God of Creation’s Messenger Set

"I-I-I... What did I just see?!"

"Isn't this too terrifying?"

[(キ`゚Д゚´)!! (stunned!)]

"It truly is the Furnace of Death. I didn't expect it'd still be that powerful."

The few Goddesses' and heroines' mouths were wide open when they saw Li Cheng kill so many Gods and soldiers in one strike. Their mouths were open so wide that one could stuff a fist into their mouths.

When the Goddesses were dealing with the messenger of the God of Creation, they had already used up most of their divine power. If Li Cheng did not have the Furnace of Death, they would not be able to do anything in this situation. After all, the soldiers had just gone through a big battle. They had used a lot of resources.

Especially the Goddess of Space. She was prepared to use a large amount of divine power again to teleport all of Li Cheng's troops away.