Little Loli: I Want to Move!

Once Li Cheng finished reading the attributes of the Nine Hammers of Doom, he gasped again. This was too ridiculous.

Li Cheng felt that he had sucked in more cold air that day than all the other days combined. He had thought this hammer was merely a warrior's hammer. He did not expect it to be such a special weapon.

It did not take up any of the equipment slots as well, which made it pretty good. It was equivalent to having one extra weapon than others. The weapon's attributes could only be described as ridiculous. It was indeed a little too abnormal.

The magic damage was increased by 10 times!

The weapon's attack method was also very special. It would float directly next to Li Cheng and automatically attack the enemy, killing 10 units in one second.

Although this number did not seem to be much, its damage coefficient was too terrifying. Moreover, the Highest Transformation actually required divine power to activate.