Chapter 149: The staff of greed

"This is the entrance? How is a large group of student's going to explore in here?" Damon asked

The entrance to the dungeon was a small cave at the side of a mountain, it looks like it would support 5 people at most in there. I used dream magic to put all the surrounding Artian guards to sleep.

"Come in first, they already figured out on how to access the actual dungeon" Stella then went inside.

On the wall of the cave, there is letters that say 'Welcome to the cave of greed, just me your money, and lots of it'.

-Zach is really honest with his desires, huh?-

-Well, you reincarnates are all abnormal, Albert is the normal among you reincarnates, maybe that's why he has a huge fanbase among the goddesses- Dabria replied

-He what?-

-Got a huge fanbase among the goddesses, don't worry, you also have a fanbase amongst some of the gods, if that make you feel any better- she answered

-It doesn't-

"We were supposed to melt a hundred gold coins here to access the dungeon, but they figured it out" Stella commented "This is my first time here too so I don't know much, we weren't allowed to come here without permission"

"Your father is really strict, no wonder he's the big boss" Terra grumbled

Stella then injected her mana onto the ground, the ground then lit up gold, we all sunk into it and my vision was then blinded by bright golden light.

The next moment, we are in this large room, the floorings, the walls and everything was gold. In front of us was this huge and tall door made of golden light with a bowl of bright yellow flames. There was inscription on the bowl too.

'Only the blood of my kin may unlock this door'

Stella then slashed her palm and dropped her blood into the bowl of flames, the flames grew brighter but nothing happened.

"Well his daughter can't access it, did the boss send us on a dead end mission?" Bora asked "Does he have any other blood related relatives we know about?"

"You know he doesn't do that" Perun argued "But no I don't think he does"

-Blood of kin, I think I know what he's referring to-

-You will probably add more misunderstandings into your profile- Siege commented

-I know, a kin, the blood of a reincarnate, but how does one distinguish the differences between regular blood and our blood?-

-You don't have a magic core- Dabria explained -Mana runs wildly throughout your body and your blood has those wild mana. The thing that's holding the bowl, you can see it too, it's filled with runes and enchantments, it's made to determine the differences between your blood and regular blood-

"Let me, I know what it needs"

I then dropped my blood onto the flames. The door then slowly dissipated revealing in front of us a dungeon full of traps and obstacle.

"Oh my god, you are my brother" Stella exclaimed "I knew it!"

-This is what I was afraid of, dad isn't going to be happy once he heard that I have 2 more dads-

-I don't think any of your parents are going to be happy, once they've heard you joined the seekers- Dabria retorted

-I know, but we've prepared for this-

"Please don't, this is going to be like the vampire kingdom all over again"

"Blood of kin, how do you explain that then? I may be created and not have an ordinary birth, but I have his blood, maybe it only reacts to his biological child" she concluded "You both got no magic core, he knew about your abilities, he teamed me up with all make sense now. I've always wanted a sibling, and he finally granted me one"

She then came crying and hugged me.

"He should have told me" she cried

-Guys, help-

-You're on your own- Siege replied

-Yep, we're your bonds, we are just as powerless as you- Ace agreed

-Yeah, we can't exactly fight her either, she's much stronger than all of us- Damon added

"Let's get this staff and we'll talk this out later" I said as I broke from her hug

"Bora, you might wanna talk more respectfully to him now" Perun nudged him

"Nah, I gave him my loyalty and signed a soul contract, I ain't giving him anything else" Bora replied "Calling him my boss is already taking too much outta me"

"Um Stella, you know any short cuts to the staff? I don't want to go through these obstacles"

"Of course little brother, he said that once the door is down we can use this warp scroll, I got 2, one to immediately arrive at the staff room and the other to arrive back here, where we have to close the doors again" she answered as she took out a scroll from her teddy bear's mouth. "We would have to solve this like normal, but they found it, so we do not have much time"

"There's spatial disruption tools here, we can only use spatial storage at most, how are those scrolls going to help?"

"Well he just said that it would work when I drop it into the flames, and I trust our father with my life"

"He's not my father, I already have a dad, my uncle even did blood resonance and it's a match"

"Then why can you use magic despite not having a core, just like father?" she raised an eyebrow

"They don't?" Terra asked "I thought you need a core to even use magic"

"I can't tell you"

"Well then, my little brother who's also my father's secret love child" she then dropped the scroll into the fire, a giant warp gate then appeared instead of the golden barrier "Shall we go?"

"We'll discuss this later" I sigh as I stepped into the giant warp gate

We then arrived into this throne room, but instead of a throne, there was a simple golden staff made of plotinum floating in this like beacon of light.

"Simple design, it's just like him to have such a simple yet beautiful design" Terra commented

"Anyone wanna try to see if they can wield it?"

"Look at the inscription, it says 'Can only be wielded by my kin' " Bora pointed out "Well we saw what happened with the gates, it's all you boss"

-Another one to add to the books-