Chapter 44: Selection

School started as usual, the news about the corrupted appearing at the arena raised people's anxiety and rumors were whispered everywhere, people got a high suspicion that the Noblesse family was cooperating with the red sword.

Close combat class training got tougher than usual and the healing class also joined our class a lot due to our injuries. Due to my regeneration, I don't really need the healing, so I can go the whole class training. Most of the time, Professor Steel was my sparring partner, or I have to spar with 2 students at once

"Lucky that I don't have to attend this class" Eleanor commented as she healed an unconscious person

"Well I'm lucky that it's my last class, I get very tired after this class each time, I don't know how you can handle it" Albert said as he healed another

"Well after what happened, students like us have to be tougher during a fight, so training has intensified, with my fast regeneration, I'm fine"

Lucas and Cecily then walked towards us

-Right, they're in the same healing class after all, they've probably never approached me since like others people rather not be associated with me-

-It's not like we've cared about other people either- Siege replied

"Dude, I'm surprised you don't need to heal after all the beating you took" Lucas laughed

"Well we did see his regeneration abilities during his first fight with the professor" Cecily said "As freaky and bloody that fight was, it was very impressive"

Class finally ended and it was spatial magic class.

"Since you can warp now, it's time for us to learn warp gate" Professor Williams announced "It's similar to warp, but the gate allows you to make a gate that allows other people to enter as well, they also consume more mana than a regular warp and like warp, you can only open gates to where you've been to before"

He then open a gate, it was a distorted mana circle appeared, he walked into it and appeared out of another distorted mana circle

"It is possible to make the gate not as distorted, but you need several people to do that, they can set a warping array that open a perfectly shaped gate, but those arrays are only used for long distance travel, now please try to open a small mana gate and make sure to keep it stable, throw an apple or whatever small object you can, and work your way up like before" As we started to practice

"Albert and Perseus, please head over to the headmaster's office after the last period"

"Does he need us for something, professor?" Albert asked

"You will have to find it out yourselves" he answered

-I wonder what he need us for-

-I don't have any ideas- Ace shook his head

-Me neither- Dabria replied

We were all working on our own as usual during spell making, I also managed to be able to inscribe a few enchantments and few runes on equipments. Apparently Eleanor, Lucas and Cecily also got called over to the headmaster's office. During the day, a few of my classmates were told the same thing.

Today, beast taming class taught people more about bonding, and we just do some trust exercises with our bonds. We were then given a paper at the end of class

"This is going to be our first field trip, it is going to be a great opportunity for some of you to find a bond instead of practicing with the school's magic beast" Professor (Emma) Steel announced

-Things always goes wrong during a field trip-

-Let's hope they don't- Dabria replied

-Yeah be more optimistic- Diana added

"It will be a camping trip, the camping equipments will be provided by the school, as for the food, you have to hunt for them, food that you brought along are also allowed, but if you hunt instead, you will get extra points" she continued "Those who decline to come will be counted as absent, you are not allowed to bring along your bodyguards, your bonds however are allowed"

-Easy points, too bad Damon can't join us-

-What happened over there?- Damon asked

-We'll tell you later- Siege answered


After dinner, I then headed for the headmaster's office, I left the bonds behind, because I'm pretty sure they aren't allowed in there under normal circumstances.

-Hopefully I'm not getting into trouble-

-Is it bad that I hope you do?- Dabria asked

-I thought we are in this together-

-I wish we aren't-

"Hey Perseus" Albert greeted as he caught up to me "Let's head there together"

We then headed to his office, we also met Eleanor, Lucas and Cecily right in front of the office, we then knocked and opened the door.

I thought as I saw Lucas

"You guys are earlier than the others, I'll make sure to give you students extra points for your punctuality" The headmaster said

There was also professor Williams with him in the room.

"We will have to wait for the others before we can announce the good news" Professor Williams said

"There are others?" Lucas asked "Did we get in trouble?"

"Hohoho fret not young Lucas, you will like what you hear" Professor Williams chuckled

Several more students then headed in after a while. None of them look any older than 16, meaning the oldest among us are probably a third year

"Seems like everyone is here, Professor Williams if you please" The headmaster said

"It would be my pleasure, headmaster" Professor Williams then cleared his throat "You all have been chosen to represent us in the upcoming inter-academy tournament as our junior team"

-I forgot about that, I was already chosen for this-

-I really hoped you got in trouble- Dabria grumbled

The headmaster then called me and 3 others to the front. They were all taller than me, which is embarrassing

"Congratulations" The headmaster said "You all are chosen as the candidates for the captain position for the junior team"

As he said that, a few people among the students gasped out loud and started whispering.

"A first year as a captain candidate?!"

"It's never been done before"

-Well that's a surprise-

-That's an understatement- Dabria agreed