Chapter 106: Haunted waters (2)

| I'm sorry for my absence! But I had an emergency to tend to, I apologize! |

"The door won't...budge" Lucas complained as he tried to pull the door open

"Let me" Damon then punched the door but it barely cracked and repaired itself, he then sighs when he turned to me "Just say it"

"Say what?"

"I told you so..."

"Right! I told you so, but oh noo, he just scared of ghost, let's make fun of him and let's just walk into a house that had the scent of a cliché horror movie written all over it!"

"What's a movie?" Cordelia asked

"Nevermind!" I then used Dream Eater to slashed the door but it also didn't work, a slash appeared and repaired itself.

I tried again with aura, it repaired slower, and the slash on the door becomes a bit distorted.

-We're trapped in some spatial space- Siege observed

-Can you use disruption to get us out?- Ace asked

-It'll take me a while using these eyes, I better get started-

My eyes then glowed as I focused on shattering it, I also casted blackhole in a few nearby rooms, to slowly absorb the surrounding magic to make it easier for me.

"It was a trap since the moment we stepped in here" Damon said to the others

"Man I'll start taking your advice more seriously next time, since you know how this thing kinda work, do you know how to get us out?" Lucas asked

"I'm working on it, it'll take a while, although there is a faster way..."

"What is it?" Eleanor asked


"That's your big plan?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Lucas retorted "WHY ME?!"

"I mean I'm not sacrificing any of my bonds, and these 2 are princesses, so when it comes down to you and me, I'm a year younger and more talented, it should be obvious that you should be sacrificed in order to let the rest of us go"

The rest nodded and agreed with my conclusion.

"Damn you and your smart brain!" he then cursed and throws a tantrum which was honestly very funny to watch.

"So is there a plan that you can get us out here without sacrificing him?" Eleanor asked

"Yes, it'll take a lot of time and focus, so just wait"

-What about using stellar black hole?- Diana suggested

-I can't control it properly yet, that's why even in the competition I used it for a short period, so for now I'll have to work with what I have-

-None of us have an affinity for dark magic so we won't be able to help- Ace sighs

"So we just have to wait right?" Cordelia asked

"Yeah just don't wander off, we don't know anymore about this place, it could be a death trap, so just stay here as I get us out"

"How manly," she smiled "I can kiss you right now"

"Don't, it'll ruin my concentration"

-You 2 have the weirdest relationship- Diana commented

-I know- Dabria agreed

Just then, we saw a flash as several bullets of light were shot at us, I then casted blackhole to block the attack.

"It was a trap, guys, prepare to fight back"

I then shot a huge light beam back in the direction the bullets came from. I then several presence of people. I then warped to them and managed to slash one guy's throat.

"I'm really ashamed of myself since I couldn't feel your presence earlier, my parents would be disappointed to hear that I've become your prey despite learning hunting skills"

Diana shot fireballs to a few, blowing them away from me, Damon, Ace and Siege warped and took down a few as well. Several more came out to attack us.

-We might need Professor Williams to teach us this, it's great, it can hide their presence very well-

-Focus, no time to be impressed- Dabria retorted


3rd person view

"Spread the search" Ravine shouted to the guards and professors "Find them at all cost"

Ravine concluded as he assigned several people to guard the remaining students.

"There might be spies among your team, otherwise this attack might not have been this easy for them" Anthony suggested "I've sent some of my professors as well, hopefully they will bring back good news"

"I won't worry about it too much, that kid is with them, it'll be a miracle if they can even kill one of them under his watch" Professor Steel said "But we'll help in the search"

Erik the dolphin beast person then ran up to them.

"We sensed traces of spatial magic in this big wooden house, when we entered, it was empty, we are working on tracing its origins as we are speaking" he reported

"Good, the earlier the better" Ravine nodded "Prepare the knights, we will have to fight these terrorist who dare to attack a member of royalty"


1st person view

"No one is out, that means that there shouldn't be anymore of these guys, anyone hurt?"

"I'm fine, I'm still not really used to killing" Eleanor replied

"Did they not teach you?" Cordelia asked as she took out her armor from her ring and put on her it on over her uniform

"They did, but I never really had to kill until the attack a few months ago" Eleanor answered as she put on her robe "Perseus, whatever you're doing, hurry it up please"

"I am" I replied as I put all of my energy into my eyes, it took a while till the spatial space around us cracked and shattered. We then appeared underwater, Lucas and Eleanor then popped a pill in their mouth in order to breathe underwater.

3 people then appeared before a swarm of them surrounded us.

"It's the 3 families isn't it?" I asked to which Cordelia nodded "Their revenge came earlier than I thought"


3rd person view

Colden was chained in a cell, he was helpless since the chains restricted his godly powers. He's been there since they caught him as he is now waiting for his trial before the council. Someone then walked up to it and opened the cell.

"I told you I w- Boss!" Colden then looked shocked "Why are you here?"

"I'm gonna let you off this time" the person replied "Leave before they find you, and do not go for your stupid revenge on that reincarnate for now, they really won't let you leave their sight since they find out that you escaped, so find the others, they will help keep you hidden"