Chapter 124: Coincidence? I think not

3rd person view

"Everyone, prepare for a meeting at our headquarter in 3 weeks time" Zach said to the communication amulet "And I want you all to come in person, do not send your representatives in your stead, it is time for our annual meeting"


"Fun, it seems that everyone will come together again" Urie chuckled

"I don't see that as fun, considering the personalities of everyone there" Draven responded


1st person view

Me and my bonds walked into Cordelia's office, we wanted to ask for a favor from her, she was busy filing paperwork as we got in.

"So I'm sure you got a spatial mage who's been to Modia before? Can I ask them to bring me there past the gates where I don't need to show my identification?"

"And why do you want to visit there?" Cordelia asked "But yes, we do have many spies here and there, so we do have a few that can do what you're asking for. Why do you want to go there?"


"About what?"

"Dragons and phoenixes, I already check Artia's royal library, they do not have what I want"

"I doubt they'd let you in easily like our kingdom here, and we only allow you because of your connection to us royals"

"I had to literally charm my way in, I also plan to do the same in Modia"

"One condition, bring me with you"

"I can clearly see you doing paperwork, you look too busy to accompany us and why do you want to come anyway?"

"Mostly because I'm bored" she sighs "And going with you seems like a fun trip"

-She has a very twisted definition of fun- Siege commented

-Yeah, we just admitted to wanting to go into a restricted area without permission- Ace agreed

-They seem oddly perfect for each other- Dabria said -Just bring her along, you have nothing to lose-

"Fine, when are they available?"

"Tomorrow" she answered

"Can you arrange for that?"

"Yep, so it's just a trip between us right?"

"Yeah, just me, you and my bonds"


"If anyone pays enough proper attention, our disguises barely look any different from our usual selves" Cordelia commented

"Well I'm too lazy to use illusion magic to change our whole looks, it's hard to keep up, so just altering our hair and eye colors are good enough for now"

"I got one question that I've been meaning to ask, why do you donate your money to orphanages?" she asked

"Isn't donating your money to people who need it most a good thing?"

"It is, but wouldn't you rather keep your wealth to yourself?"

"I would, but some people made me promise, so here I am"

"Where are they? Is it someone I know?"

"They're passed away a long time ago"

"I wouldn't question it further then" she then took out a map "From the map we're given, we're close, but we might want to take the long way, since we want to avoid your former schoolmates"

"Make sure you keep your distance when I use charm, I don't want you to attack me in public"


"Hey, you're not allowed to come in" a guard shouted "It's for trusted nobles only"

"Open the door for us please" I then used charm as they then opened the door at my order "And forget about us please"

-Dabria, can you sense where the secret room is?-

-Over there, to the right- Dabria answered -Those 2 who are reading over there are guards, they might look like they're reading, but they're very alert!-

-We'll break in next week then, for now, we have to find out what we can from this one-

-I guess we'll split for now, let's find out what we can-

"That's a really useful skill to have" Cordelia commented as she walked up to me "Have you used it on a female before?"

"If you count accidents, then yes, once"

"Who did you use it on?"

"One of my professors, I was using it to train the wyverns and not realize that she was within its range, now it's kinda imprinted in her head and the only way to get rid of it is to rid some part of her memories" I answered before getting a book about mythical creatures and sat down to read it

"Who taught you how to use it?" she asked while she read a book about the world's geography

"You remember Nova right? He gave me it in my dreams, so that's how I got it. He only gave me a few tips and tricks, I just figure it out as I go. Oh before I forget, here"

I then handed her a necklace that got a silver sword as its pendant.

"I got Eliza to make an extra one for you"

"Put it on for me please" she said as she turned around

"Of course, your highness"


3rd person view

"Are all the students given their room yet?" Professor Steel asked

"Yes, they are currently spending their free time shopping close by, maybe you should do the same with your girlfriend over there" professor Emma teased

"Be careful not to get too lovey dovey out here," Wally warned "There are students around, we must look as professional as possible"

"This is why I asked for separate trips for each classes" Professor Steel grumbled "But budget problems, now I'm being teased by a bird, but we're too tired to go around right now, we're thinking of just relaxing in our rooms"

"You can join me and Wally in the royal library then since we're allowed, a few of my students will also accompany us if you don't mind"

"Well I see nothing better to do anyway" he sighs


1st person view

"I know this presence, why are they here?!"

"Who?" Cordelia asked

-We can't just run or warp out of here without looking suspicious, so you guys stick together and avoid them, but don't stray too far from me, otherwise, we'll lose our disguises-

-I don't think we can warp away if we tried, there's spatial disruption in the library- Ace replied

-Worst case scenario is some awkward conversations about how you got in here- Diana responded

"Is it your schoolmates or teachers?" Cordelia looked at the entrance "Can't you hide your presence really well?"

"I can, but if professor Steel see a guy with no presence, he's definitely going to recognize that it's me, so let's just keep quiet and not get caught"

"This is too much of a coincidence, why are they here?"

"How would I know?!"


3rd person view

In front of the royal library...

"Wow, this really is the kingdom of scholars, their library is huge" Lucas whistled "Are you sure we can go in with you guys?"

"Yeah, we can just head back" Eleanor nodded

"It's fine, trust me" Professor Emma reassured them

They then showed their identification card as professors and vouch for the students as they were then allowed in

"I smell him, he's here" Wally said

"Smell who?" Professor Emma asked

"This shampoo, it's familiar, Perseus, he's here" Wally answered