Empty the Shop Once Again

With just one round of concentrated fire, the evil spirit's HP bar was instantly emptied and its body fell weakly to the ground.

Hearing the system's voice in his ear, Li Cheng was also a little dumbfounded. He had not even cast his detection skill, so how did he die?

The Eagle Alliance players actually had to fight for more than an hour against a Boss like this, and they did not actually manage to kill it. Was that not embarrassing?

Li Cheng shook his head and picked up the loot. It was still the same Legendary-grade water. However, there was another piece of parchment, another quarter of the broken map. The Legendary equipment that dropped was naturally not something that Li Cheng would be interested in, so he threw it into his backpack.

Just like that, Li Cheng led his team and continued to rush to the location of the last two bosses.
