The Goddess of Moonlight Is Here, Too?

At this moment, on the floating island, the earth and the mountains started shaking and rumbling. The magnificent buildings with completely different bases instantly landed in Li Cheng's territory.

Trelefany's shrine was silver-white. On top of it was a crescent moon that emitted a bright light. It looked relatively holy.

Ella's shrine was like a light green phantom. It gave off a mysterious feeling that was neither real nor virtual.

The shrine of the Goddess of Death... It was more like a church that had withered. Just looking at it from afar made people feel uncomfortable.

Of course, this was only in the eyes of others. Whether it was Li Cheng's heart or his eyes, the Goddess of Death was very cute. Whenever she was in his arms, she would roll around in his embrace. Her facial expressions were cute, too. On top of that, she had also made great progress in communicating with them.