Chapter 17: Small talk

Before we left I got a communication amulet from a knight by the gate saying that it is from Albert, the amulet also got their crest on the back, I heard it's a few silver each. Well I get calls from him every now and then, but with my family around and his family around, we can't talk about our previous lives.

Today we finally got an opportunity to talk in private since I'm in the forest far away from everyone else, and he is in his room, the goddesses also had a chat.

"Well, we finally have an opportunity to talk about important things" I smiled

"Of course, what do you want to talk about first?" he asked

"How old were you when you died and what was your world like?"

"I was about 20, I got hit by a truck"

-So cliché- Me, Ace and Siege said in unison

"My world was peaceful, no magic or anything, definitely more scientifically advanced" he continued "What about you?"

"I was 19, and I died when a random lightning bolt struck me"

-What an unlucky fellow- Ace shook his head

-The chances are about 1 in 300,000 and you somehow managed to get killed by one, what a loser- Siege added


"It was peaceful most of the time"

"Most of the time?" Albert repeated

"Monsters that is called humans, since we endanger each other the most"

"Let's not talk about that then, how's your life so far? Is it hard? If you want I can send you some money, my father would love to be your sponsor"

"It's fine, we maybe commoners but at least we don't starve"

"That's good"

"What's your plan for this life?" I asked

"To make Artia a better kingdom"

-Again, so cliché-

-We know- Ace and siege said simultaneously

"What's your birthday Albert?"

"21st of January, why?"

"You're older than me in both the the previous and the current life, mine is 21st of April"

"That's in about a month, isn't it?"

"Well this it for now Albert, me and my bond should get training, we need all the training we can get before we take the test in about 5 years"

"Well I'll be sure to work hard too, bye Perseus"

-Siege use your ice and water to tamper with my flames, I need to intensify it, during the test, I plan to put all my anger from my previous life into one attack to make it even stronger-

-I want to see it up close, your magic doesn't hurt yourself or us bonds, Can I join you on stage?- Ace asked

-No, I want you both to watch from afar to get a better view, maybe stay about 10 meters away from our future stage-

-That's fine by me, I'm looking forward to your spell, since you haven't told us your full plan yet-

-Let's get back to training Perseus- Siege said

A month later, it's my birthday, John and Olivia gave me a present, it was the package we saw back at Artia.

"Open it" Olivia said

"It was very hard to find" John added

I opened it, it was 'Book of magic for experienced mage' by Andrius Thames.

"That book teaches intermediate magic, it's only found in magic schools, but since you're my apprentice, you have no need to go to a regular magic school before going to the academy"

"How much favors did you pull?" My mom asked

"Not much, some nobles have it too you know"

"Isn't it too much?" my dad asked worried

"Nonsense, it's fine."

"Thanks uncle John, I'll make sure to treasure it, when you and Olivia have a child in the future, I'll make sure to help train them to be strong enough to get into a magic academy" I said as I secretly teased him

John and Olivia blushed

"You and your parents are too much alike" John said

"We haven't even had our marriage yet, a child might not come anytime soon" Olivia added

"J-just repay us by working hard and passing the exam" John stuttered

We had a wonderful dinner that night, Ace and Siege also got a lot of food. As I went to bed, Dabria wished me a happy birthday

-Well happy birthday- Dabria congratulated

-No birthday kiss or anything?-

-Stop doing that, the readers are going to misunderstand-

-Our relationship isn't going to last, if you keep doing that-

-We are not in any kind of relationship!-

-They're flirting again- Ace commented to which Siege nodded

-Dabria when can we share our past memories?-

-Soon, when you're stronger-

-What core level?-

-Well not stronger but more like when you're older, wait till you're 11-

-That's 4 years, since you're super old, it'll take a while for me to wake up then, I'll probably have to sleep for about a week-

-I'm not that old, but yes, it's about 3 to 7 days, since I'm also a goddess, it will take a while for you-

-Since I'm not that sleepy, I'm reading the book-

I opened the book to the spatial magic section, it teaches spatial storage, an intermediate spell that is ranked A. Since we already learned it, I look at all the other spells, since I will have to use some of them to hide my abilities from certain enemies.

