they were 30,000 feet tall and 1,000 feet wide. A single blade of grass grew like an ancient tree in the sky. There were also pet dogs that wandered the streets. They transformed into wolves, their mouths full of fangs as they howled continuously.

All the living beings in this world had evolved. Only humans did not show any signs of evolution. In a world where spiritual energy was restored, animals had become the dominators overnight and humans had become the world's weakest. They were now at the bottom of the food chain.

It was not just the zoo. The entire world was in chaos. Outside the zoo, there would be even more terrifying creatures waiting for them.

"Crazy, crazy, completely crazy. This world's in complete chaos!" Lin Feng murmured in a daze as he looked at the changes around him. 

He turned around and looked towards the depths of the zoo. The strange phenomenon had gradually subsided and it seemed to have returned to calmness.

However, Lin Feng understood that a terrifying animal was probably lurking there. It was even more terrifying than the animals that had evolved outside!

On the other side, in the depths of the zoo, Jiang Tie slowly opened his eyes. Once he saw the surrounding scenery clearly, his jaw almost dropped.

With him as the center, the surrounding vegetation was crushed. Not a single spot was intact, as if there was some great terror lurking around.

"That peacock's here again?"

Jiang Tie saw a huge karst cave not too far away. It looked very familiar. With one look, he could tell that it was the work of a peacock.

At this moment, he could not wait to see the peacock. It was a good opportunity to practice.

Comprehending the Beast Emperor Scripture was Jiang Tie's official entry into his evolution. Although he had not completely comprehended it, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

He tried to throw a punch. Immediately, the air was filled with the sound of explosions. If the person standing in front of him was a peacock, what would he look like if it was hit by this punch?

Jiang Tie was delighted. He looked at the illusory figure in the air and could not help but to mutter to himself, "My body's so strong. I only managed to comprehend a little bit of the scripture and it already made such a huge difference. If I could completely comprehend it..."