Chapter 32: The opening ceremony

Today is going to go wrong in all sort of ways isn't it, it's always at the opening ceremony, people will find their group and new mates here, and the one without a group will get picked on.

We got a table, it was just me, Albert and Eleanor sitting down, Ace and Diana are on my shoulders and Siege is sitting down on my right, Damon is standing to my left. Albert got Aenon standing by his left and Eleanor got this knight standing behind her, blond guy with blue eyes, about 174cm tall. He looked at me once and clicked his tongue and looked away.

-He's one of those knights that look down on us commoners-

-Yeah, he's probably born in a knight household, they always think they're better than people like you, just because they have a bit more power than you- Dabria sneered

-Well his magic is around dark red, but if he's a guard for a princess, it means that he's probably really good with his swordsmanship-

-You won't have to worry about that, the strongest one in Artia right now should be the old man Aenon, he's a white core, Artia does have a lot of people in the dark grey stage though, I should be able to handle most of these people here if we have to fight- Damon commented

That's reassuring, most people don't want to sit at our table since they all wanted to avoid the top 3, me specifically.

The ceremony started, the Headmaster made his speech. He looked like a man in his early 60s, about 176cm tall, grey hair with a long beard

-He's also at dark grey- Damon said

-I did some research, he should turn 90 this year, but Damon should be able to handle him, even with his high tiered equipments, he wouldn't be able to break my brother's scales- Diana commented

"Welcome students! I am headmaster Anthony Magus"

"He's related to you, right?" I asked Eleanor

"He's my father's uncle" She answered

"After this ceremony, you all will be given a tour by the professors, they will show you where you will spend your next 5 years studying. School will start in 3 days, until then, you can walk around the campus yourselves and register for your classes, join new clubs and make new friends, just know that I do not tolerate bullying"

-Well, even if he doesn't, I don't think the teachers and students care, there's definitely going to be some teachers who favor nobles-

"Now we will have this year's top scorer to make his speech"

Albert got up to go make his speech

"Why is he going up there instead of you?" Eleanor asked while Albert is making his speech

"I don't want any more attention than I'm already getting"

-If glares could kill, you'd be dead 100 times over by now- Siege said

-Well it's the look of envy after all- Damon replied

-I'm getting uncomfortable with people looking at us- Diana shivered

We listened to Albert's speech till it finished. The principal finished his speech before he left

"Please use your communication amulet in case of emergency, they can also be used as an audio recording device in case you need to record something in the scene of bullying, if you don't have one, please ask a professor and they will help you get one for free of charge"

We then toured with the professor, he showed us the cafeteria, the dorms, and all of the campus. We now know where to go for our dorms, the servant's dorm and where to register for class.

The students then split up, Eleanor went to check out her room, Albert decided to stick with me.

"I can't believe I get to meet another one of my species here" Damon said

"We are rare after all, I haven't met another dragon in centuries, hohoho" Aenon replied

Damon and Aenon were in their own world talking.

"You got no other bond?" I asked

"No, just him, Aenon told me that Diana is a phoenix" Albert whispered "How did you even get both a dragon and a phoenix into your party? People can go their whole lives without even getting a glimpse of them"

"How'd you meet Aenon?"

"Well he heard rumors about me and decided to disguise as one of our butlers, Helena sensed that he was a dragon, he was interested in how I found out"

-Told you-

-Your predictions are really spot on- Siege complimented

-I'm pulling favors to get some other gods to get me some of your world's novels- Dabria said before going silent

"Did you tell him?"

"No, but he then offered me to do a bond, that's why I asked you before"

"Is there any other reason for why he wanted to bond with you?"

"He said something about me wanting to make the world a better place, and he will help me accomplish my goal"

After our talk, we went to register for our classes. Albert registered for healing, close combat, enchanting, spatial magic and spell making. I registered for close combat, enchanting, spell making, spatial magic, runesmith, and beast taming.

Spell making is a class that focuses on creating new spells, beast taming teaches about slave crest and more about bonds, enchanting teaches how to enchant equipments and rune smith teaches about how to apply runes.

