Chapter 121: I'm a bad guy

-The gods are really enjoying the situation right now- Dabria commented -It seems you have become really popular-

-The goddesses or the gods? I want the specifics-

-Doe it matter?- she sighs -But you're equally popular among both of them-

"Don't bother calling any more of your guards, I maybe currently a mid red core, but I'm sure you know what I'm capable of"

"Well I never expected myself to get caught" The king sighs "Honestly I'm quite speechless right now"

"Well better give me good reasons or I will kill you"

"Restrain him!" A knight commanded as he charged at me along with a few others but they were then put down by my bonds

Aenon also jumped into action as he smashed their faces head first into the ground cracking it.

"I'm also quite mad right now" he chuckled "You planned on manipulating Albert's emotions? Since you plan to mess with him, you're now messing with me, now give us a good reason or else I will join Perseus in killing you"

"Well look at you right now, Perseus, you are uncontrollable and unpredictable, if we can't tie you down with us...It would be better eliminate you before you become a threat" he reasoned

3rd person view

"Hah, this is more entertaining than I thought" The disguised Urie laughed as the whole trial was in chaos

"Please be quiet, Mr. Urie, the trial is still ongoing despite its chaos" Jake shushed him as he then got up

"How did you know who I was?" Urie asked, a bit impressed "No wonder you were a former commander, are you going to report me in?"

"You and young master Perseus have a similar scent, something that is a bit different from us humans, though unlike you, Perseus' scent is almost indistinguishable from humans" Urie replied "And no, reporting you in would be useless, I can easily sense how strong you are, lives would be lost if we were to confront you"

"We could use a man like you, are you interested in joining us?" Urie asked "Just so you know, our goal is actually for a good cause, we just cause minor terrorism along the way"

"Yeah, I could actually use a subject" Rex joined in the conversation "My last subjects died, by last, I meant the red sword"

"I would respectfully decline" Jake bowed

"What if Perseus were to join us?" Urie asked

"Then that is his decision, and I would respect it" Jake replied "From what he's been saying, if I were him, joining you guys isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if a kingdom got you on their death list"


"Wow, I'm surprised" Alice covered her mouth "He found information that even we can't"

"Heh, not bad, not bad at all" Draven chuckled as he then sipped his cup of ice coffee "He really is the best candidate for the number 13 spot since it's currently vacant"

"Well he has my vote, let's continue watching, this is fun" Alice giggled "I wish the others are here to see this, but it seems like they're busy"


1st person view

"Heh, you're right" I grinned "I'm the bad guy here, I always am and always was"

"What are you talking about?" Aenon asked

"I'm unpredictable. I don't trust people, Cyrus, I sneak out a lot and do my own things, I even listened in to the teacher's meetings regularly, I know a lot of things that the school planned"

"Wait what are you saying?" Professor Steel asked

"He hid his presence" Damon explained "He knew of all your plans, and he also know about how you usually sneak around at night to professor Green's room to meet each other privately every week"

"That's ridiculous!" Professor Steel shouted

"I have a lot of trust issues, unless I properly investigate everything, I won't trust them right of the bat, I even know about things the teachers like to hide, that's why I'm grateful to them and the school, even if I was to kill everyone here, I would at least spare them since unlike you, they at least care somewhat about me"

"A threat, you say? Hahaha, you know what, I'll let you live today, Cyrus, and I'm announcing it right here, I'm quitting Phoenix Academy and I'm leaving this kingdom. And whatever forces you sent to me, I'll eliminate every single one of them, due to my trust issues, I got plans to counter every single being this world have to offer, dragons, an army, my own teachers, my classmates and now even the gods themselves. I noted down all their strength, their weaknesses, and their abilities"

"Turns out...I'm just like you guys, I'm a hypocrite, unless I consider you as family...I will eliminate you if you get in my way"

"You really are crazy...Guards! Seize him!" The king commanded

Guards then burst in from the door at the side of the court

"Crazy? You're right, when this trial started, you thought that I was in the palms of your hands, but...unfortunately, it seems like you were in mine, illusion magic: mystic illusion, deactivate"

The illusion was then unveiled as the royal guard who was by his side then disappeared, the guards that burst through the door, less than half remained as the others vanished into thin air.

"What's going on?" the king shouted

"I came to this room after I found out that I was being trialed here, took me a long time to set all those guys up you know, using memory magic to imitate perfect movement and using illusion magic to create solid clones is really tough you know, besides your securities around here suck"

"Yeah, and it took so long just to destroy the spatial disruption tools around here" Diana added

"Where are my guards? What have you done with them?!" he shouted in a panic

"Don't worry, we didn't kill them" Damon laughed "They'll be waking up real soon, though they will be a bit late and very smelly, you need to manage your trash better"

-Can I fight these guys?- Ace asked as he pointed toward the guards that are left

-Go ahead, Dabria isn't going to stop us, and neither will the other gods-

-Be careful though- Dabria warned -These guards are tougher than your usual thugs-

-Be quick then, because we will have to escape after this- Diana added

Ace then cheered as he went to engage the knights and mages.

-I'll make sure he's okay- Siege then went after him

"Did you really not trust us when we first met?" Albert walked up to me

"At first, I wanted to use you because you were too nice are a good friend and if you're ever in danger, just call for my help, I'll come your way"

-Wow, I feel like a proud mother right now- Diana commented

-Well funny enough, you're almost old enough to be my g- -

-Don't say it, don't you dare say it, Perseus- Diana warned

"Let me leave you with a warning, King Cyrus, in 2 years, I will compete to become the vampire prince, and you won't be able to kill me then, since you will be risking war with their kingdom, a kingdom far more powerful than this, so good luck"

-Ace, Siege, we're leaving-

-Awwww- Ace then came back alongside Siege

I then opened a warp gate to Neelofar.

"Well then, good bye everyone, and thank you for everything, but I'm not welcomed in this kingdom anymore, so I will be taking my leave"

"Hold on there, Perseus" the head master tried to stop me "You're being too rash"

"It's already too late, headmaster, and you should be angry at me, I snooped around behind your back and investigated you because I didn't trust you, there are many students that deserve the top spot than a hypocrite like me, so treat them well"

Me and my bonds then entered the warp gate, leaving Artia behind