Chapter 10: Fighting with the cliché bandits

"We're dead?" The boss of the bandits repeated "Hahaha"

The rest of the bandits joined him and laughed

"You got a weird colored hair, maybe from too much stress, Last chance, scram, your weird hair color will get us a lot of money from some nutjob noble, Hahaha" The boss and his gang couldn't stop laughing

-Let's attack them while their guard is down- I said

-Agreed but let's leave the boss for last, we need to at least have some fun- Ace replied

-You 2 are going to be the 3rd way to kill a god with how annoying you 2 are- Dabria grumbled

Without another word, Ace conjure up some wind blade and shot it to the 2 in the front while I stomp on the ground to summon up rock spikes to pierce the heart of the other 2. The 4 died instantly, the boss looked shocked. He recovered and pulled out a sword. The horse was panicking before the boss calmed it down.

"I underestimated you kid" The boss now looked angry "A small kid that can use magic with weird colored hair, you'll definitely sell for a high price, you gotta payback for what you did to my underling"

He then charged at us. Me and Ace surround ourselves with wind magic to increase our speed and dodge his slashes, seems like our training paid off.

-This is not the time to be excited- Dabria said

-Ace let's wait till he uses his magic- I told Ace as ignored Dabria

-Yeah killing him now won't be too much fun-Ace replied

"That cat can use magic too, seems like I hit 2 birds with one stone" The boss said "This is a D-grade enchanted Iron sword, I wouldn't be able to kill those knights with it, but it'll definitely be enough to kill you brats"

He then engulf his swords in flames and gives stronger slashes and leaving scorch marks everywhere and sometimes it shoots out some small flame slashes.

-So cliché, he not only talk too much, he also gives too much information, I'm definitely taking that sword.

I charged in, surrounding my hands with wind and punched him in the gut, I then used the wind to make me jump high, engulf my leg with lightning and did a dropping axe kick. I then backed away, Ace then shot shot a fireball. The fireball then exploded.

-Seems like those fighting techniques back in my past life helped me a lot-

-Oh he's still alive- Ace said

-Yeah let's finish him when he get up and say something along the lines that he cannot let himself get beaten up by a kid and his pride won't allow it and then do a reckless charge- I replied

-Would you 2 give it a rest already? He definitely won't do it, not everything will happen like in those novels- Dabria yelled

"Me beaten by a kid?!" The boss then laughed "I can't allow it, MY PRIDE WON'T ALLOW IT!"

He managed to get himself up and charged at us.

-Told you so- I said

-I stand corrected- Dabria sighed

-Yep those novels are super useful, I'm glad I got to share your memories- Ace added

"AHHHHH" screamed the bandit boss as he shouted at us

I dodged him, use my legs to trip him, and as he was falling I summoned a rock spike to pierce him.

"Victory!" Me and Ace shout in unison

I then walked up to his corpse and took his sword away from him and the keys to free the animals.

-Man that was fun, even though the fight was short-

-Let's do this again- Ace jumping up and down excited

-Let's free those poor animals and get the wolf to John for healing-

-How will you explain all this to your parents? I know they know you can use magic, but I doubt telling them you killed somebody even if it's a bandit will make your parents feel relaxed- Dabria chimed in concern

-Don't worry I will have a good explanation- I replied confident

I used the sword to cut the reins and release the horse and then us the keys to free the animals, it was all sort of magic beasts, birds, wolves and some wild cats. We then got to the white wolf's cage. I lifted the covers and saw a small white wolf pup with a bit a gray fur on its back and like those bandit's said it has only 3 legs.

-Poor thing, it can't be older than a year old, those bandits must have wanted to catch a larger beast but ended up catch this little one instead, those traps must have cut its leg off in the process- Dabria commented with a sad tone

-Yeah let's rush back, I can heal but I can't regrow a limb- I then lift the pup up and use wind magic to run back quickly.

I arrived at John's house and asked him to heal the wolf.

