Chapter 34: Little demon (2)

"The junior team?!"

"What will the third years think?"

"We'll make him a candidate for now" Anthony Magus said calming everyone down "It's in 7 months, he should be at least a vice-captain, he definitely has a talent for it"

"I'll agree with your decision, I doubt any 3rd years from other academies will manage to injure him to what he suffered today"

"Well the tradition is to beat them up to give them the experience of a fight on the battlefield and to teach them, that there are always opponents stronger than you, but his personality got crazier the more I fought him, but his extraordinary regeneration healed him back to give him back his reasonings" Steel replied

"What about Albert, the son of the Golds family?" A teacher asked

"He's the best I've seen" Professor Green replied "His talent surpasses that of the princess and he also knows spatial magic, including Perseus the top scorer, we got only 12 this year"

"How's his abilities, professor Williams? You're the teacher for spatial magic after all" Anthony asked a professor who is in his late 50s, he has brown hair and a a brow mustache

"He's definitely the best this year, during our class, I asked him about Perseus, they seem to know each other. He said that Perseus is like him, he started learning magic at the same age of 4, but Perseus is better than him at every kind of magic he knows, it seems this Perseus fellow lives up to the rumors" Williams replied "Professor Steel, are you going to let him automatically pass the exam, even Albert only managed to cut a few of your fingers. Even though I know the result would be different if you had your equipments, it is still impressive he managed to injure you that much"

"I am, he only used a sword to cut off my arm, if he fought with a weapon from the beginning, the results would've been much more severe for me, though we need to find a way to control that crazy personality of his"

"That bodyguard of his though, none of the professors can stop him" A female voice said

"Yeah, he was quite insistent on healing the boy himself and refused for any of us to take him, he was even stronger than me" Professor Steel replied

"We'll keep a lookout for him too" Anthony Magus responded


1st Person view

I woke up to Ace standing on my chest, I'm in my dorm.

"How long has it been?"

"Well, today's the 2nd day, it's about lunch time right about now" Damon answered

"Yeah, we had to take you here and heal you ourselves to not let anyone see the bond tattoos" Diana scolded

-Lucky you only passed out due to the loss of blood and exhaustion, it was very stupid of you to lower the speed of your regeneration- Dabria said

"Well, did I get him good?"

-If that's all you care about, yes, the healing professor was in quite a shock to see the close combat professor lose an arm against you- Siege answered

-An don't break your legs like that again, I heard it from Siege, it was very reckless and stupid of you- Ace scolded

"I always wanted to try those moves"

"Well if you're done, I should get you to meet the headmaster, there's many rumors surrounding you now" Damon said giving me a tray of food "Finish this, shower and get dressed, we'll head to his office right after."

-You'll also miss today's lesson as well- Dabria said

I ate, showered, got dressed and wear the S-class robe that the academy gave me.

-It slowly mend itself over the past day, luckily you didn't damage the robe that much- Dabria said

We then all headed towards the headmaster's office.

"Make yourself comfortable" the headmaster said sitting at his desk

I sat down in a chair in front of him.

"What a magnificent bird, is it also your bond?" he asked

"Yes, I found her during my trip to the northern mountains, she help me scout from the air"

That was the lie we came up with every time I needed to introduce Diana.

Professor Steel and Professor Green Came in the room.

"Good afternoon professors"

"Glad to see you doing well little brat" Professor Steel replied

"Your arm is back I see"

"Yeah no thanks to you"

After pleasantries, professor Green scolded me.

"What you did during the match was very stupid of you young man, I can't believe you would twist and break your own legs just to land a hit"

-I already got her bad side, here I was hoping our first conversation would be a pleasant chat over tea-

-Stop daydreaming- Dabria replied to my statement

"We've asked you to come today to tell you that due to your outstanding performance, we'll let you pass the exam of close combat for this year, but the condition that comes with it is that, you also have to continue to excel in the class otherwise we'll let you take the exam like everyone else" The headmaster said

"Thank you, headmaster"

"Though I must ask, is that crazy personality of yours normal?"

