Take Over the Astral Angel Empire

"Ah this..."

Looking at the Angel Throne's attributes, Li Cheng was also a little surprised. It had to be said that this throne's attributes were very strong. Its defense was directly stretched to the maximum, which was within Li Cheng's expectations. However, he did not expect that the Angel Throne would have such a powerful destructive power.

If the Angel Throne was filled with resources and exploded, no human city would be able to defend against it. Even the City of Light would be reduced to dust before the Angel Throne exploded.

What caught Li Cheng's attention the most was the third skill. The Angel Throne could carry a large number of people to carry out dimensional jumps. The number of people teleported was not too large, but it was enough for the time being. If that was the case...then could he go to other planes as he pleased?