-With your talent, your imagination and your affinity to every attribute, the book is mostly useless- Ace commented

-I know, but I'll learn a few any ways, but I will leave this book for you to keep in your spatial storage, you will have to share it with Siege-

-Thank you, we won't let you down-

-Both you and Siege have 4 attributes, you're not weak, and as Perseus grow stronger, you guys will too, maybe even getting additional attributes along the way- Dabria stated

-Well we should plan on getting rich first, with money we can buy ourselves a last name-

-We will all have the same last name?- Siege asked

-Is that bad?-

-No, I don't mind-

-I don't mind it either- Ace chimed in

-Why do you want a last name?- Dabria asked

-With a last name, we'll get bullied lesser by a few stuck-up nobles, with a last name, it would either mean that we got some noble status or have lots of money, but they'll still bully us anyway, they'll probably accuse us of being some noble's forbidden love's child-

-That is a high possibility- Siege nodded

-What's your plan?- Dabria questioned

-Artia is a city of commerce right? We first need to patent something-

-What will you patent?-

-I will patent both 'Bubble tea' and 'Boba', we will open a place called Boba and sell bubble tea, no one else will be able to use the term bubble tea nor boba tea-

-That's your big plan?-

-It's genius- Ace complimented

-Yes, no one in this world knows of its existence yet, in 3-4 years, we can extend the branches as a franchise to other kingdoms, we will be rich- Siege agreed

-And it's an uncliché way to make money for protagonists. We need to make milk tea and tapioca pearls to show our family first, we get them to go the kingdom to patent it and by the time people copy it, they will be too late, we'll be on top of the literal food chain-

The next morning, I asked my parents to ask John and Olivia to the house, John asked the knight's healer to substitute for him for the day. with my enhanced hearing, I can hear the whispers in the living room from the kitchen

"Why does he want us here?" Olivia asked

"He seems to want to make us something" mom replied

"Maybe it's to pay you for your present yesterday" dad suggested

"Well today isn't that busy, I have lots of time"

I got some tapioca flour, huge straws and plastic cups that I bought from Artia, my parents questioned me, but I told them it's a secret. I made milk tea and put the pearls in it, I made sure to sweetened the tea and used magic to make the drink cold. I made several portions.

-You guys want some?-

-Of course- Ace answered

-You don't have to worry about us, we're magic beast, our stomach can digest some food regular beasts can't- Siege answered-Besides I'm also curious about it-

I put a bit of taro powder and used a different tea in mine since my favorite is the taro milk-tea.

"Ta-da" I said as I place the cool drinks to my family

-It's good- Ace complimented as he drank first

-It is surprisingly good- Siege said, I guess a magic beast CAN use straws.

"What are those bubbles?" Dad asked "And why is yours a different color?"

"Just try them first, chew properly, I don't want you guys to choke" I replied

They all drink it and got wide eyed.

"This is...This have to be the best thing I ever had" Olivia said as she drank more

"It is genius" mom said "What is it called?"

Just like my previous world, females are big fans of these, dad and uncle John seem to also enjoy it

"That's why I called you guys her today, I plan on getting this patented"

"Seriously?" John said shocked as he stopped drinking

"Of course, I plan to be a rich man, since I'm not old enough to start a business, I need you guys to help me"

"Are you sure? This is great but I doubt this strange cold and sweet drinks will get enough customers"

"I can make more flavors"

"Like what?" Olivia asked


Olivia then finished her tea.

"I will make sure this get patented" Olivia declared "And to taste those new flavors, I will use force if I have to. John, pack your things, the patenting process will take a while, Perseus can take over your job when you're gone"

"I'll go with him to make sure it get done faster" my dad also declared

I smiled as my plan is moving along sweetly.

-Time to make money in the most uncliché way possible- I declared

-YEAH- Ace and Siege yelled

Dabria just sighed