Chapter 15: The other reincarnate

-Well EXCUSE ME, it seems that white hair is more rare than pink hair-

-Well I'm going to go have a chat with my fellow winner, since we both won the opportunity to be able sponsor a reincarnate, well I felt like I lost since I picked you, I'm off- Dabria said before going silent

-Do you want to run Perseus?- Siege asked

-Or fight with him?- Ace suggested

-No, he'll definitely come to interact with me, if Dabria can sense that he is the other reincarnate, his sponsor would be able to do the same, we just need to determine whether he is a threat we need to eliminate or someone we can use. I doubt there is any rule against reincarnate killing each other, and I also doubt his god can take revenge if I do kill him-

-I hope he is someone we can use, maybe let him do all the fighting while we travel the world and slack off- Ace said

-Hmm maybe get more steaks- Siege said as he then imagine himself eating a mountain of steaks

The noble's son seemed to ask his dad to talk to me to which the baron nodded and he approached me.

He walked up to me and took his hand out to which I shook.

"I like your hair color" He complimented

"I like yours too, very unique"

-You're being too nice, it's making me uncomfortable- Siege cringed

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Albert Golds"

-Such a cheesy cliché name-

-Agreed- Siege and Ace said in unison

"I'm Perseus"

-Such a pretentious name- Ace commented

-I know right- Siege added

-Hey! You guys are supposed to be on my side-

The baron then headed over.

"Do you guys know each other?" he asked

"No, I believe we've just met" I answered

"I just thought his hair was interesting father" Albert replied

"Ah, are these your family? I forgot to introduce myself, I'm baron Henry Golds, a pleasure to meet you"

My parents, John and Olivia then introduced themselves, shocked at how I casually interacted with the noble.

"I'm sure a smart boy like you wouldn't just approach someone else just because his hair is interesting, Albert is there something else I should know about?" The baron asked

"I can sense it, he is just like me, he also studied magic at around the same time as me"

"I see, boy, when did you started learning magic?"

"I studied at the age of 4" I answered

"Hohoho, a genius attracts other geniuses to him I see, it will be a good thing for both of you to be friends, since you're around the same age, when do you plan on participating in the test? It'll be good for you 2 to study together" Henry suggested

"That's a great idea" Albert agreed

-This reincarnate is the cliché nice guy who is naïve and likes to befriend everyone, even the enemy, you can tell from his eyes-

-Yes, he's like one of those protagonist who would let the enemies live, even after they committed irredeemable crimes- Ace agreed

-We're going to use him, aren't we?- Siege ask

-Of course we are- Me and Ace said simultaneously

"I plan on taking it when I'm 12"

"Me too!" Albert yelled happily

"That's good, my territory is going to be one of the 4 in charge of hosting the test in Artia during that time, here's a badge, use this when you register, you won't need to pay the registration fee if you have it" Henry said as he gave me a bronze coin with his crest on it which was a pile of money

"That represent wealth, we may not have the most power, but when it comes to wealth, I wouldn't lose to a marquis" Henry laughed

"Are these your pets? Can I pet them?" Albert asked looking at Ace who was on my shoulder and Siege who was by my side.

-I don't want anyone to pet me- Siege grumbled

-What about me?- I asked

-You're an exception-

-I'll let him do it, to thank them for he badge, it'll save us money- Ace chimed in

"They're not my pets, they're my bond. You can pet Ace, Siege doesn't want anyone to pet him" I answered

As Albert play with Ace, Henry looked at Siege.

"A bond, interesting. Where do you get the snow wolves they usually aren't around our part, they live in the north, we do get cold weather during winter since we live in the east, but a bond with a snow wolf is rare around our part"

"Oh, it's a long story, but he got kidnapped and then I rescued him"

-A little short, don't you think?- Siege commented

"That's a bit short Perseus" Olivia giggled

"Yeah, he hates humans and you're his only exception" Dad added

"He doesn't mind you guys" I argued

"Well that's only because we feed him" Mom said

"Well nice chatting with you, but I have to go since I'm in charge, come on Albert" Henry said as he bade us farewell

"Bye Perseus, see you later" Albert said

We then finally got in the the coliseum and watched the test.

"He finally got a friend, and it's a noble kid who found his hair interesting no less" John chuckled

"Like the Baron said, A genius attracts other geniuses" Olivia giggled

"Well it's a good thing that we know that he'll be okay if he were to go to an academy with Albert, they'll have each other's back" Mom joined in

As they chatted, Dabria came back.

-I'm back-

-How strong is he?- I asked

-No greetings and just straight to the point-Dabria grumbled -Well he's definitely stronger than an average reincarnate, but he's weaker than you, so he won't be a threat if you're asking-

-Who's his sponsor?- Siege asked

-Helena, the goddess of light-

-Good to know- Ace smiled

-You and Ace are having that weird smile, do you plan on using the boy?- Dabria asked

-Why ask something so obvious?- I answered

-I shouldn't have picked you- Dabria grumbled

-Too late for that now- Ace chuckled

-The test is starting- Siege said

-Then let's see how it'll go- I said before we all focused on what's happening in the coliseum