the harvest festival

After 5 days everyone's wait of 5 years was about to end, preparations were being made all around on this day, everyone was happy because tomorrow they were going to get an immortal protector.

that day

Finally that day comes, many humans and witches were standing under the tree of nature, there the witch queens also came.That's when the old witch comes there and says now we have to start the festival.

As soon as the festival starts, there is an attack of all the invisible animals and they start attacking humans and witches, before causing more damage, the queens make a protector shieldcircle there.

Then many women come there and they cut off her hand and that blood starts making animals and weapons which become invisible.

These people are call witches of blood and their leader Dorothy also came with them.

(Dorothy second wife of king Edward and step mother of Prince Alex)

Witch by blood

This type of witch's are the child of a human and a witch, they have got magic from their mother, due to the body of every human being, it cannot use that magic.

Their body is that of a human, only there is magic in the blood, that is why they cannot use magic like normal witch's.That's why they uses her blood to do magic,

If there was a child of a witch and a human, then they would have got the death penalty, but this bloody witch saves these children.

The witches came to steal the fruit today

But these four queens drive them away after fighting, these people lose them and run away from there.The celebration was almost spoiled but everyone cleans the place, then suddenly The fruit of immortality ripens and shines,

Then Dalia comes there, the witch queens asked her to pluck the fruit.But as she goes to pluck the fruit, Then the king iris come there and stops her.