Chapter 74: Strings are sharp

In the finals, we had to shake our opponent's hands to demonstrate good sportsmanship.

"Nice to finally meet you" Phillip shook my hand

"Your subordinate doesn't like they do" I pointed to the girl who I beaten in the exhibition match, she was glaring at me while she was shaking Elliot's hand

"Don't mind her, after her defeat, I was placed as the new captain, she was demoted to vice-captain, she is just disappointed that's all" he replied

Meanwhile, Albert went to shook Miller's hand.

"I will win's Cecily's heart today" Miller said

"We'll win today and cancel your engagement, Cecily should have a choice in choosing her own lover" Albert replied

"She will love me after I've proven my powers here today" Miller responded

"Back to your positions" the referee announced

We then headed back to our positions

"Phillip will stay behind with the guards, that's what Lucas and the others say"

"I'll intercept Miller as he comes to us" Albert offered "He's mine to fight after all"

"I'll help support, but I'm staying behind with the crystal" Caleb said

"Liam, let's focus on the crystal, you go for the crystal as me and Perseus distract their guards" Elliot ordered "Albert, we know that one of the guards is a spatial mage but, I got this C-rank orb for spatial disruption, so as you fight, no need for the spatial field"

"Got it" Liam nodded

"Loud and clear" Albert added

The stage then got set, our platform rose and split into different pieces, all of our platforms were floating, some pieces higher or lower than others.

"If you touch the ground, you'll be eliminated, but you can fly around as you wish, as long as you don't go out of bounds" the referee announced

"Fun, time to get my 3rd win"


We then sprang into action, from the looks of it, Phillip stayed behind to help out the guards as both their soldiers rushed at us, Miller and the ex-captain, Julia.

Albert intercepted Miller, Julia tried attacking me but I dodged her and flew toward the crystal, Julia then turned and chased after us

"She really got a thing for you huh" Liam commented as he flew to the crystal

"It's a 4 on 3, nice, let's win all of this"

Phillip then ignored Liam and Elliot and rushed to me

-Julia is behind you, she is no longer underestimating you- Dabria said

-These 2 is going to be a challenge then, I'll use 'Ferocity' if it comes down to it-

I then sprang forward, dodge Phillip's fist and uppercut him, I spun and kick the approaching Julia, she barely managed to dodge in time. Phillip and Julia then teamed up and went against me.

Liam struggled trying to get pass the 2 guards, even with Elliot distracting them.

"We know you like to use Elliot as a distraction, but it won't work for us" Phillip said

"Then I just gotta take you 2 down then"

"I'm not making the same mistake again!" Julia shouted as she swung her sword at me

"Woah, that could kill somebody you know, I can heal, but without my head, that's stretching it a bit"

"I am trying to kill you," she replied

"Well shouldn't shouted, it gives away your position"

-Stop giving your opponents advices and focus!- Dabria scolded

I then shot a wind blade and slashed Julia's arm and headed for it

Phillip then got in my way


I then shot several more wind blades grazing them and managing to drink a few

"Blood bullets" I casted, their blood in the air then shot themselves towards them

They tried to block it, but a few of the blood bullets pierced through them, they then backed away as they tried to heal, I then created several metal spikes and shot it towards them at high speed.

They were then on the end of an onslaught of metal spikes shooting their ways through them, as they were distracted by magic, I headed towards them and punched them both in the gut, the moment my fist made contact, Flames exploded blowing them away.

-I've made proper contact with their uniform underneath-

-How will that help?- Dabria asked

-I know what he's planning!- Ace shouted in my head

-I'd knew you'd get it-

"Tighten" I casted as the sleeves of their uniform tighten around their arm

-Lucky that everyone is wearing their uniform underneath-

-That's actually pretty smart, could've used it much earlier though- Dabria replied

"String magic, cut" Their uniform then glowed with my magic and aura, it tightened till their arms got cut off

-Nice to know aura works so well with magic, maybe the old man isn't that bad after all-

-Well, at least you are now more nicer than before, so I'll take that as a win in my ways to turn you into a good person- Diana said

-We're still a far way away from making him a decent person- Dabria retorted

-One step at a time- Diana chuckled

"String Magic?!" Phillip shouted as him and Julia howled in pain

"Should've used higher ranked clothing where I can't control, but since that isn't allowed, it's to my advantage" I smiled "I'm gonna borrow your clothes a bit, I won't leave you naked I swear, and Julia was it, don't worry, I won't be taking any of yours"

I then took his shirt off and knocked them both out as the referee came and took them off the stage as they both can no longer fight. I ran towards their crystal, I unravel the shirt into strings and surrounding them with magic and aura

"Hey you 2, sorry that I'm late to the party"

I then sent the strings and tied them to one of the guy's body

"Don't move unless you don't want to have any of your limbs, strings with aura are sharper than you think you know" I warned and the guy stopped moving

Liam and Elliot then teamed up on the other guy knocking him out

-Albert is now talking to Miller about how he doesn't deserve Cecily and he shouldn't force himself on her- Ace commented

-It's like a live romantic drama movie in a cinema- Diana added

-With a screen like that, it does feel like we're at a very loud cinema- Damon agreed

-She's about to join his harem, damn it! I want a lover too-

-If you keep whining, no girls will want to date you- Dabria said

We then destroyed the crystal as Albert defeated Miller

"Well seems like I'm undefeated in this tournament, nice!"

"Tell us about your secret attributes next time" Elliot replied

"It's my first time actually using it you know, I didn't think it would work"

"String magic, pretty useful to have" Liam nodded

We were then announced as the winner of the last event.