"Oh gods, what happened?" Olivia who happened to accompany him saw my desperate face

"A white wolf? Those are native to the north, what is it doing in rabbit forest?" John questioned me as he healed the wolf

"I-I-I was just playing in the forest, the-then I saw these bandits an-" I stuttered but John cut me off

"BANDITS?!" John shouted "Olivia take him to his parents and call some knights with you on the way and Perseus tell them the full story, I can't regrow a limb, I specialize in diseases and curing substances like poison, but I can at least save its life till we find someone who can, now go"

Olivia then took me to my parents and asked those Artian knights to follow us, but once they heard Olivia mentioned bandits, the knights, and my parents took me to the forest as I explained my story, we left Olivia behind because the knights thought those bandits were still alive and didn't want her there because she is a liability. We then arrived at the scene, my parents and the knight were shocked at the scene"

"Wait, you killed 5 bandits and one armed with an enchanted sword by yourself?" A knight said shocked

"Well m-me and Ace did" I replied stuttering

-You're a good actor- Dabria commented

-Yes, I should take some lesson from you- Ace added

"That's amazing" the knight complimented

"Perseus how exactly did you do it, I know you're talented, but this is frankly quite shocking, you just killed 5 men" my dad asked

"When I tried to stop them, they were laughing so I summoned those rock spikes when their guard was down and Ace shot wind blades to kill them, and the leader, even though he did use the sword, he was just swinging and charging recklessly, so I tripped him and when he stumbled and fell, I summoned a rock spike to kill him"

My mom then bend down and grabbed both my shoulders "We're former adventurers, I understand that sometimes you have to kill your way out of trouble, but next time you see something like this, please ask for help, you're lucky you're not hurt this time"

"But what i-if they got away with the animals?"

"Well it'll get solved by the knights, as long as you're not hurt." She then hugged me "Now let's head back, I don't want you to look at these corpses any longer"


We ate dinner, John and Olivia also joined us.

"Did you know ace was a magic beast all along?" my dad asked

"You guys never noticed?" I asked

"Well we never saw him used magic around us" John answered

My mom fed some fried fish to Ace and some chopped up steak to the wolf which growled at her before reluctantly eating the meat.

"What do you plan to do with the wolf Perseus? Do you want to keep him?" my mom asked

"I planned to release him back to where he belong"

"Well since we're planning on healing the wolf's limbs, we can always find someone in Artia to take it back to the north" Olivia chimed in "Besides Perseus never been there, it'll also be a good distraction for what happened today"

"Yeah and we can ask someone to check what's wrong with his hair, but I doubt it'll be anything useful, he can be a special boy with a unique hair color"

"By the way, since you 2 are close, have you and Ace formed a bond yet?" John asked

"Yeah" I then showed him the black tattoo on my right arm.

"You always showered by yourself otherwise we would have totally notice it" my dad chimed in

"It's black, which means you guys shared your past memories, you guys must really trust each other, you guys should also be able to talk with each other in your heads, since when did you form this bond?" John asked

"On the day we rescued him from those magic coyotes"

"You guys must really like each other" Olivia complimented "No wonder you 2 always do everything together, it's cute"

"So I'm assuming that the wolf will sleep in your room tonight Perseus?" Mom asked

"Yep my room have enough space for him after all"

Later that night after dinner, we tried to get him in my room but he refuse to budge, so we thought, we'll let him go out, since it's winter he wouldn't mind the cold air outside, but he also refused, so I asked Ace who can somewhat communicate with him.

-He thinks us asking him to go outside is a trap, he doesn't trust humans-

-Considering what happened to him, it's fair enough-

We at least got him to sleep in my room, he has a little bit of trust in Ace who isn't a human. He looked uncomfortable, so I asked Ace to ask him what's wrong.

-He said that he isn't sleeping till you fall asleep, even though you saved him, he still doesn't completely trust you-

-Poor thing, those stupid bandits! How can they do that to a poor child!- Dabria yelled

-Ok, I'll get some early snores so that he can get some sleep-

I then fell asleep holding Ace in our shared blanket.

The wolf thought before he doze off