Chapter 143: Concerned

3rd person view

"Struan, what are you doing here? It's so early" Mary greeted the prince of Neelofar "Usually it's Cordelia, what bring you in today? Come in, you can join us for breakfast"

| Yes, he has a name, I'm too lazy to call him prince of Neelofar or Cordelia's brother |

"I've had mine, is Perseus awake?" he asked

"Nah, he's been sleeping a lot ever since we returned from Zale, I'm slightly concerned that he wasn't joking when he said that he wants to be a slacker in the future" Axel chuckled "His bonds also share his sleeping habits a bit, so none of them are awake right now. Do you want me to go wake him up?"

"No need, I am here to talk about Perseus though" Struan then took a seat on the couch

"Do you no longer approve of his relationship with Cordelia? Is he too young?" Mary asked with a concerned tone

"Haha no, I approve, he might not be legally allowed to be married yet, but he's still old enough to have an engagement, I proposed the idea, but my sister said to wait for him to ask her first" he chuckled "I just have a concern that I want to get addressed"

"What is it? We'll answer you the best we can" Axel replied

"Don't you think that he hides a lot of secrets?" Struan asked "First he was human, then next he's a corrupted dhampir. He still hides most of his abilities, I'm not saying that he's a bad person, but do you not have any worries or concerns? Even the Irons told me not to worry,'s the first time I've seen my sister being actually infatuated with someone, and I can't help but be worried"

"Worried? That's an understatement" Axel snorted "We worry about his health everyday, but we're his parents, as long as he's happy, we're happy"

"And as for his secrets, he'll tell us soon enough, he can't keep his secret long" Mary added "He couldn't even hide his desires when he met her. I must say, as sweet as she is, for her to fall for him after a ridiculous question like 'are you single?' is like n=something out of a novel"

"Tell me abou-" he replied but was interrupted when he heard the doors opened

"I knew it, you were here trying to get us both engaged without our consent" Cordelia exclaimed

"I'm not that insistent in doing so" he shrugged

"Wait guys, be prepared" Axel warned as he took out a sword

"What's happening?" Struan asked as he also pulled out a sword

"Perseus got lots of runes and enchantments on this house, if there's any unauthorized entry, we'll know" Mary explained "If the intruder isn't downstairs...they're in Perseus room"


1st person view

"Wake up" A familiar voice said

"Please leave my house, if I didn't recognize both of your presence, I would've retaliated right about now. Terra, just because I gave you my address, doesn't mean you can just break in whenever you want"

"Sorry, Stella forced me, and her position is higher than mine, so I had to obey" Terra apologized

"Perseus, there's a change of plans, someone have found the dungeon of my father's staff" Stella explained "He said to come get you and he will personally brief you our mission, I didn't know your address, so I asked Terra for the location"

"I tried to resist, but I don't want to suffer the same result as our fight did back then." Terra shrugged

-I was having a good dream too- Ace yawned

-Well let's deal with your parents first- Siege commented -I can hear the loud footsteps-

"You oka- Woah... here I was, worried about an intruder, and turns out my son has 2 women in his room" Dad rubbed his forehead "What have I raised?"

-An idiot- Dabria answered

"I know what it looks like, but hear me out, I do not have an affair with them"

-They're both flat as a board, not that I mind, but I rather go for the ones that have something-

-Shut up- Dabria retorted

"That's the nymph!" Cordelia pointed at Terra

"Woo, your girlfriend really is hot" Terra whistled "If I was into women, I'd already be hitting on her"

"Shut up, Terra, I'm having a headache right now, Terra, Stella, please leave my room, I'll be there after I clean myself up...and clear up the misunderstanding, because from the looks of it, my family is getting a misunderstanding"

"You can't order me around" Stella argued "We have equal positions"

"Terra, take Stela...and Parker out of my room please"

"Well Stella, he's my boss, so come on" Terra insisted

"Make it quick" Stella said before they jumped out of the window

"Boss? What was that all about?" Mom asked

"Let me take a shower first" I then yawned "It seems like I have quite a bit to explain"


I then cleaned myself up and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"That girl, the mountain nymph or oread, whatever you call it. She was a black core, why did she call you boss?" Struan asked "She was even stronger than me and that Stella person with the draconic wings, I couldn't even determine her strength"

"Oh, remember the teacher I told you guys about, Stella is his daughter, and I am among his direct disciples, so me and Stella have the same position. As for Terra, she is a problem child, so my teacher thought that it was a great idea to get her under my supervision"

"Don't worry, Perseus have not abused his position to take advantages of the girls under his supervision...yet" Damon commented

"Not helping Damon"

"There are others? Should I be worried?" Cordelia asked

"Don't worry, I only love you."

"That's really sweet but stop trying to change the subject" he replied "I do miss your blushing face though, it's like a rarity nowadays"

"Unless there's a goddess that he's close with, those women are nothing but coworkers in his eyes" Diana reassured

-Of course, if I can, I would marry both Dabria and Cordelia-

-Still very honest with your desires, huh?- Dabria responded -But dream on, kiddo-

-Like Cordelia, I also got the brother's permission you know-

-He did what now?-

-He thought that it'll be funny if you actually become my lover-

-I'm slapping him the next time I see him-

We then spent a few minutes reassuring my family that I am okay and I am not forced to do anything by them.

"So where will you go now?" Cordelia asked

"Don't worry, I just gotta get in and out of a dungeon, think of it as a test by my teacher"