-Siege can use his water attribute to heal, and I don't need healing due to my quick regeneration, maybe spell making can help Ace create spells using his current attributes-

-If I get injured in a fight, I don't want to be a liability due to my injuries, so I'll make sure to listen during that class- Ace said

-Well we should divide our time now, he's allowed only to bring one bond per class except for beast taming, where we'll all go- Diana suggested

-I'll go close combat, the cat will go for spell making and the class for spatial magic- Siege said

-Well I was born with that attribute, in our party, excluding Dabria, I'm the 2nd best at using it- Ace nodded

-I'll take the runesmith and enchanting, this is my first time formally studying something, I'm a bit happy that I don't have to sneak around and learn in secret, but Damon will only get to accompany us during breaks and lunch time- Diana sighed

We then headed to the male dormitory

"Do you want a separate room for your bodyguard?" A clerk asked

"No, he'll be staying with me and my bond"

"Ok, I'll give you room 420, it's on the 4th floor, it should be bigger than a regular room since, you will be having a lot of bonds in your room plus a bodyguard, you will be responsible for cleaning your own room. The food in the cafeteria is free, you can pay extra if you want more options or pick food from a higher quality"

-Nice! room 420-

-I know! Your luck is amazing- Ace said

Siege, Diana and Damon just sighed

"Can we cook our own food in the dorm?" I asked

"Of course, but you have to buy the groceries yourself, you're allowed to only leave on the weekends, but you can only leave once, and you have to be back by 6:30pm, as for your bodyguard/butler, he's allowed to leave twice a week. Unless any of you have an emergency, we can not bend the rules to allow you to go out more than the rules have stated"

Albert got room 309 on the third floor, so we split up and decided to meet back up for dinner

We then went to check our room, 2 full sized beds, a normal sized kitchen and a big bathroom.

"This room won't be so bad when you guys are attending your class" Damon said sitting on the left side bed

"Yeah, I don't want you to wait outside the classroom for me like those other servants, I can't treat my bond like that, we have to eat from the cafeteria this week though, we're only allowed to leave starting next week for groceries"

"Don't we already got some food in our spatial storage" Diana said turning into her human form

"We're saving those for emergency situations" I replied

-Guys I'm back- Dabria said

-Welcome back- Diana greeted

"Now that we're all here, let's get down to business" I clapped my hands

-Well what are you planning?- Dabria asked

"I want to name my new sword" I said as the sword appeared in my hands "It doesn't go into my spatial storage, but its own spatial pocket instead, it comes out when I want it, but I want to name it, every protagonist does"

-Well, I'll just make sure you don't name it anything stupid, I'll leave it to the others to make the suggestions- Siege said lying down

"Well your naming sense is terrible" Diana said

"He was probably going to name it god slayer or something" Damon added

"Or something like slayer of fate" Ace nodded

-That does sound like him- Dabria agreed

I coughed

"I can't deny that you guys are right, but I had a name in mind, I spent the past 3 days thinking of it"

-What is it then?- Dabria asked

"Dream Eater"

"A bit dramatic" Damon said

"I actually like it" Ace said

-It's not his most ridiculous one- Siege said before dozing off

Seems like no one is in a big disagreement

"Dream Eater it is then"

I then put it away and rest till it was time for dinner.

I got roast chicken with the side of fries with a glass of water, Ace got a grilled fish, Diana got some fruits and nuts, Damon got pork chops and Siege got his steak.

Albert and Aenon then joined us. After a while Eleanor also joined us.

"I've never seen butler/bodyguards eating with their masters on the same table before" She said as she start eating

"Is that why people are giving us weird gazes?" Albert asked looking around

The students then turned away

"Well it seems to prove that we're just more nicer than them" I said taking another bite

"Are you implying that I'm not as nice?" She asked

"I didn't" taking another bite

"Balor, get a chair and sit" She commanded

"I am here to protect and serve you, your majesty, not to be your equal" he bowed

He refused to sit down no matter what.

"By the way, what classes did you guys registered for?" She asked

"Close combat, enchanting, spell making, spatial magic, runesmith, and beast taming." I answered

"Healing, close combat, enchanting, spatial magic and spell making." Albert answered

"You guys are hard workers, no wonder you 2 took the top spots" She said "I have spell making, healing, enchanting and runesmith. But since when did you 2 have the spatial attribute?"

"For a while" I answered

"Since I practiced magic" Albert answered

"You 2 can't be any more amazing" she shook her head "I tried to ask you guys this before, but why is your eye colors different, Perseus' eyes changed completely while only one of Albert's eye changed"

"Stuff happened"

"Uh yeah that" Albert answered

"You guys have no intention on sharing?" she asked


The Balor guy looked like he had enough and slam the table.

-*Sigh* There it is, the day went so peacefully today too- I grumbled

-Well let's see what he have to say- Dabria replied

"You guys are being disrespectful, answer her majesty's question you incompetent fools"

People then stared at us to see what's going on

-Well there goes our peaceful day-