Is This How The Astral World Plays?

[Break the seal (SSS)]

[Mission description: None]

[Mission Nature: only hidden]

[Mission difficulty: ???]

[Mission content: Kill Four Star Spirit Great Mages (0/4) and break the seal]

[Mission reward: Li Cheng, I will help you become a God!]

Seeing the mission content, Li Cheng's pupils constricted. His entire body was instantly drenched in a cold sweat. What was going on in his mind?

This was the first time that his real name had appeared in the game. Had his information been leaked?

This thought was quickly rejected. He was very sure that Trelafany and Ella were both tight-lipped and did not mention his real name to anyone.

Moreover, the reward of the quest was also very strange. Help him become a God?