Chapter 135: I have to meet who now?

| Happy new years everyone |

3rd person view

"Perseus Silver, an SS-rank threat, isn't that too high ranking for a kid?" On of the nobles asked

"He was an S-rank threat when he was human and in the red core stage, now he's apparently a dhampir, a corrupted, and a purple core" The king explained "Not just that, he has a dragon and a phoenix with him, an SS-rank threat is suitable for him"

"You should've never marked him as a threat in the first place, my dear nephew" Anthony rubbed his forehead "He found out and now left this kingdom, expecting him to seek his revenge is not out of the picture now, you also forgot that he can seek help from a leviathan whose core is in the black stage at any time, if he really does come after us, we're doomed"

"Then let's vote on it like usual" the king suggested "Hands up if you want to classify and deem Perseus Silver as an SS-rank threat"

Hands then went up except Anthony Magus and Light Williams

"Well then it seems like most of us are in agreement" The king nodded as he stamped a paper "People are given permission to hunt him down the moment he steps foot into this kingdom"


"Wanted Dead or Alive? SS-rank bounty? The kid already made himself a famous target in Artia" Draven chuckled

"You guys really found someone interesting" Erix smiled as he drinks a cup of tea "I expect nothing less from someone even the boss approves, can't wait to see him in the meeting"

"Well young master West also gave him the 13th seat after their discussion" Alice commented "He must've done it for a reason, I've asked him why, but he said that Perseus is similar to him, he wouldn't elaborate any further too."

"Well he's always have a reason for anything he does" Urie smiled "Giving him the 13th seat is okay with us, but I doubt that the rest of our organization agrees with it"

"Well he's good right? Let a few of em challenge him, it's not like they'll win easily if you all think that highly of him" Erix suggested "I'm also interested in seeing him myself"


1st person view

"Welcome back" Cordelia greeted me the moment I entered my house

"You really like staying at my parent's house while I'm gone, huh"

"Well blame yourself for not being home more often despite not needing to go to the academy anymore"

"Aren't your brother and father going to be worried?"

"It's fine" she shrugged "And don't worry, like your parents, they've already approved"

"I still don't get how you got her despite your first words were 'are you single?', every time I say that to a lady, I get slapped" Dad popped in

"Was it the ladies that slapped you, mom, or both?"

"Good guess, it was both" he nodded with an impressed face

-I want to tell him that I don't think that that's not what you teach your kids, it's like that time he told me about the birds and the bees in very vivid details-

-What's more surprising was that you were the most innocent in your group which is highly concerning- Dabria commented -I'm surprised that you weren't arrested in your past life-

-I learned it from your memories, and let's just say, if it wasn't me, I doubt anyone would stay sane, your friends are a really bad influence- Ace added

"Just know that you happen to let Cordelia go, I would never forgive you" Mom chimed in from the kitchen


We were having dinner, but unlike usual I noticed that my parents looking more nervous than usual, only my cousins were oblivious as they were digging into their food.

-You don't need me to tell you that something happened, right? Their heartbeats are very loud- Siege commented

"All right, what are you guys hiding? I think that I told you before that I can hear your heartbeats"

"Yes, we know, I also mentioned how creepy that was" Olivia replied "Well John, Axel tell him"

"You're his parent so you do it" John nudged dad

"So do you want the bad news or the worse news?" Dad asked

"Let's go for the worse news"

"You know how we get our money nowadays is by Count Golds sending us our money through spatial mages giving us the mails? Well we just got a letter, Artia has now deemed you an SS-rank threat" Dad explained "The moment you stepped into the kingdom, bounty hunters and adventurers have the rights to hunt you down, so I would advise you to not step foot there, same goes for your bonds"

"I expected it, considering how I threatened the king's life last time, so what's the bad news"

"My parents have asked us to visit them" he answered

"I thought you told me that they were dead and left you and uncle John at a young age"

"Yes, that's what we told you before you can detect lies, lucky that we did and it was also very fortunate that you didn't pursue the topic further"

"Um no, I kinda knew, you were fidgeting a lot, eyes looking away, your body language gave it away, since you had to lie, there must be a reason, so I didn't pursue it any further"

"He must've gotten that smart side from your side right?" Dad asked mom

"Obviously" Mom rolled her eyes

"Well long story short, terrible parents, we actually come from a marquis household, we got disowned and now we have to visit them, because they want to see their grandkids" John explained "And we thought that it's the least we can do"

"Thank you for keeping it short, what about mom's side of the family?"

"Oh, they actually died when I was young" Mom answered

-I expected really bad news but this seems alright-

-I bet your family would pass out if they realize about your past life- Dabria commented -Diana cried when she experienced your memories-

-Yeah, most of the things you experienced isn't going to shock you after you experience 2 lives- Siege added

"You're taking this in a lot better than we thought" Dad said

'I mean, we got a dragon and a phoenix living in our house, I don't think that the news you just told me will shock me, when will we go and meet them?"

"After your meeting with your new teacher or whatever" Dad answered

-Right, the meeting, I almost forgot about that-

"Well I look forward to meeting my grandparents then"

"Can I come too?" Cordelia asked

"If you want yes, but if they starts to insult you, or one of them hits on you, don't say we didn't warn you" Mom responded

"I'll kill them if that happens"

"Perseus, mind your language now, Oliver and Emily are here too" Olivia warned