-Ah, it was when I was consumed by 'Ferocity' wasn't it-

"No sir, the blood just got to my head"

"Well make sure it doesn't happen again" he replied "The other reason that we've ask you to come here is that, we would like to inform you that you are chosen to represent our school in this year's inter-academy competition in the junior team, it happens every 2 years, so you'll encounter it again when you're in your 3rd year"

"Does everyone else know of this?"

"Not yet, we want you to keep this a secret for now. Is there anyone else you recommend to join you in the junior team?"

-Well, I only know 1 other guy here-

-You don't interact with others at all, even when I asked you to- Diana replied

"I would recommend Albert sir"

"Very well, you may join your class tomorrow, you won't be marked for your absence for today and yesterday"

I then left the room and headed back to my dorm, I'm going to rest there till dinner time

3rd person view

"That bodyguard of his is at least of the mid blue core" Professor Steel said

"His family does own a lot of food franchises, but how does he even hire one at that level to bodyguard him, you need connections for that" Professor Green shook her head "Albert, I understand, his family's wealth is much greater than many nobles combined, but a commoner like him getting one of the same caliber is strange"

"Any trace of forbidden magic?" Anthony Magus asked

"No sir, not even a single strand"

"Weird, I got some of the reports from the the knights patrolling his village, apparently the boy one day just switched eye colors completely, and mix with his extraordinary regeneration, I thought just maybe he is some result of forbidden magic" Anthony magus said

"I have faced forbidden magic before, not an ounce is on him, Professor Green also detect no abnormalities" Professor Steel replied

"What a fascinating boy, keep your tabs on him and his bodyguard, lucky that we got the boy before the other academies"


1st person view

We were eating at the cafeteria. I also used a bit of money to get extras, seems like I was a bit hungry today.

"Mind if I join you?" Albert asked

"Go ahead"

Albert and Aenon sit with us and ate their dinners before Eleanor and Balor came to join us, Balor still refused to sit with us

"You know your new nickname yet?" She asked

"I got one already? Nice"

"Laughing demon or some called you a crazy demon" she replied

"I kinda like that"

"You shouldn't take that as a compliment" she shook her head

"By the way, we got the same class for 2nd period, spatial magic" Albert said

"Is there anything I missed?"

"I don't think so, we're just learning how to use a spatial storage, but You got that already" He replied

"Seriously?" Eleanor responded "maybe I should get a class for my second period, I'll never catch up at this rate"

"Calm down princess, it's not that amazing"

"We all got the same class for spell making in the 3rd period and the same class for 4th period after lunch, enchanting. You didn't miss much either, it was mostly just a few introduction and you will get your book for enchanting class tomorrow" Albert said

"Thanks for that, but I missed Runesmith and Beast taming, hopefully like the others, I won't miss much"

"I doubt you will, young master. The first few days will just be lectures, you'll get to do more later" Aenon assured

"By the way, did they give you a pass for the close combat exam?" Albert asked

"Yeah, as long as I continue to excel in the class"

"Not only that, you'll also get the top score, you made history today, no one ever managed to do what you did" Eleanor added "Still I can't believe the way you would break your own leg just to land a hit on the professor"

"Well in a fight, if I'm going to die anyway, might as well land a hit before I die" I shrugged


"Ah the little demon is back" Professor Steel announced

"Of course, I am healed up and ready to go again"

"We won't, though I'm glad you remember that you were only allowed to trash talk during our one scuffle"

We just some exercise during his class, most of us were dirty after class so we used magic to cleaned ourselves up, people who can't had to do push-ups in order to pay for the professor to use water magic to clean them up. I went out of the class, Ace was waiting for me outside, Siege then switched with him and went back to our room

-Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid again- Siege said

-I'll make sure of it- Ace reassured

I headed to my 2nd class

"I've saved you a seat" Albert said

-By the window too, this guy is too cliché-

-Well let's focus on the class now- Dabria said

"Nice to finally meet you, young Perseus, I'm Professor Light Williams" he introduced

"Nice to meet you too professor"

"Albert will help you with what you've missed, as for today, we'll be learning how to warp"

-Finally, only took me 34 chapters-

-Shut up little demon- Dabria replied

-Let's focus, I want to learn this spell- Ace said