Chapter 2: Birth

"Congratulations! It's a baby boy!"

"Ha! Told you our child was a boy" said a voice which I presumed to be my dad "You know what that means, right?"

"You get to name the baby" replied by a female voice who I presumed to be my mom who then sighed


- A man can have dreams alright- I replied angrily

- Well your dreams won't come through, there is no romance tag nor a harem tag for this story-

-Fine! I'll shut up, but at least let me experience my birth like an ordinary protagonist-


-Thank you-

"Albert? no, Conner, Bob, Blitzen, Rudolf..." my dad was deep in his thoughts.

"Didn't you think of one beforehand?" my mom asked in an annoyed tone

"Nope! I wanted to think of one on the spot" my dad replied proudly

-So he's an idiot- the voice said.

"Axel has always been this way ever since he was young" the doctor said "Sorry you had to marry my brother"

"That's not the first time I heard that" my mother sighs.

"That's it! His name shall be Perseus." my dad exclaimed

-That's a bit pretentious- The voice said

"That's a bit pretentious" the doctor said

"Nonsense, this is a great name for a great man, I can tell by his current cute face that he is going to be a great man" as he said that, he held me and pinched my cheeks

Maybe It's because I'm a baby, it hurts a lot, a few tears came out of my eyes.

- Crybaby- The voice said before chuckling

"Wait, I didn't mean to hurt you little buddy" my dad says with a worry face

"Give me my baby back" my mom says urgently "I don't like seeing you hurt our child"

As she took me into her arms "I think Perseus is a great name for you, though it does sound a bit pretentious" she chuckled "I have faith that you will grow up to be a wonderful man"

- What a nice lady! I totally don't deserve this woman as my mother- I cried

-You don't- the voice retorted

- Shut up! You're ruining the moment- I replied in an angry tone - Besides you sent me here, so it must mean that you think that I deserve wonderful parents-

- It's random even I can't pick whether your parents are going to be a wealthy one or a poor one-

- Then maybe this is heaven's way of saying that I am a good person-

- I doubt it, judging from where we are, we are most definitely commoners, at least you get good parents-


My life as a baby is a the best, It's like a slacker's dream, you eat, sleep and people will tend to your daily needs, though it was embarrassing being breastfed and having someone cleans you up after you pee or poop is even more embarrassing.

We live in a small stone cottage with 4 windows, 2 for the front and 2 at the back. 3 bedroom and 1 bathroom. I like it, I want one like this when I retire, big enough to live with a few companion and small enough to clean without getting tired.

A year passed, I no longer have to be breastfed and managed to clean after myself... most of the time. The voice haven't talk to me since the day I was born, but I'll probably will hear from her again soon enough. My father's name is Axel and my mother's name is Mary. The Doctor name is John, he is my dad's older brother. It seems like in this world, you won't have a last name unless you earn some sort of recognition from the kingdom or at least have a noble tile like in those novels.

My dad is a hunter, he hunts in the forest for wild game and other animals for food and pelts to provide for the family while my mom is also a hunter, but she usually stay at the house to look after me, she'll only go out if my dad needs extra support. I want to learn magic early, to see how it works, to get stronger and a younger age so that I don't have to worry about getting my ass kicked.

John usually comes around for dinner at our place, seeing him use magic to clean up is very amazing, he does it faster than mom who usually uses magic to clean the house faster.

"Hahaha, 15 minutes! You know your stuff John, you cleaned the table, wash the dishes and clean the house in 15 minutes, Me and Mary take 30 minutes to do all that with magic, 20 minutes if we both help each other" Dad laughed as he held his pint of beer " If only I took up magic instead of hunting, haha" he then chugged the rest of his beer

"It's not too late to improve our magic" my mom said "But it's enough for me to live comfortably, so I don't mind"

"Well it's definitely not too late for the little one" said John

"If anything it's too early" my mom replied " I have faith that he'll be better than us, maybe even better than you, he tends to stare at us with sparkling eyes every time we use magic, he probably already set sight to learn magic"

"I'll teach him when the time comes, I'll promise you that" said John chuckling as he chugged his pint of beer "Well it's getting late, I better head back, and you guys should tuck the boy in for his sleep"

"You can sleep in the guest room if you like" my mom said

"I appreciate your hospitality, but I need to wake up early tomorrow, so I better head back"

"See him off Axel"

"Sure" my dad replied in a relaxed manner

The Next day, my mom would go out to support my dad and leave me with John. Usually he stays and watch over me at our house but today it seems like he's a bit busy so he took me to his house instead. It's my first time here, John uses a part of his house to heal or treat people. So he left me in a room full of books and left some picture books in front of me to keep me occupied before heading off to treat people. Unfortunately for him, I am mentally an adult, I died at the age of 19, 1 year after my graduation, I went and look around for a book that teaches magic, if it's like any of those novels, I'll find one here.

'Book of Magic for beginners' by Andrius Thames

Didn't take me long to find it since this world also uses English.

-Well well well, seems like you found what you were looking for- A familiar voice said in my head

-So you're finally here, where have you been all this time?- I asked

- I was always watching you, did you miss me already? - she replied

- Our relationship isn't going to last if you keep going away and only returning after a long period of time-

- Since when did we have a relationship?!- she replied quickly -You're going to give the readers a misunderstanding, please word things better. Hmph!- she pouted

- Stop breaking the fourth wall, they are very expensive to repair- I replied, but I have an odd feeling that she is mind-blushing just like a certain piece of stone from a certain webnovel I read.