The Gods of the Evil Camp Declare War

Pool together?

Ella and Trelefany had already gotten Li Cheng's intention. They faintly threw out a few words.

"Pooling your crystals together is fine, but this thing can only be appreciated by one's self. It's forbidden to share!"

"Otherwise, we'll release the news that you have an artistic photo of that old virgin in your hands!"

As soon as this news was released, all the Gods were stunned. Some even sucked in a breath of cold air.

Was that not too much? If this news were to spread to the Goddess of Darkness, that old witch would go crazy, no?

For a moment, the Gods were somewhat hesitant. It was not worth offending the Goddess of Darkness for a few photos. Even if they wanted to see it, they had to endure it.

However, some Gods were very curious and were not afraid of the Goddess of Darkness...