Plane Bandits

After about 10 minutes, Pearl came to Li Cheng's side and said, "Master, ninety-five percent of the Winged Night Shades have been cleared."

Li Cheng nodded. He was also slightly surprised by the way Pearl addressed him but he did not say anything. It seemed that his actions had completely convinced Pearl.

Li Cheng opened the map and said, "Let's continue to the next target. After this wave, the strength of the players should've increased by quite a bit. We'll change our original route and pass through here directly!"

On the west side of the Shadow World, in the dark underground city, the cold and bloody air was almost suffocating. Countless demons were crouching on the ground, shivering as the cold sweat dripped down their skin and onto the ground.

A succubus said in a trembling voice, "Your Highness, the humans are thinking about the north. They're probably heading toward the camp of the plane bandits."