Chapter 89: Call me daddy

"We used his scales and made those jeans of yours out of it" Eliza presented "It was hard to mold, but right now it's a high end S-class armor, it'll also expand if you ever grow bigger or taller, so as long as you don't destroy it completely"

"Thanks" I then kept it in my spatial storage

Lucas and Eleanor were checking out the armor they got that was made from Damon's scales.

"We couldn't really make any accessories from the scales for your bond, so we instead use crystals to make earrings and necklaces" Eliza apologized

"That's fine"

"We got earrings for Ace and Siege and necklaces for the rest of you" Eliza continued

"How will Diana even wear a necklace?" Cecily asked

"Yeah, a necklace like that won't fit around a bird's neck" Eleanor added

Diana then transformed into her human form in front of them to their shock.

"A beast person?" Lucas asked "Was your bird always this cute?"

"No, if she was then in her human form, she would've a feature that differentiate her from a normal human" Aenon shook his head "She's a bird that can disguise as a human if she needed"

"Imagine our surprise when he told us" Luke chuckled

Eleanor thought to herself

We then wore the necklaces, Ace and siege wore their earring on one of there ears, I then help add extra runes to make sure it returns to the one who imprint it which was us, the crystal that was our necklaces and earrings was shaped like a sword and silver in color.

"Here's your other 2 necklaces" Eliza handed them to me

-Now we can all have matching ones, I'll give Nova his when he appear to us in person again-

-You've become more considerate now, you even thought about Dabria- Diana complimented


I'm disguising plot armor as a tuxedo for the ball, I am now inside, and around us were rich nobles in their fancy gowns, military heads in their uniform decorated with medals and awards

-That's a good idea to disguise your armor - Ace replied

-I hate fancy clothing, I can't believe people wear this stuff, it's feels really restricting, but we'll have to go meet Urie soon, so fortunately I'll be here for only a short while-

"It looks weird for you to come here alone, you could've ask your bird to disguise as your partner" Eleanor said

"Like I said, I have important business to tend to after this, so it's not like I need a partner"

-The people in this room are people we're going to have to go against when we join with the seekers of salvation- Siege said

-Yeah, we need to check them out to see if any of them are a major threat, so far none- Damon observed

-That's good, Albert will apparently cover for me, apparently he's about to do some performances when we're gone-


"You're early" Urie said

"Do you always dress like you're going to a beach?"

He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, black shorts and flip-flops. I switched to my casual clothing.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked "And especially after I turn you, you're going to have to call me father"

"I'm sorry, what now?"

"I'm the one who's going to turn you, it's not uncommon for a vampire calling the person who turns them, master, or father/mother"

"Yeah, I'm not gonna call you any of that, so one question when you turn me, your genes won't be mixed in with mine right? It'll be weird to be related to you"

"No" he chuckled "I can swear it on my pride, your genes will remain the same"

-Vampire take those very seriously, so he's not lying- Dabria said -And I can confirm what he is saying is true-

-I should've paid more attention when I got your memories-

"By the way, just a curious thought, are you the vampire king by any chance?"

"Oh so you know about that." he looked amused "No but I am a vampire prince"

-What's that?- Ace asked

-I'll answer this one, Dabria. In the vampire kingdom, they are ruled by a vampire king or queen, followed by the 5 princes or princesses, vampires respect power and authority, so those positions are voted in, to become a vampire prince, you must get votes from at least 3 of the 5 I just mentioned including from the one who's going to retire. As to become a vampire king, you will have to wait for the king to die or retire and you need 3 of 5 votes excluding yourself among the former king and your fellow princes and princesses-

-You paid more attention than I thought- Dabria said

-What if the king dies? Surely he can't vote- Siege asked

-Usually the king would have already written who he voted for in his will, and that one will count as 1 vote-

-But what if 2 princes/princesses get 2 votes each?- Diana questioned -And the king didn't vote in his will?-

-Then those 2 will fight, the winner will get to be king- Diana answered

"I didn't want to be a king, it was too boring, but I can assure you, my power does not lose out to the current king" Urie continued

"Ok then let's get this started, I want to be dhampir"

"You and your jokes, hahaha" he laughed before realizing that I was serious " Oh, you're serious about turning into one, hate to break it to you, but it doesn't work that way"

"Wanna make a bet then?"

"That's pretty interesting" he chuckled "Alright, if I win, you will immediately join us"

"If I win, I will get your vote when I become a candidate for the position of both the vampire king and the vampire prince"

"Considering that the chances of you turning into a dhampir is ridiculous in itself, I'll easily win this bet, deal" he laughed

-What makes you so confident?- Dabria asked

-You'll see-

-I think I know what's going on here and I like it- Damon smiled

-Me too, can't wait to spend all the money we get if you become a prince- Ace chuckled

"Do you know how it goes?" he asked

"Yeah, just get on with it"

He then use his nails to slash his palm, drops of blood dropped into my mouth, he then recited a prayer that the author is too lazy to type out, after a while, I felt a lot of pain as I was changing

"Now let's see, who will win our bet" he smiled as I was struggling on the ground


3rd person view

"I didn't think a terrorist would get in so easily" Professor Steel snarled as he watched a person being held hostage on the tall stairs where the king made his grand entrance

"We have captured many others, you can look around you, many generals and nobles have disappeared, even the ones that wasn't supposed to be here today" the terrorist said as he held his sword at a nobles throat "Our organization, the red sword has captured them and if you want any of them back..."

He then pointed his finger at Albert and Aenon

"We want those 2 in exchange, or the white haired kid and his dragon, we will give you one week to answer our demands, we will send you our location where the exchange will take place on the 7th day" A warp gate then appeared behind him as he backed up and entered it with his hostage "We don't do negotiations, if you don't give us what we want, we'll kill our hostages"

Everyone was panicking at what has just happened at the ball

"How did they used warp in here!? We even got disruption tools and spatial mages on stand by" The headmaster was frustrated

A scout then approached him and told him the answer

"Headmaster, all the spatial mages are killed, the surrounding disruption crystals were all broken as well" the scout reported