Chapter 98: You gods are annoying (2)

3rd person view

The people who were asleep now woke up, Perseus then disappeared from view and the inside of the black void had a change of scenery, they were all in what look like a modern park, there were trees, birds and a peaceful scenery, the park was surrounded by buildings, some tall, some short and the design of the buildings is unlike anything the people has seen in their lives.

-This looks like a park from your previous world- Aenon commented

-But there's no one here- Albert replied

-Perseus call this Dream World right? So this place has something to do with his dreams- Helena joined in

-Maybe it's a scenery from his previous world, it looks similar to mine- Albert looked around

-There's many different worlds out there,- Helena responded -The odds of many being similar isn't unusual, you've seen some in my memories-

"Now where did you disappear to?" Colden observed "Running away for help will not save these people here"

"I don't need help," Perseus' voice came from every direction "Although you're definitely going to need some"

Perseus' bonds then sat down and relax.

"This is going to be fun to watch" Ace said out loud for the god to hear

-Rest and be on stand-by, I don't know how long this one will hold on- Perseus warned them -He might have some tricks up his sleeve even after I kill this mortal body of his-

The ice surrounding the ones frozen started to melt and everyone started to heal up and got back their stamina an energy. Colden's vision then went black, he could neither hear nor smell anything, he lost all his senses including his sense of touch, he tried to scream, do anything, but he can't, he wanted to escape from this but can't. Only one thought came to his mind:

After what felt like eternity to him, he can finally see again.

He opened his eyes and couldn't breath, he was in water where he could see no end, he tried to swim up but his destination got further and further away, he started to drown, he couldn't breathe, his chest felt tight and there was nothing he could do about it. He was suffocating, his lungs started to fill with water and felt like it was about to burst, he then saw a giant leviathan coming up to him from a distance.

He can't use magic, he can't do anything, he tried to swim away, but it swallowed him whole and the same void of darkness appeared again. It felt a very long time till he can see again, this time, his waist downwards was in lava, all of the pain his body felt came rushing at him.

He screamed and cried in pain, he felt pain that he never felt before, somewhere in his mind, he thought about just dipping the rest of his body into the lava just to end his suffering, but the other part of his mind was his fear of death, the latter won. He struggled to get out of the lava and the lava rose, the more he struggles, the faster the lava rose, it didn't take long for the lava to overtake him.

He was subjected to many different form of deaths, being eaten alive, burned in hell's fire, torture...etc.

Finally he can see again for the nth time, he was in a cold blizzard, he had frostbite, he can barely feel anything except the cold, his fingers started to turn black, he tried to tug himself for warmth but nothing worked. Him, a god of ice, was dying from the cold.

Perseus then appeared in front of Colden, looking at him with pity.

"How do you feel after experiencing a lot of death?" Perseus asked arrogantly "And now look at you, a god, looking so pitiful, I'll tell you a secret, you've been in this world for only 7 minutes"

Colden looked at him in shock.

"Surprised? Well you gods need to get more sleep, then maybe you'll dream more" Perseus smiled "Time in a dream is fluid, it could be a day in here but only a second in reality or vice versa, you suffered long enough, I'll end it for real this time"

He walked forward and slashed Colden's head off as Dream world then disappeared. The sight that greeted the others shocked them, an opponent that they didn't think they stood a chance against them died in mere minutes.

1st person view

I then fell to my knees due to exhaustion. My bonds then ran up to me.

"You okay?" Damon asked

"Yeah, just really exhausted, that move drained a lot out of me"

-He's not really dead, right?- Siege asked

-No, he's probably somewhere in our realm right about now, trying to escape from his punishments from other gods- Diana answered

-Why is his spear still here then?- Ace asked

-I do not know, but I recommend you to dispose of it- Dabria responded

-I'll do it- Diana flew to the spear

Then a blue light descended onto the spear blowing the rest of us away. The ground started to freeze up, Diana protected us by creating a shield out of black flames. Colden in his own mortal form, walked out holding his spear

"You really are something," he laughed maniacally "The others are now after me, but before they arrive, I'll make sure to dispose of you before I go"

He then blasted several beams at us, Aenon and Damon intercept it, the beam then froze their arms.

-This is his own mortal form, it's still possible to defeat him- Dabria shouted

Colden then destroyed the castle summoning a wall of us, the rose to somewhere high in the air, Colden himself was floating in the air, ice shards were then shot at us, but before it hit us, we then got warped away.

"Seems like you can no longer fight, leave it to us" the headmaster said, holding a staff I've never seen before, dressed in a high ranked robe "We'll provide support for your dragons

"This will be my first time fighting such a strong guy, who would've guessed" Professor Steel laughed, he was in full armor, and on his hands was a golden gauntlet "I only know a little bit of long range spells but leave this to us"

Professor Williams who was quiet the whole time, took off a ring of his.

-He's also at a dark grey core like the headmaster- Dabria commented

-I can finally relax then-

-And we can finally transform- Damon joined in as him and Aenon flew up and turn into their dragon forms to intercept the god.

Eleanor and Albert ran to check up on me.

"Are you alright?" Albert asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, no injuries, just really tired, might pass out at any minute, the adrenaline is barely keeping me awake"

"What does he mean that you're only partially human? What happened to you?" Eleanor asked

"Long story, but let's focus on that old guy first, he might just be the end of us"

"You need our help?" a voice called out from behind us

I turned to see Draven and Urie.

"Told you, we'd come to the rescue" Urie smiled

"A bit too late for that, I got myself out"

"So a god himself appeared, who would've guessed" Draven looked toward the fight as he ignored us "I knew that ritual was bogus"

"What are they doing here?!" Professor Steel shouted

"Alright calm down, we're only here to save my son" Urie pointed at me

Everyone looked at me in shock.

"Don't call me that ever again"